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Topics - tfrank

VDGIF has a new spring squirrel hunting season and I was wondering how many people were aware of it, and if anyone was considering going squirrel hunting this June??? There are only a few public hunting areas that will be open for the spring season and C W Phelps WMA is one of them and that is pretty close by!!!
God Bless, Frank
THE CAMPFIRE / Wow, I found you all again!!!
March 26, 2005, 11:15:46 AM
Been awhile since I've been here. Seems like I got lost, you got lost, well anyway I found the site again.:D Could't figure out why my login info wouldn't work untill I read that little blurb on the home page, so I reregistered. Sure am glad my screen name hadn't been taken. Well gotta go help the wife with some yardwork. Good to be back. God Bless, Frank.