My Job Ain't Dangerous?

Started by recoil junky, August 29, 2013, 08:01:00 AM

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recoil junky

Pat and I were talking about this last night as I was at work. I will pass along more information as it becomes "public"

The incident happened at 02:40 Monday, 3 August, 2013. No one was killed, the operator of the grader was suspected of C spine injuries by the wonderful dipsnits at TMH in Craig, life flighted to St. Mary's in Grand Junction and was released before the rotors of the helo stopped turning to then have to rent a car so he and his wife could drive back to Craig.

The truck driver was summarily fired for this his third "offence". This termination is in the "grievance" process, stage two and I'm sure will end up in arbitration. The blade operator was "almost fired, told this was his "last chance"

OK, the cause.

Where the "wreck" happened is/was a particularly bad corner in a new section of road. It's a low spot with no drainage and is supered the wrong way. On the Saturday before it rain, A LOT. There was a crew working on the upper section of the road and another crew hauling coal but not using this particular road. It was suggested that by the excavator operator on the coal crew that he "knock a hole" in the berm to let the water drain, supervisor said "No" Sunday night at 23:00 the graveyard shift arrives finds a huge puddle, asks again if they can "knock a hole in the berm" "No, just drive through it and it will dry out"

You can see the results.

Here was my response to management via my IUOE rep.

""13 August, 2013

   We (Komatsu drivers) had been making our complaints known to several members of management concerning the new 7110 road connecting K3 to the Horse Gulch Fill road. Starting where it exits K3 it was our opinion that the corner was too sharp and was "supered" the wrong way (leaned away from the turn) in the center of the corner. If the corner was slick either due to rain or inadvertent over watering the problem was compounded making it extremely dangerous causing you to slide (to the right) over into the downhill traffic lane. Other aspects of the road were also talked about amongst ourselves and with management concerning the sharpness of the corners and the steepness of certain parts.

        In our Thursday, 25 July, 2013 safety meeting I brought up the subject of this corner and other aspects of the road we (Komastu drivers) thought needed addressed. The road was described as a "work in progress" and "we would work on it as time permitted". After some rather heated discussion, Ken Raschke said he would ride with me to get my opinion(s) on what we need to do to make the corner and road safer. Parts of the downhill section from the East Panel Ready Line to the blaster's Coverall building through the switch back also leaned away from the turns. The "super" in the switchback was too short and ended in such a fashion that the road sloped away abruptly. In wet conditions this was considered to be very hazardous. The short term remedy for this would be to reduce speed and apply crushed scoria, but as the road was a "work in progress" the application of scoria was "discouraged" so we wouldn't be digging it up when the road was being rebuilt. We could however apply scoria if the road became "wet". The overall condition of the road at this time didn't allow for the road to be watered sufficiently without it becoming overly wet, causing loaded trucks to spin while going uphill and empty trucks going downhill to start sliding. I suggested that we at least "gravel" the road so adequate watering for dust suppression could occur whether the road was a "work in progress" or not. Crushed scoria was applied at this time.

        Also discussed was removing or lowering part of the hillside on the corner above the blaster's Coverall building to allow for better visibility from the building entrance uphill to easier view oncoming (downhill) traffic.  

        On Saturday, 3 August, 2013, nearly two weeks later repairs were started on the upper section of the road, but none to the lower corner and in my opinion the worst part of the road.

         Allen Oliver""

This incident will IMO end up close to $1,000,000 by the time it's all said and done. Not only in equipment costs, downtime and medical bills but by the time they pay the lawyer fees and backpay for the truck driver.

MSHA issued three citations. Two S&S (significant and substantial, YAH THINK!!) One to the truck driver for not having control of his vehicle, understandable, and one to the mine for "Inadequate road" YAH THINK??? Well after road "repairs" were started MSHA "abated" the citation for the road conditions. WTF!!!

When you go afield, take the kids and please......................................wear your seatbelts.
Northwest Colorado.............Where the wapiti roam and deer and antelope run amuck. :undecided:  
Proud father of a soldier medic in The 82nd Airborne 325th AIR White Falcons :army:


Well my first thought was "That don't go there".  Glad everyone was ok.  It's a shame that "management" doesn't listen to "labor" more often, more so when the management used to be the labor.  Surprised that management riding along didn't help, usually seeing things with their own eyes is necessary and sufficient.

"Politics is supposed to be the world\'s second oldest profession.  I have come to realize that it bears a very close resemblance to the first."
Ronald Reagan

buckshot roberts

MSHA "abated" the citation for the road conditions. WTF!!!
yea what you said..........Ron
We got too complicated......It\'s all way over rated....I like the old and out dated way of life........I miss back when..

recoil junky

Grievance went to stage two today.


When you go afield, take the kids and please......................................wear your seatbelts.
Northwest Colorado.............Where the wapiti roam and deer and antelope run amuck. :undecided:  
Proud father of a soldier medic in The 82nd Airborne 325th AIR White Falcons :army:


Be nicer than necessary.

recoil junky


The truck driver got his job back with back pay. Last I heard they are now trying to fire the blade hand. I don't think they will get that done either.


When you go afield, take the kids and please......................................wear your seatbelts.
Northwest Colorado.............Where the wapiti roam and deer and antelope run amuck. :undecided:  
Proud father of a soldier medic in The 82nd Airborne 325th AIR White Falcons :army:
