
Started by drinksgin (deceased), August 10, 2015, 12:52:08 PM

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drinksgin (deceased)

For the first time in at least 3 years, we are getting to pick some figs, don't know if the birds are asleep at the switch or if the figs are getting ripe so fast the little the little thieves just cannot eat that fast.


I may even can a jar of preserves!
NRA life, TSRA life, SAF life, GOA, CCRKBA, DEF -CON


Be nicer than necessary.

drinksgin (deceased)

Sorry, I have gotten all messed up going to 10, have lost my pictures and the editing program you told me about.
Adrian is having my machine cleared and reloaded with 7, so I may be back in business when it gets back from Houston.
On the cooking subject, the local supermarket has restocked with 1' sacks of hickory, pecan, mesquite and white oak so it would be a good  time for Al and Adrian to stock up on their choice.
NRA life, TSRA life, SAF life, GOA, CCRKBA, DEF -CON
