Bird eating deer?!?

Started by 12 gauge, October 10, 2004, 04:44:24 PM

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12 gauge

This is unusual to me!
don't know what kind of effect it would have on you, i always figure deer to be vegetarian, kind loving creatures..but this made me think differently!

I believe i posted this here before the site went haywire...but i don't

god bless :D
"I only hunt and fish on days that end in \'Y\'"- 12 gauge

motor (deceased)

verry interesting..i have never seen a deer eating meat.unusual at the least..
Just an ole sinner saved by grace

12 gauge

I'd say!

The only thing i ever seen a deer come close to eating meat was in the movie "the yearling" where the little fawn was licking the chicken lol!

that was a touching story!
But i found this unusual as well!
Imagine if those deer bred and came over here to the US!
That would be something new!

God bless :D
"I only hunt and fish on days that end in \'Y\'"- 12 gauge


Deer have also been known to munch on "pinkies" (ie the hairless newborn mice).  They get protein from it and I believe I've also read that they munch on other sources but can't recall exactly what they were.


Weird. Never heard of anything like that. I did howewver see a small buck eating potatoe chips on the side of the road one night.

12 gauge

They love potato chips, i remember (sorta) we went to some national park here in virginia where you can go camp and such and the deer would come right up to you! You can pet them etc, but it was illegal to feed them, but my mom had potato chips and was feeding them and the game warden came and my mom hid hers and i was young and i was feeding the deer and the game warden charged my mom with a $500 fine...
It was fun, but not for my mom...
I know deer and other animals will go out of their diets to get the nutrition they need, elk will eat bird eggs, and such, deer with birds, fish and such like that..
Fishey breath, not a very pleasant smell...:confused:
God bless :D
"I only hunt and fish on days that end in \'Y\'"- 12 gauge


Never knew they liked chips. Must be the salt content. Wonder if they like the Sour Cream and onions Chips?

12 gauge

Lol probably so..
It is the salt content...
Just like seeing a deer eat salt on the side of the roads to melt ice..
They love salt! Sour cream and onion?
Makes me hungry just thinking about it lol!
I will fight the deer for it! and probably loose...;)
There is no telling what deer may think they are vegetarian, gentle creatures, but i am sure they are when they are around humans, i bet ya when humans aren't around, they are the ones causing your pets to dissapear or your live stock to vanish, and remember the picture of the guy who said was "eaten by that 1,600 pound bear"? I bet ya a deer did it!
When we look at them they seem nice, but when we aren't around...i bet they are an unstopably killing machine! ;):rolleyes:
God bless :D
"I only hunt and fish on days that end in \'Y\'"- 12 gauge


i learn somethin' new everyday. interesting theory. i like it.
Time can fly all it wants,
@ Sunrise it stands still long enough for me

12 gauge

I am sure everyone learns something new everyday! ;)
I would hope..:confused:
God bless :D
"I only hunt and fish on days that end in \'Y\'"- 12 gauge


It was actually quite funny. I was returning from a call and I saw this deer eating the chips that had fallen from the bag. I sat and watched in disbelief.
I will be working tonight. The midnight shift (yuk) so i will be looking for deer tonight.

12 gauge

Hope you see and make sure the deer isn't chewing on a squirrel carcass or something..
Remember they are different when humans aren't watching them lol! :rolleyes: ;) :eek:
God bless :D
"I only hunt and fish on days that end in \'Y\'"- 12 gauge


Saw only a few deer tonight. Did see a lot of skunks. Plotting the demise of an all white skunk.


Hey highstand, I've never seen an all white skunk. That might be neat to mount, or at least have a pic of.
It is better to deserve honors and not have them than to have them and not deserve them.
- Mark Twain
Any relation to the land, the habit of tilling it, or mining it, or even hunting on it, generates the feeling of patriotism.
- Ralph W. Emerson

12 gauge

I've never seen a white skunk either, but i am sure they stink either way lol!

Seen only a few huh? that's ok, when hunting season for you comes around (if it hasn't already) you'll be seeing more :) ;)
God bless :D
"I only hunt and fish on days that end in \'Y\'"- 12 gauge
