Hey U`All frum East Tennessee

Started by tn.varmit, October 09, 2004, 05:52:47 AM

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Good Mawnin, I got turned to this site by 12 Gauge who posted a link frum anuther site.  Thought I`d grab a seat on a stump by the fire and warm these lo`bones a mite.  I`m lookin forward to White Tail muzzle season here.  Also like to rabbit hunt, turkey hunt ,and occassionally hunt tree-rats. Hey is that thar coffee in that pot on the coals? I sure could use a cup. Yea , that`s better just bout right. Round hre we figgure coffees right if`n you toss a hoss shoe in it and it floats or you dull your huntin knife cuttin off a slice.:rolleyes:  Lookin forward to gettin to know U`all .Here`s hope`n we can have a good time.

Jay Edward (deceased)

Welcome to THL tn.varmit...make yourself at home.

12 gauge

yes welcome to THL!

What forum was it exactly? cause i go to several..
Anyway, kick off your shoes and relax! Sit back and flip onto the outdoor channel and go hunting..
don't forget to post us pictures, stories, advice, anything you would like to say!

Welcome again and have a great hunting season!

God bless :D
"I only hunt and fish on days that end in \'Y\'"- 12 gauge


!2 gauge , I followed the link you put on Southern Huntin. Now you try to figgure out what my screen name is.

12 gauge

i give...
Tell me who you are or i will report you to the admins! :rolleyes: ;) :p
Anyway welcome!
god bless :D
"I only hunt and fish on days that end in \'Y\'"- 12 gauge


Oh MY an East Tenn fellar!!!! I was born and raised in Upper East Tenn...I be hillbilly!!! LOL!!!
I've lived in Tn all my life except for a few years stint in Pa.  And now I be back to my stomping grounds. LOL!!!
Pull up a stump and set a spell.  We might even knock a tater in the head for ya tn. :D
