"Hey Guys! I think I have a problem."

Started by chromage, July 15, 2005, 09:18:31 AM

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Ok, interesting title to say the least but it's the only one that would really fit for this thread.
Wednesday night after work a buddy and I decided to head to the pier. When I met him at work one of our other co-workers was there and she showed interested in our trip so I invited her along. We got to the piers around 5 AM and headed straight out there. One king had alredy been caught but it was pretty slow. Neither of us had been having any hits. Michelle came over and asked if she could try using my fishing pole. I knew we were going to need some bait so I let her use it. It turns out my buddy wouldn't let her because he didn't want her casting his pole into the water, lol.
So I am emptying some bait into the bucket and I hear michelle yelling that she has a problem. Here I think she is snagged on something but when I look over her rod is buckled over and screaming. We run over to her and she tries to give me the rod but I give it back to her. We then coached her on how to land a salmon. Couple minutes later she had a small skipper of about 20 inches on the pier head. Pretty cool!
Paul hooked a fish a few minutes later but it got off. I didn't have one hit all night  but seeing michelle catch her first salmon cured that.
The alewives never took a hit.
Other then that it was pretty slow. I'll be headed a little down state this weekend to fish with ed and do some more pier fishing.
