Back at it today!

Started by davidlt89, April 29, 2015, 04:34:40 PM

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tomorrow is the last day of season so this was my second to last check, bitter sweet!!! I checked my traps that were far off and nothing, so I pulled them today as not to go back tomorrow. No evidence of anymore beaver, the other guy pulled out two days ago.

There is also a guy that sells kayaks that lives there that is a registered Maine guide, he bought 15 beaver carcasses from me and I made a cool 45.00!!!

I headed off the the bog road and had one set off but nothing in it. I had to leave these ones as maybe, by the grace of God, it will have an otter in it. These traps are in the township of limestone maine and I got a call from the town about an adc job today. He had two places, one was where my traps were, which they seen a little fella swimming around today, and was way out in town about 10 miles away!!!

So  I told him trapping was still in and i would go and set tonight and see if I could get him while the season was still in. I got there and called the guy to make sure I had the right place, as I was talking, the beaver came swimming in by the culvert as if I was not there. So I got set up and left and will go back tomorrow.

I then headed to my buddies and scored on the foothold trap which worked like a charm as the beaver had drowned like it was supposed to. nothing anywhere else.

I head to what used to be the "trap shy" place and there was another in a 330. thats 3 in two days!!! I also pulled those traps as not to go back, then headed home.

there is a guy in the town I grew up in taking pelts, castor, and carcasses tomorrow, so I am going to load up in the morning and do a quick trap check and head out there and see what he can do for me. Pretty pumped. Here are the two beaver today. They are your color Paul!!! God bless
Romans 12:2
2 Don't copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God's will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.
