The one that didn't get away!

Started by ~Jeff~, November 28, 2004, 11:03:24 PM

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I have spent quite a few years fishing, trapping and hunting along the Bering Sea coast of Alaska. I made my home in a Yup'ik Eskimo village where I have the  privilege  to travel the area with my neighbors and friends of whom are all Yup'ik. I've learned much from these people of trapping techniques, unique hunting and fishing methods just to mention a few. Through these times I have been able to share with them I have gained much respect and understanding for their traditions and ways. One thing I also learned is when one of these guys has a story to tell, you had better listen-up because it just might be some thing your not going to hear every day..........

                  TOKSO0K BAY ALASKA

......... When I looked down at it again its frame was even more enormous. It was spitting out herring and other partially digested flesh from its gigantic mouth! Chills flooded my body. I came to realize that I had finally met my match. Right then and there I froze stiff. The brass harpoon that I had prepared would be useless against this beast. I feared that if I used it the giant halibut would rip my arms out of their sockets or even tip the boat over in its' attempt to swim away. There was no way I was going to be able to bring this brute into the boat by myself!.......

Even though these fine people graciously allow me to link to their website, I'm gonna make go there yourself if you want to hear the rest of this fishing story. While your there you might want to snoop around, they offer for sale  the warmest and rarest clothing I know of. The furs this clothing is made of can only be sold by native Alaskans. By the way, they don't take visa and don't expect overnight shipping. Every thing they sale is made after you order, then they post a photo of it online. If you like what you see you can send them a check.
