Wyatt Earp Buntline Special

Started by M. R. Byrd, January 06, 2005, 05:59:28 PM

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M. R. Byrd

Thought today would be a good day with the remnants of the ice and snow storm to take a picture of the new Wyatt Earp bronze in Downtown Dodge City. The picture turned out good, but I still haven't figured out how to reduce it enough to post here. I would welcome any help from anyone that knows Roxio PhotoSuite. You can PM me.
The bronze shows him with his buntline special. More on the buntline in the following links.



Maynard Reece Byrd
Dodge City

M. R. Byrd

I am working hard trying to learn how to post attachments. Maybe I will get it figured out. Hopefully, this time I will get the image posted of the new Wyatt Earp bronze in Dodge.

Maynard Reece Byrd
Dodge City


Thank you, I see you got the photo up!  What a cool statue, thanks again


That's a nice statue. I'll have to check that out one day. Been along time since I was out there.


i'm no expert, but...if you've ever been in the Red Dog Saloon in Juneau Alaska, ole Wyatt's pistol is hangin on the wall...he'd gotten there and told to check his gun, which he did, back in late 1890's  i think...but was in such a hurry to catch the boat on up to Nome, where another gold rush had broke out, that he forgot his pistol...so it hangs there today...point is, wouldn't he be carrying his favorite pistol?  It sure tweren't no 12 incher...just an ordinary approximately 5-6" barrel pistol.
   i gotta go out and shoot my 45-70 tomorrow Quigley...mine shoots a might further than 600 yards, heh.:D

M. R. Byrd

Wild Bill,

I did check out the Red Dog Saloon. Looks like a "happening" place that I should visit on my next(actually first) trip to Juneau. I have only been to Ketchikan and Prince of Wales Island, but sure want to get further into Alaska before I meet my Maker. Alaska is a favorite place for me. I would recommend a family outing there. It amazes me how little the map is in the atlas and how huge the state really is. I think the purchase price was a bargain.

Here is what I found doing a search on the Red Dog

600 yard targets?? Sounds like fun. I did take an 800 meter shot at a coyote with my 300 RUM a couple of days ago. Would sure like to brag about my marksmanship and how I dispatched the varmit, but all I can say is that I was in the vincinity. I will try again.
Maynard Reece Byrd
Dodge City


Quote from: wildbillhickoki gotta go out and shoot my 45-70 tomorrow Quigley...mine shoots a might further than 600 yards, heh.:D
You're hired. :)


Maynard....Alaska, now we're talkin! Juneau is one of my favorite places there, you'll love it...you can walk everywhere there...the Alaska Hotel just 50 yards from the Red Dog is a good place to stay and right in the middle of everything...yep, i really liked Ketchikan too...forget Anchorage, but you probably already know that, only good thing about it, is, it's so close to Alaska...if you get  a chance go up to Dawson City, i planned to stay there one day and ended up staying 5, the BunkHouse is a great place (and cheap) to stay there...right on the mighty Yukon River, lots to do, be careful at Diamond Tooth Gerties, heh.


heh, i maybe can hit the side of a barn at 600 yards...it was just a joke for Quiqley...but we love our
45-70's...speaking of which Quigley...'this ain't Dodge City and you ain't Bill Hickok' ...but you cook good rabbit pilgrim...


Quote from: M. R. ByrdWild Bill,

600 yard targets?? Sounds like fun. I did take an 800 meter shot at a coyote with my 300 RUM a couple of days ago.
Bet he shed a pound or two running off. :)  BTW, got any prarie dogs in your neck of the woods M. R.?
Good to see you around Wild Bill.

M. R. Byrd


Actually, the 'ol coyote didn't need to lose any weight. From that distance I could see that he was indeed infested with mange, so a little damage to the pelt from the 300 RUM wouldn't be an issue. I have a Shepherd scope sitting on the rifle and it has 24" rings. Judging from the size of the body in the rings, I estimated his range at 800 meters and centered(at least I tried) that ring on the varmit. With about seven inches of snow on the ground, I was not interested in getting prone and using the Harris bipod on the rifle, so I was having a hard time staying steady on the target. The snow on the ground and the distance kept me from seeing where my shot actually hit. A long distance marksman I am not. I need to take lessons from some on the list.
As far as prairie dogs, yes we have some. Due to time constraints and lack of a varmit rifle, I do not shoot them. It does bring to mind a story you might enjoy about prairie dogs in Dodge. When I get some time I will tell it to you over in the varmit forum or around the campfire. You really should not encourage me, unless you want to hear another story. You see, I grew up with a speech impediment and it took years, about 25 to be exact, to learn how to speak the English language. It was a slow start, but I am up an going now and making up for lost time. :D
Maynard Reece Byrd
Dodge City


Will be looking forward to that story M.R.. We don't have many prairie dogs around here, what ones I see those folks sure wouldn't let an ole boy in to shoot them. Been wanting to give the ole Sharps a whirl on them and have about 400rds. for the .220 Swift drawing dust. Got any public land out there or is it all private?

M. R. Byrd


I personally do not know of any of the public land that has prairie dogs, but I am sure that I could get you on some private land----jest so yer ammo don't spoil. Let me know if you want to hook up sometime.

I happen to see prairie dogs, just about everyday, but they are within the City limits of Dodge and can't be shot. They have their town right on 14th Street which, as you may know, is a busy street. There are many sitting on the curb near the entrance to Wal-Mart, but few seem to get run over in the street. Talk about a town "goin to the dawgs."

If you need to place to warm the bore on that 45-70, I can help you there, too.:)

Maynard Reece Byrd
Dodge City


You got a deal M.R.! What's a good time for your neck of the woods? From what I'm seeing on the news...now isn't a good time. :)  Getting some snow I gather.


Watch him Maynard, ole Quigley may make one of them there Billy Dixon shots...what was it, 1500 yds?  
   Why does talking about 45-70's make me want to head to Alaska or Brit. Columbia?
A few Summers ago, while in the last Frontier, i saw some young guy, about 23, and he was just touring around, carrying his rifle, looked like some kind of 30 caliber...i overheard him tell the border patrol he was going hunting.   BTW, ya'll heard, in Alaska, they've changed the law, one can now carry concealed without any permits...plenty of freedom still up there.
