Our Last Hunt Together

Started by recoil junky, October 22, 2007, 11:40:51 AM

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recoil junky

Mike and I have only been friends for 6 years now but in that short time we've been hunting and snowmobiling to gether alot and last January when he found out he had lung cancer he asked me if I would take his son Zach hunting if he wasn't around to do it. Well you should know me well enough by now what my response would be.

Mike is on the fast downhill slide of this diesease and is only expected to live for maybe another month, so this last hunt was bitter sweet. A good begining for Zach and I, but a hard, sad goodbye to my dear friend. The night before this hunt, Mike called me on my cell phone which happened to be in my lunch box at the time asking me to call him. I did so as soon as I got his message and Zach answered the phone and he told me Mike wasn't sure he'd be able to go hunting because he just got back from radiation treatment and felt, well, like poop. Now knowing Mike like I do he'd do every thing in his power to be there and sure enough, the next morning there he was as ugly as ever. :biggthumpup:

Due to the advance of Mike's cancer he can't eat alot so he didn't eat breakfast with us and opted to not be in the picture.

That's Zach, Mike's wife Deb and Granpa Pete closest to you.

I didn't have the oportunity for herd pictures this time as we were into elk almost immediately and I had to give my undivided attention to driving and getting Zach a good shot. Zach and I did go on a short hike to get him a good shot at a nice 5X5 but with the wind blowing 30 mph+ and the distance Zach was unable to connect. We did catch the same herd  about 1/2 hour later and Zach got this nice 4X4 with one shot from Mike's pre64 model 70 30-06. Yes, the boy can SHOOT!!! 325 yards, elk at a walk, right in the boiler room. He might have led him another  foot or so because the hit was just in front of the diaphragm and clipped both lungs.

Here's Mike and Zach and the elk. This is Zach's first bull. I'm kinda glad he got a  small one so he'll have an oportunity at a bigger one. The 5 point he first shot at was a pretty big bull. Not that he's not proud of this one. Zach was kind of bummed because it took a while for the bull do expire but where he was hit he didn't last but a few seconds.

Here's Zach and me


Mike's reaction

to this:biggthumpup:

Zach did a bangup job with the gutting. It's funny how fast news got out of Zach's elk because soon it seemed the whole mine was there  with a mine crew-cab to load the elk in and haul it back to Mike's truck. :eek: Our thanks to the guys who helped so I didn't have to put the elk in the back of my Expedition!!!

Oh yeah, so  the other Hunting Buddies don't get left out. They both got fine animals themselves but much sooner than Zach, so I was unable to get pictures of them to post here.

When you go afield, take the kids and please......................................wear your seatbelts.
Northwest Colorado.............Where the wapiti roam and deer and antelope run amuck. :undecided:  
Proud father of a soldier medic in The 82nd Airborne 325th AIR White Falcons :army:

M. R. Byrd

Awesome! Thanks for the pics and the story.
Congratulations to Zach and to Mike and Deb and Grandpa Pete also.
RJ, it is a fine thing you have done for your friends.
God Bless,
Maynard Reece
Maynard Reece Byrd
Dodge City


Great story and great pictures. I am glad you got mike out there and he could see the fruits of his boys labor. that is awsome, God bless.
Romans 12:2
2 Don't copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God's will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.


I wouldn't know, but I bet there's not much better than being elbow deep in elk!  I don't know Mike, but I sure am happy he got to see his boy putting meat on the table, that I do know is something I don't have the words to describe.

"Politics is supposed to be the world\'s second oldest profession.  I have come to realize that it bears a very close resemblance to the first."
Ronald Reagan


Personal field testing trumps everything no matter what Field and Stream says, what your degree of perceived manhood is, or what your buddies think.

Paul Hoskins

RJ, that's just great. There is nothing like good friends when it comes to hunting. Good to see the kid got an elk too. That's what it's all about to me. It's sad it happened under the circumstances. My best to everyone.  ...........Paul H


Good for Zach! I'm glad that his dad could be there for it too. You didn't tell them about the mulie that you guys saw. ;)
Ask not what your government can do for you. Ask how your government can go away and get out of your life.
The unarmed man is is not only defenseless, he is also contemptible.
Niccolo Machiavelli


Good story. Glad the boy got his elk and his Dad was there to see. So sad about the circumstances I'm glad you done what you done. Good on you. That boy is hooked now I hope there will be future hunts. God Bless you all and prayers to Mike and his family.

recoil junky

I stopped in to see Mike after I got my elk hauled out today. It's not very fun to go see him but it means alot to him and his family. He still gives me **** and I give it right back. His time is short and I want to make it good for him. He asked me if I was taking Zach deer hunting tomorrow (Sat !0-27). I didn't think he'd remember, what with all the morphine he's on now. And Zach still wants to go, so we'll be hiking through the tall grass in the morning. I think Zach needs the distraction from all that's going on right now. I know it will help me some.

He's only got a few days now.

Semper Fi Mike

When you go afield, take the kids and please......................................wear your seatbelts.
Northwest Colorado.............Where the wapiti roam and deer and antelope run amuck. :undecided:  
Proud father of a soldier medic in The 82nd Airborne 325th AIR White Falcons :army:


Give Mike and Zach our regards. I'm glad to hear that you got an elk and won't starve this winter. ;)
Ask not what your government can do for you. Ask how your government can go away and get out of your life.
The unarmed man is is not only defenseless, he is also contemptible.
Niccolo Machiavelli

Paul Hoskins

RJ, as a kid in the mountains of SE Ky., I learned at a very early age that death, like birth is a part of life and living. Both are something that happens every day and and we must accept it as something inevitiable. Even after death, life goes on in memories if nothing else. Many of my friends had to leave too early. One asked me to pour a half pint of whiskey on his grave from time to time if he left before I did. I asked if it was ok if I ran it through my kidneys first? His answer, " Sure, no sense wasting good whiskey." That's how true friends are. ............My thoughts and prayers be with all concerned.   ......Paul H


God Bless you for doing what you are. Know it must be a really difficult time for you and Zach and family. Good that Mike can count on someone like you in this time. I feel like he is getting great comfort knowing you are with Zach and he's hunting. Your doing a great thing here, and I admire you for it.

recoil junky

Mike passed away yesterday morning at 10:30. Zach called me and I spent yesterday with them, calling friends and doing little things around to help out.

We sat  together and told "stories" about Mike, remembering the way he made people laugh and played practical jokes on everybody. no one was safe from his brand of humor.

Mike will be missed by all who knew him and called him "friend".

Semper Fi Mike

When you go afield, take the kids and please......................................wear your seatbelts.
Northwest Colorado.............Where the wapiti roam and deer and antelope run amuck. :undecided:  
Proud father of a soldier medic in The 82nd Airborne 325th AIR White Falcons :army:


I'm sorry to hear that. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.
Ask not what your government can do for you. Ask how your government can go away and get out of your life.
The unarmed man is is not only defenseless, he is also contemptible.
Niccolo Machiavelli


I know you will always be glad you got in that last good time together.Whats more your time with his son is a great reward, probaly more for you than even him.
Bless you.
