BSA Sportsman 15

Started by Fieldmor77, April 25, 2012, 10:57:49 PM

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G,day to all, happened to be in the right place at the right time the other day, and picked up a nice BSA Sportsman fifteen for the princely sum of a bottle of Rum.
A Fella i work with found out i was a shooter and asked if i would take this old 22 he had off his hands, the only thing he could tell me about it was that it had a tube magazine.
So the exchange was made, Rifle for Rum and when i got home and unwrapped it i got a pleasant surprise, it was in pretty good nick, the stock had been painted at some point with a brush and gloss varnish, and the metal work had a liberal coating of surface rust, however the bore was like a mirror.

As you can see, not too bad at all, got to work on the refurbish and i think it has come up not too bad, the only thing missing is the sight elevator, but i will be hunting down a peep sight for it anyways.



The finished product.
By the proof marks i think it may have left the factory in 1955, stay tuned for the range report.


Very nice too :jumpingsmiley: now may I suggest you acquire a Parker-Hale 16 rear sight for it. It screws to the two holes on the left rear of the receiver and they are a vast improvement over the std rear sight.

The windage arm swings tot eh side for bolt removal

 Quite compact and robust too. Oh yes that one is fitted to my Sportsman Five. John Knibbs still has soem spares for these. The trigger on mine had been wrecked by a previous "owner" trying to improve it and I got a new one from John.
Go Get them Floyd!


Very nice pick up. That rifle should be a keeper. I like the oldies.
A peep will set things off nicely.

I can remember seeing a couple of these rifles at gun shows going for around $150 a few years ago. Like a fool I didn't buy one....
"Belief:" faith in something taught, as opposed to "knowledge:" which is awareness borne of experience.


B.H, that is the very sight i am after, i found one on e-bay in the states for $45, which will be a last resort as i have seen box fulls of peep sights and odds and ends at the various local gun shows.
After a bit of research it seems the Sportsman ten is the one to collect with a tad under ten thousand made, which makes them fairly scarce.

Hornet, there are quite a few going on used guns at the moment for between $200 and $250.
And yes it's a keeper, i have a soft spot for the BSA brand, they are a quality piece for sure.


Sadly the prices have gone up over the last year or two. One used to be able to pick up there P-H 16's easily and cheaply now they are going for quite silly money. As for the rifles well no one wanted them and I gave £15 or £25 from my Sportsman Five and £35 and £45 for the two Super Sport Fives I own.

I'll keep my eyes open for any more of the P-H 16's.
Go Get them Floyd!


Thanks B.H, i don't think i will have any problems tracking down a sight here once i put out the "feelers", as there must have been at least a few thousand sold here back in the day.


Very nice 'get', and a very nice job refurbishing it. Of course the idiots here Stateside would be yowling to the heavens that you 'ruined' it by refinishing it. Nit wits!

Be nicer than necessary.


Nice pick up and refurb there Fieldmorr77.

Looking forward to see how it shoots.



Pssst Gitano,

    Don't tell anyone but my Sportsman Five was re-blacked :antlers:

I polished it by hand and just had them dip it. They wanted to re-polish to remove the little specks left by old rust spots but I explained to them the re-black was to make sure all the rust was dead. Looking closely one can still see the little specks but from a short distance away it looks perfect. What I would consider a true restoration/preservation. Of course I would be decried by many :no: but hey there was never any intention of selling it. I would love to give the NSA No2A the same treatment .................................... perhaps I will get the chance one day:-

The blacking has worn a bit thin over the last 80-100 years. The Model 2A was introduced in 1912. Perhaps I should contact Mr Knibbs and see if he can find when it was shipped from the factory.
Go Get them Floyd!


Very nice B,H. funny how some blokes get upset about refurbs, nothing wrong with having something old that looks like it just left the factory,


There is a 'sickness' in this country started by a group of East Coast effete snobs that became "famous" on a show called "The Antique Road Show", wherein ANYTHING "old" is "ruined" if you IN ANY WAY alter its "original" finish. This applies particularly to things: 1) made of silver, like coins, silverware, and silver dinner-pieces like creamers, etc; 2) guns; 3) furniture - God FORBID you have even looked harshly at a piece of 'antique' furniture, and 4) basically ANYTHING THEY decide is "historically important". I think you can sense my opinion of their "expertness" and the whole pile of manure surrounding "original finish" and 'value'.

Be nicer than necessary.


He .... hee well I am about to try and restore the finish on a veneered Queen Anne style  two drawer writing bureau. Of course it's a not a real Queen Anne one just a 40-60 year replica. Of course those snobs would have a heart attack at my cleaning the rust off the antique M93 Boer Mauser. Although the curator of the Boer Museum in Blomfontein did not think it was a bad thing to do. he was pleased that the rust was stopped.
Go Get them Floyd!


Nice job on that little honey, Fieldmore. The refinish, in my opinion was worthwhile. It's a shooter for sure and that blemish at the wrist just wouldn't be right. Besides, anyone seeing it would think it was your fault and that you just don't care about your guns.

Regarding "East Coast Sickness" (Thickness?), how could you argue about that, friends from the far Northeast and Southeast notwithstanding? ;) As far as gun collecting, I don't know if the issue of restoration has to do with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder or a concern about fakery. After reading a few posts here about laying away collectable guns as a future investment to hand down to one's heirs, I bought a book about gun collecting.

The author discussed the various issues of collectible restoration. Basically it's ethical to restore a collectible/classic as long as the seller doesn't misrepresent that fact when selling. The seller should be prepared to take a hit on the price compared to an original, but it depends on the buyer. The problem comes in when the buyer becomes the seller or someone else down the line as the collectible is resold. How does the original owner know if a future owner won't misrepresent his own restoration work? Some restorers go as far as inscribing who did the work and when on a hidden area, but a huckster can find it and sand/polish the inscription off.

I have a 1917 vintage 1911 that at some time in it's life got a nickel chrome finish. Actually, it's quite handsome but would have been worth more in it's original finish. Doug Turnbull restorations can return it to factory original finish. I called them to ask if they thought it was worth doing to my gun. The man said it would cost $2,000 USD (choke) to do the job but that they were selling such guns for $5,000 USD (oooh). I can document this out the yin yang and of course Turnbull will inscribe the gun too.

However, I have no control of how it will be represented after I've handed it down to my kids or have sold it. Sure, a future owner could restore it and misrepresent it but then that person will be misrepresenting his work and not mine. The author also covers refinishes performed at the original factory or at arsenals but that's beyond the topic here. I'm enjoying the book so if you want to read about these other issues, I'd recommend the book:

331+ Tips and Tricks
A How-to Guide For the
Gun Collector

by Stuart C. Mowbray, Mowbray Publishing

I may skirt the issue altogether, keep the finish and have the Colt engraved with some tasteful Art Deco scroll work and turn it into a work of art, someday. For now, it is accurate and fun to shoot, even with hammer bite.

Getting back to the BSA, I don't know if this is even an issue. I just hope you have a good time shooting your new rifle.
It would be a shame to waste a perfectly good mistake by not learning from it.


QuoteThe author discussed the various issues of collectible restoration. Basically it's ethical to restore a collectible/classic as long as the seller doesn't misrepresent that fact when selling. Says THIS AUTHOR. Think about the logic of that statement. The AUTHOR is defining "ethical behaviour" BASED ON HIS INTERPRETATION OF "VALUE". His comments are tautological, meaning that they depend upon THEMSELVES for validation. In other words, the only reason restoration is "unethical" if unrevealed is BECAUSE "restoration" is considered to "DEVALUE" the item. If you don't think IMPROVING the look and function of an OBJECT devalues that OBJECT, then it isn't unethical to fail to mention it to a prospective buyer.

The seller should be prepared to take a hit on the price compared to an original, but it depends on the buyer. And the ONLY reason for that "hit" is because there is an ARTIFICIALLY created "value" to SO-CALLED "original" finishes. IT IS COMPLETELY ARTIFICIAL! There is NO PRACTICAL reason WHATSOEVER that would justify placing a HIGHER "value" on an OBJECT that was in WORSE condition OTHER THAN TO CREATE "PRIESTS" (AKA "experts", ptooey) that get to sit in judgement over the "value" of an OBJECT!

The problem comes in when the buyer becomes the seller or someone else down the line as the collectible is resold. ONLY when there exists an ARTIFICIAL  "valuation" created by some "expert". Otherwise there is NO PRACTICAL reason for a change in value DOWN. If this world weren't so incredibly screwed up, the value of a properly restored OBJECT would GO UP! "Yes will become no, and lies will become truth."

How does the original owner know if a future owner won't misrepresent his own restoration work? Again, it's "misrepresentation" wouldn't be an issue if it weren't for some equus assinus artificially turning reality up-side-down.

Some restorers go as far as inscribing who did the work and when on a hidden area, but a huckster can find it and sand/polish the inscription off. And the ONLY reason a dishonest person would WANT to do that, or more importantly, COULD do that, is because the LIAR-PRIESTS have ARTIFICIALLY created "value" out of something that is IN REALITY OF LESSER REAL VALUE!

I have a 1917 vintage 1911 that at some time in it's life got a nickel chrome finish. Actually, it's quite handsome but would have been worth more in it's original finish. While your comment - "would have been worth more in it's original finish" - is technically true, it is NOT TRUE IN REALITY. It is ONLY "technically true"  because people have been falsely lead to believe the LIES of PRIESTS "anointed" by the "Press/mass media". The people that BELIEVE these lies are perpetuating the lies. What IS actually TRUE is that fools will pay more for something that some "expert/priest" has TOLD them is "more valuable" IN SPITE OF THE TRUTH STARING THEM IN THE FACE RIGHT BEFORE THEIR EYES! By the way, I am NOT calling YOU a "fool". I understand that you are just repeating what the author of your book - a self-proclaimed priest - said.

While it is "true" that "original finished" OBJECTS will SELL for more money than those that have been "refinished", it does NOT mean they are more valuable. It just verifies the old saw "There's a sucker born every minute."

I'm NOT picking on you, TackyDriver. My post is simply a matter of an obsession with TRUTH and it's foundation, REALITY. I fully understand the artificially inflated values of firearms, and I fully intend to take advantage of other people's foolishness in that regard. That doesn't mean I will stand by and corroborate or support the LIAR-PRIEST'S deceptions.

As an aside, that quote is most often attributed to P. T. Barnum. Here is Wikipedia's report on that attribution. It seems appropriate to this thread.

When Barnum's biographer tried to track down when Barnum had uttered this phrase, all of Barnum's friends and acquaintances told him it was out of character. Barnum's credo was more along the lines of "there's a customer born every minute" — he wanted to find ways to draw new customers in all the time because competition was fierce and people could become bored easily.[citation needed]

QuoteSome sources claim the quote is most likely from famous con-man Joseph ("Paper Collar Joe") Bessimer,[1] and other sources say it was actually uttered by David Hannum, spoken in reference to Barnum's part in the Cardiff Giant hoax. Hannum, who was exhibiting the "original" giant and had unsuccessfully sued Barnum for exhibiting a copy and claiming it was the original, was referring to the crowds continuing to pay to see Barnum's exhibit even after both it and the original had been proven to be fakes.
In turn, Barnum's fellow circus owner and arch-rival Adam Forepaugh attributed the quote to Barnum in a newspaper interview in an attempt to discredit him. However, Barnum never denied making the quote. It is said that he thanked Forepaugh for the free publicity he had given him.[citation needed]
Another source credits late 1860s Chicago "bounty broker, saloon and gambling-house keeper, eminent politician, and dispenser of cheating privileges..." Michael Cassius McDonald as the originator of the aphorism. According to the book Gem of the Prairie: Chicago Underworld (1940) by Herbert Asbury, when McDonald was equipping his gambling house known as The Store (at Clark and Monroe Streets in Chicago) his partner Harry Lawrence expressed concern over the large number of roulette wheels and faro tables being installed and their ability to get enough players to play the games. McDonald then allegedly said, "Don't worry about that, there's a sucker born every minute."[

Be nicer than necessary.


When I start buying artifacts*, I will leave them "unrestored."
But as long as I am buying tools** to hunt/shoot with, I will do with them as I please, and the purists can go pound sand.
Artifacts get displayed for admiration/discussion in a historical context.

Tools get used, and while they may also be admired for their beauty and/or effectiveness, to retire one to artifact status to satisfy another's opinion of value is just plain dumb IMHO.


a  handmade object, as a tool, or the remains of one, as a shard of  pottery, characteristic of an earlier time or cultural stage, especially  such an object found at an archaeological excavation.


an implement, especially one held in the hand, as a hammer, saw, or file, for performing or facilitating mechanical operations.

5.anything used as a means of accomplishing a task or purpose.
Nice job Fieldmor!
QuoteRestrictive gun laws that leave good people helpless, don\'t have the power to render bad people harmless.

To believe otherwise is folly. --  Me


That's a good point, Jamie.70. If I were to find an old Hopi Indian pot, I wouldn't repaint it to 'restore' its colors because 1) I wouldn't use it, and 2) painting it wouldn't restore its usefulness.

Furniture - for example - that is going in a museum MIGHT not 'need' to have its finish refurbished. BUT, furniture that is going to be USED AS FURNITURE, should have anything the owner wants, done to the finish.

No one - including me - would "repaint" a Rembrandt, but that's because its USE is to be LOOKED AT, and the original paint is the point. Still, I would argue that IN REALITY a "copy" of a Rembrandt is JUST AS "VALUABLE" as the original.

Of course I am spitting into the wind, but I will continue to spit into the wind as long as the "wind" is artificially created by a "fan" powered by a bunch of LIAR PRIESTS.

Be nicer than necessary.


I wonder how they would handle my Rigby Mannlicher?

It's been partly re-finished. When I got it the trigger was very gritty and rough as Rigby's were still in London  contacted them and took the rifle to them for a service. Where it had been poorly stored at some point in a case with cloth lining there was some rust on one side of the barrel and in a place on the magazine and on the butt plate.

Rigbys stripped and cleaned the rifle which restored the nice clean crisp trigger pull. Seems it was clogged with lint and grit. The treated the rust marks on the barrel to stop further deteriation and they re-blacked the butt plate and trigger guard magazine.

  Now their problem is that the makers did this and this is what they did on a service not a re-build or overhaul just a service. I still have the receipt on file.

   Customers of these top London houses often return their guns for servicing and if damage or wear is noticed on the finish and it's possible to repair it they do so on the service.
Go Get them Floyd!


QuoteIt's been partly re-finished.

Is the WHOLE story to "them".

"They" offer stupid platitudes like "It's good that you had it refurbished by a "professional" (or by the factory), but it would have been worth more if you had left it untouched."

Honestly, it makes me sick with anger. It is one of many perfect indicators of abject decadence.

Be nicer than necessary.


A contentious issue for sure, i remember when i was a member of the Historical Motorcycle club and being berated by other members for polishing the alloy engine parts of my 1972 Norton Commando.
Their argument being that the bikes never left the factory with polished what, i like polished alloy.

It all comes down to personnel taste IMHO.


FOR ME, it all comes down to I OWN IT.

Be nicer than necessary.



Oh my friends. As Fieldmore says, it IS a contentious issue and that's fine by me. My only regret is that we can't discuss this around a campfire or in some den with a ready supply of libation.

I have much more to say but I'm tired right now and don't know if I started stealing attention away from Fieldmore's handiwork. If it's OK, I'll post something semi-intelligent here or I can start a new thread. It's up to you Fieldmore. Whichever, I always look forward to "solving the world's problems" with you all.
It would be a shame to waste a perfectly good mistake by not learning from it.


Well as to Rigby's and their re-finishing................................... it was not asked for just their normal service.

As for Norton engine cases well the outer ones on Comandos were polished but not laquered so I assume by the time they reached Australia after the sea voyage they would have dulled some. I recall looking at the new Commandos in Carl Rosner's of Sanderstead  Croydon (South London) and the new ones on his showroom floor all had polished outer cases. As did the new Triumph T140E that I eventually purchased, got a better finance deal on the Triumph and a better price too which is what swung it for me.

My mate had a 850 Mk111 Interstate Commando in Black and Gold that had been tuned by Gus Khans. That was a 76 model. My Triumph was a 79 model.

Previously I had been riding a 66 Norton Jubilee 250 cc. Reg No NPX 129D

Back to antiques the funny thing is that i hear them giving values on the Antiques Roadshow and they often say now if it was restored it would be worth this much more.
Go Get them Floyd!


QuoteMy only regret is that we can't discuss this around a campfire or in some den with a ready supply of libation.
I sincerely share that regret. The internet is a 'good thing'. I have met some of the best people in my life through the internet. By the same token, "virtual" campfires are a mere shadow of the real thing. Maybe someday we will all be able to sit around a 'campfire' that isn't virtual.

Be nicer than necessary.


Quote from: gitano;120250I sincerely share that regret. The internet is a 'good thing'. I have met some of the best people in my life through the internet. By the same token, "virtual" campfires are a mere shadow of the real thing. Maybe someday we will all be able to sit around a 'campfire' that isn't virtual.

A couple of times some of us manage it a little. I know paul has made it to Texas and met two of the guys. Llano John has not been on in a long time so I feel he may have moved on to better climes. I was to meet Paul at Johns once but despite all of our best efforts it just did not make.
Personally i have visted with John and Drinksgin much to my benefit, both were everyting they appeared to be on these threads and more.


I've also met - from North to South - Jay Edwards,  RecoilJunky, Hunterbug, Sakorick, and drinksgin. "Westward", I have met kombi1976 and Branxhunter. I am all the better for the meetings. I have also had the pleasure of meeting their families. I can't recall all the folks I have spoken with on the phone, all of whom I hope one day to 'press the flesh' with.

My eldest has moved to New Mexico, so I am hoping that she and I will get to meet RockinBBar and Daryl and their families. Recoiljunky has some rodent murdering planned for this summer and I am hoping to meet some more THL folks at that event.

"We" are 'passing'. Motor has gone, and I fear Ol' John is gone too. I know that another is nearing his end, and I ain't no Spring chicken myself. There may not be time for me to press the flesh with all the THL'ers that are my senior, but I would sure like to try. It would be grand, at least from my perspective, if "we" could all get together at least once. I know that isn't going to happen, but I think it would be grand. Not so long that we would get annoyed with one another, but just long enough so that we wished there was more time.

All I can say is; If you want something, you have to work at it as best you can.

Be nicer than necessary.


Ahhh yes so little time so little money :cry:

We ........................ that is the family and I are looking into my making a visit to the US  probably in the fall. Things are in very early stages of enquiry right now but we ARE looking into it.
Go Get them Floyd!


Tack Driver we have great Campfires down here, and you're all welcome to share mine anytime, I'll even shout you all a rum, the rum is so good,  fella's give up their guns for it.


Tacky driver, we have great campfires down here, and you're all welcome to share mine.  I'll even shout you all a rum, the rums so good, Fella's give up their guns for it ;).


I spent some time yesterday trying to find out about LLANOJohn (I refer to him as Ol' John because he started out here as HondoJohn). I was able to talk to a person in the General Store in Castell that said that John was still alive an kicking, but still in the convalescent "home". I haven't been able to find the number for that place. I was glad to hear he is still alive, but I know he must be debilitated or he would be on THL at least now and then. John is a great guy. He's the one that brought me here to THL. (Don't hold that against him.)

Be nicer than necessary.


Quote from: gitano;120287I spent some time yesterday trying to find out about LLANOJohn (I refer to him as Ol' John because he started out here as HondoJohn). I was able to talk to a person in the General Store in Castell that said that John was still alive an kicking, but still in the convalescent "home". I haven't been able to find the number for that place. I was glad to hear he is still alive, but I know he must be debilitated or he would be on THL at least now and then. John is a great guy. He's the one that brought me here to THL. (Don't hold that against him.)

That is good news. Is he able to get near a keyboard?
"Belief:" faith in something taught, as opposed to "knowledge:" which is awareness borne of experience.


I wasn't able to actually find him and therefore of course I didn't speak with him. I was just told by a person in a store in Castell that he was still alive. Alboy and I are continuing our search.

Be nicer than necessary.


Good luck with the search, here's hoping he's not doing it too hard.

Managed to test fire the B.S.A today, and am pretty pleased with the results, five shots at 25 meters, Winchester long Z's, standing off hand.
The low shot was with no sight elevator the rest with a quick home made elevator fitted.


I feel this old girl has big potential.

Jorge in Oz

Nice rifle Fieldmore and not a bad shooter for an old girl that BSA.
"The Germans brought the best hunting rifle to the war. The Americans brought the best target rifle. The British brought the best battle rifle!"
"The early church was married to poverty, prisons and persecutions. Today, the church is married to prosperity, personality, and popularity." ― Leonard Ravenhill


G,Day Jorge, Yeah it's not a bad little 22, i see you made the move south, how's it going down there?


OK just went and checked and yes I have the original sight complete from my Sportsman Five bagged up.. including the elevator. Now I just traced it with a pencil onto a card so if you want to copy it ?

If the postage was not so high and you not so far away I would loan you a P-H 16.

Yes they do end to shoot well despite being a cheap rifle at the time.
Go Get them Floyd!


Good idea tracing the elevator B.H, am heading off to the annual antique and military arms fair tomorrow and am pretty confident of aquiring at least an elevator there, and with a bit of luck a P.H 16 aperture sight.
Keep you posted.


Quoteif "we" could all get together at least once. I know that isn't going to happen, but I think it would be grand. Not so long that we would get annoyed with one another, but just long enough so that we wished there was more time.
I certainly share those sentiments, would be a great thing if it could happen. unfortunately I have not met anyone from THL yet, but have talked with quite a few on the phone, and skyped with Paul a few times. I am hoping paul hoskins can make it to maine this year to bear hunt, I will sincerely try to make it down there to say hi. figure a 4 hour drive is peanuts to meet someone. Once my kids get older, I just might be able to do some traveling!!! I always throw out the invitation for anyone to come up and blackbear hunt, I would just as soon meet a THL'er than shoot the bear myself!!!! God Bless.
Romans 12:2
2 Don't copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God's will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.

Jorge in Oz

Quote from: Fieldmor77;120427G,Day Jorge, Yeah it's not a bad little 22, i see you made the move south, how's it going down there?

Hi Peter,
Yeah down in Melbourne now, flippin' cold mate, their firearms law suck more than the Qld ones but at least we don't have the NSW ammo issues. The family is good and work is going good, good to catch up with family also. The shooting situation is not as ideal as the Sunny Coast for me.
The nearest SSAA centrefire range is about 101.5 km away, when in the Sunny Coast I had 2 SSAA ranges within 20 & 45 minutes. The nearest ranges are either 22LR ranges or fullbore. Some fullbore ranges let you sight rifles (for $25 cost) and some don't unless you are a member. Didn't fancy myself becoming a target shooter but I guess I'll have to go out and buy myself a Sportco/Omark M44 in 7.62 Nato so I can join the Lang Lang Club which is the closest to me. They do have 303 military shoots 4 or 5 times a year so I'm looking around for an unmolested No.1 MkIII SMLE also or a No.4 that is below $500. Also looking for my first blackpowder rifle (plan to attend the blackpowder shoots at Little River) but I'm at a stall as I have to transfer my licence before I can sell my Portuguese Mauser Vergueiro and the two Dutch Steyrs I have so I can fund my deer rifle build, the 303 and the smoking pole. Just sold two JNT SMLE peep sights which I should have kept if I'd known I was going to buy another SMLE.
Just finished my safety test on Tuesday (fancy having to do another safety test but I guess it's a good refresher) and will be applying for my Vicco shooters licence next week after someone suitable positively identifies me for my licence form (what a chore). You'd think you could automatically swap licences over like you do your drivers licence. I just need to build a bridge and get over it for now. The upside is I get to hunt in state forest. I have just received a registration of interest letter from DSE for shooting ferals in state forest which I will use as a reason in my licence application and will also need to get a game licence for deer, which I'll get once my deer rifle is finished.
I'm going up for a week to Caloundra in September for a holiday and will possibly be going on a red deer hunt with mate up in Kilkivan. I haven't confirmed yet if he'll be available as yet. That should be nice as I'm missing Qld and missing the venison. I ate venison weekly for 4 years so it's been hard to go back to beef as I find venison a much sweeter and tastier meat and it didn't cost anything more than spent ammo.
Sorry for waffling on but those BSAs are well made. I had a BSA Major Cadet air rifle which I bought for $100 and sold for $200 but now regret selling, and it was a beauty.
You did a great job on the BSA too.
Take care
"The Germans brought the best hunting rifle to the war. The Americans brought the best target rifle. The British brought the best battle rifle!"
"The early church was married to poverty, prisons and persecutions. Today, the church is married to prosperity, personality, and popularity." ― Leonard Ravenhill



your'e always welcome to burn some powder over this way.



Well, have had a bit of success at the arms fair today, scored a genuine elevator for two dollars,[ the fella had two ], and a few other bits and pieces for half there retail price.
As for the P.H 16 Aperture sight that looks as if it may take quite a while to find, all the dealers i spoke to hadn't seen one in a long time,and warned me to be prepared for a shock at the price when i do.

Jorge, good to see you have settled in nicely, pity this country hasn't got uniform firearms licenses, it's a shambles if you ask me.
Sounds like a bit of a hike to the range for you, we have one in the planning stages not 10 minutes from home, gee i hope it all gets approved.
If i were you I'd take Marcus up on his offer.


QuoteDidn't fancy myself becoming a target shooter but I guess I'll have to go out and buy myself a Sportco/Omark M44 in 7.62 Nato so I can join the Lang Lang Club which is the closest to me.

Hmmm are those easy to find in good condition now?

They sure shoot well :2thumbsup: I have a fairly early one serial #DH254 ................................ whoops just looked it up and it's DH 214. Nearly got it right from the old memory banks.

I gave less that £100 for it several years back now. After reading the horror stories of broken bolt head pins tool mine down and it's fine and still seems to have the original in it. It has a P-H 5 rear sight calibrated for the 7.62 Nato round and the matching P-H tunnel foresight. I only got it originally as Parker-Hale were the importers it seems.

On shooting it using some German MEN ammunition I was happily surprised how it performed. A couple at the club were not so pleased as we beat their new expensive super-dooper target rifles :MOGRIN: which I found amusing as did a few others. Let's face it I am not the best shot either.

This is the only one I had come across in the flesh so to speak.

Then of course in 2010 I acquired the P-H 1200TX and only have test fired it am not sure really how well it performs but it showed promise.

Keep us informed of this new venture please.
Go Get them Floyd!

Jorge in Oz

Quote from: Branxhunter;120469Jorge,
your'e always welcome to burn some powder over this way.

Thanks Marcus I'll have to take you up on that offer. Just have to wait till Lily who's now 8 weeks old settles in a bit better. She's a trooper and doing well but I think Maya needs a bit more time, more so than Lily. ;)
Been looking at a couple of 222s and a 303-22 for possible fox & bunny busters. I've got 20 cases of 303-22 falcon which I've had for donkeys that I'd like to use. Had been looking for a No.4 action but the No1MkIII seem to be more popular. The dealers said they'll hold them till my Vicco licence comes through.
Peter will definitely take Marcus up on his offer. So they are going to put a range in the Pine Rivers Shire, where abouts? That's great news. I love Qld man, don't have excuse yourself or keep hidden that you are a shooter/hunter. Please don't have a hissy fit and rolled their eyes. I have to be doubly careful at the Uni here as the greenies are everywhere, need to check under the desk and under the rocks on my potted plant. :jumpingsmiley:
"The Germans brought the best hunting rifle to the war. The Americans brought the best target rifle. The British brought the best battle rifle!"
"The early church was married to poverty, prisons and persecutions. Today, the church is married to prosperity, personality, and popularity." ― Leonard Ravenhill


I see the profs/lecturers are doing a good job of brainwashing their charges then :huh2:.

They do it here too in the UK with all their green this and green energy that all the while hiding the true cost to us and the Planet.

We are hoping the up for sale farmland around here means that the proposed Wind Farms are not going to happen. They are trying to build three around us of the monster Turbines.  These will be 127 metres high and all within 2 miles of the house and yet without the massive subsidies being handled out by the Government not one would be erected.
Go Get them Floyd!


Hey Jorge, the new range is going in at Rocksberg, which is a ten minute drive at most for me.
At the moment it's just a cow paddock with a few old tables, but that will change as membership grows as it will, I'm sick of the drive down to Belmont along that Gateway motorway which can be a real pain after the slightest accident.
A recent visit down there turned into a three hour trip home! after an accident at the "bottle neck" at Nudgee.
B.H, i reckon there is only one place for those giant wind turbines and that's offshore and out of sight.


They have over 70 of them just off the coast about 12 miles North of us already and they want to put more up. This is also in a SSI area so much for the protection that is supposed to give.
Go Get them Floyd!


Well the PH 16 sight i had lined up fell through, the price at $60.00 was a bit high and i would have paid it, but the killer was the postage the fella was asking for, $45.00 is just a blatant rip off, $7.50 will get the item mailed anywhere in Aus.
Still, they are around, so i will just bide my time till one pops up locally.


Check out flea-bay:-

Item number: 251070252712

P-H 16 in Oz 23 hrs to go starting at $50 with no bids.
Go Get them Floyd!


Quote from: Fieldmor77;120470Well, have had a bit of success at the arms fair today, scored a genuine elevator for two dollars,[ the fella had two ], and a few other bits and pieces for half there retail price.
As for the P.H 16 Aperture sight that looks as if it may take quite a while to find, all the dealers i spoke to hadn't seen one in a long time,and warned me to be prepared for a shock at the price when i do.

Jorge, good to see you have settled in nicely, pity this country hasn't got uniform firearms licenses, it's a shambles if you ask me.
Sounds like a bit of a hike to the range for you, we have one in the planning stages not 10 minutes from home, gee i hope it all gets approved.
If i were you I'd take Marcus up on his offer.

Hey Fieldmor, you still after a PH16? I have been offered one, no price discussed as yet. It isn't exactly what I need but happy to find out what the seller wants for it.



Well I got off my rear and went and looked in my little collection and I have two P-H16's sitting there. So if really stuck we can work something out.
Go Get them Floyd!


I also bought the one offered to me,,so there are a few options for Fieldmor to fit out that old BSA



Go Get them Floyd!


Gee, the things you miss when you don't check in from time to time.
Been on the road, aka grey nomad style, hired a camper trailer and hit the road for a couple of months living under canvas, still haven't got a PH16 sight as yet, got outbid a couple of times, thanks for the kind offers fella's.


I hope you have enjoyed your time away. Are you back home now?
"Belief:" faith in something taught, as opposed to "knowledge:" which is awareness borne of experience.


Yep holidays over, back to reality, had an absolute ball, stayed in some remote areas where you wouldn't see other people for the entire camp.
Spent the whole two months in northern NSW, there was one spot in the Toonumber state forest where the dawn bird song brought tears to my eyes, magical.


Quote from: Fieldmor77;129507...there was one spot in the Toonumber state forest where the dawn bird song brought tears to my eyes, magical.

Our first day in OZ (in Coffs Harbor) I awoke to incredible - to me - bird calling. It REALLY made my day! Over the length of our whole stay I was continually impressed with the birds and their calling. I'm sure the place you speak of would have put me in a stupor.

Be nicer than necessary.


Quote from: Fieldmor77;129507Yep holidays over, back to reality, had an absolute ball, stayed in some remote areas where you wouldn't see other people for the entire camp.
Spent the whole two months in northern NSW, there was one spot in the Toonumber state forest where the dawn bird song brought tears to my eyes, magical.
Well, I sincerely hope you took some pictures, and just as important, that you're willing to share!

Welcome back, btw!
QuoteRestrictive gun laws that leave good people helpless, don\'t have the power to render bad people harmless.

To believe otherwise is folly. --  Me


I don't know how I missed this Fieldmore, but I really can't add anything that hasn't been covered. I wish I could get my hands on a 15. I found a Sportsman five many years ago but they are rare birds here in the States. My rifle has no peep sight so I really can't do it justice with the rear sight it has. Your 15 is a real treasure. Regards, Rick.
Talk to yourself. There are times you need expert advice.

Jorge in Oz

"The Germans brought the best hunting rifle to the war. The Americans brought the best target rifle. The British brought the best battle rifle!"
"The early church was married to poverty, prisons and persecutions. Today, the church is married to prosperity, personality, and popularity." ― Leonard Ravenhill

Jorge in Oz

No Rick I just posted those in case you were interested in getting one over to the US.

The costs may be prohibitive but I wasn't sure what they were fetching in the US.
"The Germans brought the best hunting rifle to the war. The Americans brought the best target rifle. The British brought the best battle rifle!"
"The early church was married to poverty, prisons and persecutions. Today, the church is married to prosperity, personality, and popularity." ― Leonard Ravenhill
