IS Michigan full of bleeding hearts?

Started by jci36, November 22, 2008, 06:16:58 AM

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Bruce Crossing hunter shoots a rarity.
Thursday, November 20, 2008 at 5:49 p.m.
BRUCE CROSSING -- It's a six-point buck with an 18-inch spread, and it weighed 180 pounds at field dressing.
A pretty impressive deer, but nothing special, right?
Wrong. It was an albino deer that was shot on Tuesday in the Bruce Crossing area by a Bruce Crossing man who asked TV6 not to use his name.
The hunter esitmates the deer was between four and five years old.
He plans to mount the entire body somewhere in town for everyone to see. He's open to suggestions.
How rare are albino deer? Biologists estimate they occur in about one in every 30,000 births. And unfortunately, most albino fawns don't survive to adulthood.
Posted by BILL ANDERSON, BRUCE CROSSING - Thursday, November 20, 2008 at 6:21 p.m.
The deer in the picture was basically a TAME DEER,he has been in the area for a long time and is the last of his kind here.You know this to be a fact as the boy would would not show his face or give his name.It is truly a sad thing.
what a fool
Posted by m p, yooper n the D - Thursday, November 20, 2008 at 7:06 p.m.
this guy is a coward. whether it is illegal or not it was stupid to shoot a special albino deer. 1 in 30000. of course he only did it for show. most people would want to see it in the wild not on some street in town dummy. as for the abortion comment. this story has nothing to do with killing humans. go comment on a story about the actual topic u fool. since you mention it i think abortion should be legal. i think a woman should have a right to choose. i bet that really ticks u off now doesnt it:)
Albino Deer
Posted by Erin Stratton, Green Creek - Thursday, November 20, 2008 at 9:06 p.m.
I was under the assumption that shooting an albino was illegal, as others were as well; but does this hunter know the law, or is that why he remained anonymous? I just hope that he doesn't try to earn money from this and uses this opportunity for good and education. An albino living this long is an anomaly, and unique; but bad karma for those that use it for profit and gain. It is only a deer, but a very special one, and possibly one of a kind; and we need to respect that.
a little strange
Posted by Yooper 4 life, UP - Thursday, November 20, 2008 at 9:16 p.m.
I am not a hunter but I do love to eat venison... BUT come'on this is just down right strange... Does not seem like good sportsmanship if you ask me... I mean are there not enough deer that you could just shoot a normal one? I don't feel bad for the deer or anything... just might have been nice to leave it out there in the wild I guess....for everyone to enjoy... It just seems wrong....Just because it is not a LAW it does not mean the general pubic thinks its right...
tsk tsk
Posted by Laura Ray, Ishpeming - Thursday, November 20, 2008 at 9:25 p.m.
What a shame, but then again every single animal dying for the sake of sport is a shame. Being a vegetarian I cannot even imagine killing any color deer, but I do understand that some people actually do hunt to feed their families. It just seems to me that the majority of hunters do it for the sport, the thrill, the possibilty of a trophy mount to hang on their wall. I think it's interesting to imagine another lifetime where we aren't the hunters but the hunted and our heads were hung on walls. hmmmm I wish I could take all the critters and protect them through this time. Gosh, they don't hurt anybody!!!
Posted by C L, BRUCE CROSSING - Thursday, November 20, 2008 at 10:43 p.m.
It is absolutely ridiculous to say he is going to mount that deer somewhere here in bruce crossing for everyone to see. That deer was an amazing sight and practically tame. Be a real hunter and take a deer that isn't almost hand fed!!!
The Mighty Hunter
Posted by Anne J, Marquette - Thursday, November 20, 2008 at 11:09 p.m.
It's a shame that because of someone's selfishness in wanting to mount an albino deer that now something so rare and special has been taken away for young and old to admire.
Posted by shane pittsley, baraga mi - Friday, November 21, 2008 at 12:16 a.m.
Why would any experienced hunter want to shoot a animal of this raritey. this is just wrong. i have been hunting for over 21 yrs. and have not seen an animal of this beauty. use some self control and let it go, if you need to shoot an animal to get in the news come see me. you need to learn what hunting is all about. its being out there and having fun, not shooting a rare animal.

buckshot roberts

it looks like they are never going to let this die down up there.......... Ron
We got too complicated......It\'s all way over rated....I like the old and out dated way of life........I miss back when..


if I am reading this correctly, this is not about you jci36? I am assuming it is about Bruce Crossing, a different guy? I think a good lesson has been learned, don't shoot white deer where people like them! it will only cause heartache. God Bless.
Romans 12:2
2 Don't copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God's will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.

bowhunter 51

Hmmmmm!.....Interestingly....I listened to an anti', just this morning
concerning the senseless slaughter of defenseless animals...She really
worked herself up to a heated lather whilest I was feeding my face with
a ham-n-cheese omlete, on the run....I made no comment, sense my
meal was more important than her senseless rant.....If only she new
ta whom she spoke....apparently, I must have taken on the appearance
of a fellow cat-owner....I found it alittle funny and my wife grinned
quitely through the episode.....I thought I'd bring that for this
story....well,...unless that animal was in a petting zoo when he pop't it....
it wasn't a tame deer...and even if he was, I wouldn't call him a coward..
maybe a sissy, but not a coward....I always thought a coward was scared
of stuff...this guy was not, apparently....stupid maybe, but not scared....
Mounting the whole deer and placing it in a picture window in that
community would be nice...don't you think?......I'd might go as far as
installing a pretty red blinking light on it's nose...that would be pretty...
1 in 30,000 you say?....I assure you, I'll give that fiqure some consider-
ation, if'n fact, I catch one sneeking through the woods this season...BH51..
**********God Bless America**********
>>>>-----------Live to Hunt--------------->>
>>>>-----There is no off season--------->>

Daryl (deceased)

Quote from: buckshot roberts;86142 it looks like they are never going to let this die down up there.......... Ron

No, and apparently it's not going to die down here, either.
I've seen enough posts about people shooting white deer in the last few weeks to make me think that they're fairly common.
That, and enough that I'm not sure any more if we're talking about the same deer, or several of them.  I keep seeing posts, but no explanation as to how all the white deer posts come together.
All posts are welcome here, of course, but I'm getting confused.
A government that abrogates any of the Bill of Rights, with or without majoritarian approval, forever acts illegitimately, becomes tyrannical, and loses the moral right to govern-Jeffrey Snyder

RIP Linden33


well said Daryl! I think we have heard enough on the white deer. Let it go and move on. God Bless.
Romans 12:2
2 Don't copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God's will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.

Daryl (deceased)

Don't get me wrong, david.  We welcome all posts that are within forum guidelines, and this is even posted in the right forum
But, all I've seen are copy/pastes from newspaper articles.  I have no idea what the point is, and I've been reading about them here for weeks.
I just wish that the poster(s) would include some of their own thoughts and comments, and let us know what's going on.  I THINK that the thread starter from this thread shot a white deer at some point, but I'm not sure if all the posts are related or not.
I need something to tie it together, because I'm not getting whatever the poster's point is.
Anyway, I'm tired and going to bed.  Might try to sort this out tomorrow...or not.
A government that abrogates any of the Bill of Rights, with or without majoritarian approval, forever acts illegitimately, becomes tyrannical, and loses the moral right to govern-Jeffrey Snyder

RIP Linden33


I get the meaning of all the posts, but not sure what we are supposed to do about it.
Quotejust wish that the poster(s) would include some of their own thoughts and comments,
I asked this back in another thread about white deer and it has not happened yet. I would like to hear from jci36 and not some newspaper article.
I welcome all posts also and I have nothing against jci36, but there is nothing we can do here about people getting upset over someone shooting a white deer. If anything, these articles have shown me that this seems to upset people, so don't do it. I personally don't see anything wrong with shooting a white, piebald, or albino deer myself, but I cannot change the feelings of hundreds of others. and quite honestly, if the law was not broken, it should not matter to the individual what other people think. it is not worth getting upset over IMO, hence, move on and let it go. Don't let these petty people ruin your life! God Bless.
Romans 12:2
2 Don't copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God's will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.


The point is it's a legal deer, taken legally. They complain about it being rare, well so is a 180" buck, in fact I personally have never seen one. The bleeding hearts are taking over our sport and if we don't get educated to what going on, we may not be able to hunt soon.
We must choose our battles and in my particular one, I am at the Michigan Supreme Court.

Daryl (deceased)

I wish you luck with your case.  I hope it turns out well for you.
As far as people taking over, we can't change the way people feel by passing laws against it.  I don't like seeing two fellas holding hands in the park, and if a law was passed stating that it's legal, I'd still not want to see it.
In my case, I'd get out of the park, but others feel differently.
If we're going to continue our sport, and want to change the way others feel about it, then we need to show ourselves in a positive light.  Going to the Supreme Court may be the only way to solve your issue in the best way for you, and I wish you luck, but I still feel that some issues are best if not started in the first place.
A government that abrogates any of the Bill of Rights, with or without majoritarian approval, forever acts illegitimately, becomes tyrannical, and loses the moral right to govern-Jeffrey Snyder

RIP Linden33


Quotewell so is a 180" buck, in fact I personally have never seen one.
depends on where you hunt, Many bucks dress out over that up here, in fact, one may say it is average in these parts. Now 280 is a different story, but they are here and have been shot.
I agree with Daryl. I feel for ya buddy, but you are not gonna change the way people feel about white deer up there. they could make it legal to shoot albino's where you are and the people are still gonna label you. if your deer was not white, we would not be having this conversation. what I was trying to emphasize is that it should not matter how they feel. you did some you believed was right and it was legal. Who cares what they think! I commend you for doing what you believe is right, kudos to you. Honestly though, this is one battle I would of sat out of. May God be with you. God bless.
Romans 12:2
2 Don't copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God's will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.


It's not like he shot a panda bear there's lots of deer out there. I wonder if any of the folks who consider that hunter a butcher have been to a feedlot or sluaghterhouse while stuffing a beefsteak in their yapper then they might change there tune.
I bought some ammo at wal mart last year from a young lady who couldn't understand why someone would kill al those "happy deer" so I asked her where she shopped at and if she thought about where her steak came from and she said that "no she didn't think about where it came from" And I said well ma'am the only difference between me and you is that I do my own shooting thank you very much.
She looked at me strange and said " I never thought of it that way"  So I explained that it's not only is it a very healthy source of meat but when I process it al my self then I know exactly what I have  No filler or drugs or hormones.
I don't think she has a problem with hunter's anymore she said that even though it's not for her she understood why these reasons were good ones.
In my mind just another case of missinformation. Which is why when I hunt I pay attention to how I present myself the last thing our sport needs is more poor representation.


my comment to the antis goes a little like this.when asked why I hunt,firstly,I love the outdoors.secondly,I like to eat!. so why not put the two together? we definately won't starve if we don't hunt but it helps keep the freezer filled with a variety of meat.both my sons,my daughter and I hunt and this year each of us got a deer(split three ways).my gang got a moose this year and there are two wild turkeys as well.all these animals knew freedom during their lives!we had to go into their house and get them on their homeground!none of these creatures were force fed,drugged,held captive or slaughtered simply to provide prime cuts for picky people! so next time you want critisize me for hunting,stop and think about what your having for dinner tonight,where it came from and how you got it,then tell about "ethical" I know it's a rant but it gets their attention,fast!
Better to have a gun and not need it, than to need a gun and not have it!
member;National Fiirearms Assocciation
Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters
gun owners of Canada
North American Hunting Club


To put it simply...yes MI is full of bleeding hearts.  Esp in the Detroit metro area.  The last time Granholm was elected should've sent that message across loud and clear.
