The Hunter's Life Forums

THE OUTHOUSE => MODERATING THL => Topic started by: gitano on August 29, 2011, 04:01:40 PM

Title: QL "Warning" from klallen
Post by: gitano on August 29, 2011, 04:01:40 PM
klallen's "warning" in this post should be recognized for what it is - an attempt to make trouble where there is none. I am CERTAIN that the only persons "upset" about "sharing" QL data with those that haven't bought it is klallen. I have been doing business with NECO for more than a decade and know them reasonably well. If they have a problem, I'm quit certain it was brought up by klallen. If they have a problem, they can come here and address it directly.

Please be vigilant with respect to his posts. While he has been away, he has polished his internet persona. He learned how to be a jerk while staying within forum guidelines. He's still fundamentally a trouble-maker. I am sensitive to calling someone else that, because it would be very easy to call me the same thing. The difference I would hope people can see is that klallen has difficulty being truthful. He really needs to be "important" and consequently, his rifles shoot better than anyone else's and they shoot farther than anyone else's and they shoot faster than anyone else's and they cost more than anyone else's, and his brother is a "gunsmith" (his brother IS a gunsmith - I just don't know how good of a gunsmith he is), to his friends money is no object and he and they only buy "the best", and so on.

I don't want to 'rag on' klallen too much. However, he is not someone I would even allow at my campfire, let alone tolerate there. He will not be allowed to be a member at There is no one else that I have met at THL that I regard so poorly.

Title: Re: QL "Warning" from klallen
Post by: rockinbbar on August 29, 2011, 05:10:40 PM
It's called being a narcissist.

Those that are hone their skills... ;)
Title: Re: QL "Warning" from klallen
Post by: recoil junky on August 30, 2011, 06:59:09 PM
I think the guy flings more BS than a semi load of yearling bulls fresh off of green grass.

That said, davidlt89 and I have been PMing back and forth and David brought a good point to my attention: "He (klallen) will get bored if no one bites"

I think we should ignore the problem and it might go away.

 Quoting David "as far as the quickload thing, It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that is pointed at Paul, he is the only one that uses it. Personally I would just let it go, but that is up to Paul. "

Yup. I think David's showing us the Christian way to handle it by turning the other cheek.

David also said, "BUT, if the "staff" here finds that he is purposely trying to get folks dander up, then something should be said." (I reminded David he is "part of the staff")

Maybe a well worded PM?

Or like David said maybe he'll get bored if no one bites.

Allen (RJ)
Title: Re: QL "Warning" from klallen
Post by: gitano on August 30, 2011, 10:54:10 PM
Ignoring is the best approach I think. I only brought this up because I didn't want anyone to get "excited" about some veiled threat that NECO might "do something".

klallen has been on my "ignore" list for a couple of years. I find that works best for me.

Title: Re: QL "Warning" from klallen
Post by: davidlt89 on August 31, 2011, 02:51:46 AM
QuoteI reminded David he is "part of the staff"
I am well aware of that Allen:D I have absolutely no problem addressing corey if he gets out of line. for now though, I think Paul summed it up, he is staying within forum guidelines. I had asked him to elaborate on what he had said in his quickload post and he PM'ed me his response. Basically I pm'ed him back and if there was a problem with the distributor and a person on here that it was essentially none of my business and it was between the two parties involved. I have not heard back yet! I guess in a roundabout way I told him to "let it go", it is none of his business. God bless.
Title: Re: QL "Warning" from klallen
Post by: recoil junky on August 31, 2011, 09:07:38 AM
Quote from: davidlt89;115277I guess in a roundabout way I told him to "let it go", it is none of his business. God bless.

He's what we call at work a "spoon". Always stirring things up and when you call the "spoon" on his/her stirrings he/she flatly denies it.

I see in the post by Mr. Bloggs, he's showing a copy of the "licencing agreement" No mention of sharing with your friends. Kinda like a sixpack of beer. There's no "law" says I have to drink it all by myself.

Title: Re: QL "Warning" from klallen
Post by: Daryl (deceased) on August 31, 2011, 02:01:54 PM
The subject...and thread is closed.
Please read my statements in the final post to the thread for more details.
Title: Re: QL "Warning" from klallen
Post by: Daryl (deceased) on August 31, 2011, 04:29:10 PM
This is a copy/paste of a PM I got from Korey, along with my reply.
Just so's it's on the record.
Quote from: klallenevening, d. did i anger you with the neco subject? it would appear, at least to some degree, i have with you feeling any need to close the topic when there really wasn't a meaningful discussion going on anyway.
i had a thl member this morning pm me utterly insensed that i would disrespect the legend that is the quickload program in any way, shape or form.
i didn't realize that's what i was doing. and tried to tell him that. then it got ugly.
why is there such a hypersensitivity towards this discussion here? either noone's saying anything or the few that are are p'ved at me for breeching the subject. one feller seems to think i'm on a crusade aimed at quickload's distruction.
is that really how my posts have come across? i've made no secret that i don't need quickload to handload an extremely accurate cartridge but i don't care if others use the predictions it generates.
what gives with the topic? juss curious.

Hi Korey,
No, I'm not upset at all.  It's simply a non-issue, since no copyright laws I'm aware of have been broken.
As you mentioned, some members are getting worked up over it, and there's really no need for it.
I've no dog in this one; I'm simply averting what could turn into something, since there's no real issue to begin with.
I ask that you not take it personally.  It's simply something that I feel is best left alone, rather than trying to settle it after everyone gets worked up.
Title: Re: QL "Warning" from klallen
Post by: gitano on August 31, 2011, 05:16:17 PM
You will know them by their fruit.

We are all subject to that truth.

Title: Re: QL "Warning" from klallen
Post by: Daryl (deceased) on September 01, 2011, 03:55:28 AM
I agree, Paul.  I'm far from perfect.
I figured it best to simply close the thread.  We as forum leaders can ignore it, but non-staff members would continue to post to it, keeping it at the top for a while.
It's off-topic for that forum, and a non-issue.
As far as I'm concerned, it can now be moved to one of the private forums for future deletion.  We like to do that just in case any "he said/I said" scenarios come up about it later.  I just didn't want to do that, then have K start it all over again.
Title: Re: QL "Warning" from klallen
Post by: gitano on September 01, 2011, 08:03:29 AM
I right with you, Daryl.

My "We are all subject to that truth" comment was pointed at myself.

I think you handled it well, and agree with the plan.
