Favourite hunting method

Started by babbyc1000, April 08, 2007, 12:34:43 PM

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Favourite hunting method

11 (47.8%)
4 (17.4%)
riven Shoots
1 (4.3%)
1 (4.3%)
ough Shooting
0 (0%)
6 (26.1%)

Total Members Voted: 15

Voting closed: July 17, 2007, 12:36:39 PM


Hi all, just wondering what everyones favourite hunting method is. reason im asking is ive never really thought of the different types as such, i just do what the situation dictates; ie pulling on the camo gear and walking through the fields. but when i was in a gunshop the other day the owner asked me what i was into, and he was a bit confused by my discription. so we eventually setlled on it being "rough shooting'; basically going out with a gun a shooting whatever comes along.

this last couple of days ive been using crow decoys (gunshop guy gave me them for free!!!) and im really enjoying it, as its the first time ive been able to get large numbers within range of the shotgun - i got 3 in 30 mins earlier on (and if i got my finger out and got used to the double barrel again it probably wouldve been more!!  )

so ill put up some types i know, if theres any others ive missed just stick up a post. i reckon itll be interesting to see.
Dont worry, I have a cunning plan...

Daryl (deceased)

I agree Babby.  I just do whatever it takes for the situation.
In my area of the world, that usually equates to spot & stalk.  Get to a high area, use binoculars and/or a spotting scope to find animals, then decide on the best way to stalk it.
A government that abrogates any of the Bill of Rights, with or without majoritarian approval, forever acts illegitimately, becomes tyrannical, and loses the moral right to govern-Jeffrey Snyder

RIP Linden33

Jay Edward (deceased)

I've never done the 'sit in a tree' thing and don't ever intend to do so.

My hunting is 'stalking' with both long and short range binocular spotting.  A great number of the game animals that have accidentally fallen to my firearms or bows have been taken fairly early in the morning when close range is the rule rather than the exception.

Since I don't hunt waterfowl anymore and limit my bird hunting to Upland Game, I guess that 'stalking' is still the listed method.  Wandering the woods/fields looking for ground squirrels with my M/L or bow... or just stump shooting with the bow... would probably come under the heading of 'rough shooting' although I've never heard that particular term applied to out of season (or in season) hunting.

I like to shoot standing up on my own two feet and have done so most of my life.  I cannot recall laying down to take a shot at anything.  Hunting Antelope over east would be just inviting thorns, burrs, sharp rocks or scorpions so laying down is out for me.  Here in the mountains I reckon the closest I've come to 'resting the rifle for a shot' is laying my daypack on a boulder.

I'll lean up against a tree if the opportunity arises but I'm not counting on it.  Any extra movement at all will send an Elk into the next County and I'm hesitant to move any more than is absolutely necessary when the game is located.

buckshot roberts

:biggthumpup: It's stalking for me,but I've done the tree stand thing a time or two in my life, Ron
We got too complicated......It\'s all way over rated....I like the old and out dated way of life........I miss back when..

bowhunter 51

Camoflaged  Ambush is my favorite method,  I generally see other
hunters stalk by:smiley: ...however, I've probably taken more  deer from
stalking than any other method.................................................BH51........
**********God Bless America**********
>>>>-----------Live to Hunt--------------->>
>>>>-----There is no off season--------->>


i know what you mean bh51; im just back in from having a go at the crows again (im back to work next week so doing all the hunting i can now); there was a farmer standing 30ft away from me in the field behind me - he noticed the decoys sitting out and was looking around to see iwho left them out, but he couldnt see me, ha ha!

luckily enough i resisted the evil (but hilarious) urge to shoot a couple of crows when he was standing there oblivious to my presence..... ;o)
Dont worry, I have a cunning plan...


Pretty hard to stock in the North Maine Woods since you can only see about 8 feet in front of you. I prefer to sit on the edge of a field and let them come to me (deer). For bear we always sit and wait and obviously the same for turkey.
Romans 12:2
2 Don't copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God's will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.


Pretty hard to stock in the North Maine Woods since you can only see about 8 feet in front of you. I prefer to sit on the edge of a field and let them come to me (deer). For bear we always sit and wait and obviously the same for turkey.
Romans 12:2
2 Don't copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God's will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.


same as Dave here.
For small game it's bust brush and shoot it when you can.
God is Love!
Some things are real whether you believe in them or not!


I will also be honest and admit that I stink at stalking!!!!!!! Doesn't make me any less of a hunter though :)
Romans 12:2
2 Don't copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God's will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.


I've tried many methods over the years, everything from shooting from helicopters to sneaking around with night vision gear. But one method seems to prevail, and that's stalking.

Glassing out a good head, then tracking, getting within a comfortable range, and bob's your uncle.

My other favourite method is lying doggo on a ridge / rocky hill watching over a billabong / game trail / dam and seeing what fortune throws my way.

Other old favourites include spotlighting "with aid of vehicle during prohibited hours", crashing through lignum after boars, camels at ungodly ranges, sneaking up on rabbits with an air rifle, and tackling crocodiles with my bare hands. blindfolded.



Quote from: Ausmarksman;60728Other old favourites include spotlighting "with aid of vehicle during prohibited hours", crashing through lignum after boars, camels at ungodly ranges, sneaking up on rabbits with an air rifle, and tackling crocodiles with my bare hands. blindfolded.

now come on mate, theres no point getting carried away here. i mean, sneaking up on rabbits with an air rifle?!?!? YEAH, RIGHT!!!   :biggthumpup: :biggthumpup: :biggthumpup:
Dont worry, I have a cunning plan...


You might point out to those on this side of The Pond that "stalking" and "rough shooting" don't mean the same thing "over there" as they do "over here".
Personally, my favorite kind of hunting is the kind one finds in the mountains... like when sheep hunting. However, I did find pronghorned antleope hunting very similar to sheep hunting, and therefore equally satisfying. I like to be able to spot animals from afar, plan a stalk, and execute the stalk. In the mountains or the prairies you can do just that. And usually, you have the opportunity to look over lots of game.
Be nicer than necessary.

m gardner

My absolute favorite is backpacking. I'll take food and water (if it's dry) in beforehand and cache it. Then I'll hike in and practice noise and light discipline so as not to disturb the animals. Basically live with them until I discover an opportunity. Then setup and kill and pack them out. Haven't done it in a few years, but there is one spot that I know that lends itself to this style and I may hit it this year. God bless and good hunting.


One of my favorites for big game is spot and stalk.  But do enjoy a good stump to sit on and watch for awhile when available.--KT
