Wallhangers, backhides, pieces and scraps....

Started by Wolfwoman, February 20, 2010, 02:34:43 PM

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All of those can be made into something! C'mon - you have old furs hanging around that need to be hats or mitts :grin:   Send em to me for a new creation!!

$60 for a hat or pair of mittens. I will also do moccasins with your fur for lining for $75 (harder to make). Face and tail hats are $75 and a full mountainman hat or ones with all feet, face and tail is $100 from your fur. Pillows are $40 unless they are huge and require extra sewing.

So, send me a fur (or two or three!) and I'll make you a hat or a pair of mittens for $60. This can be an all fur hat, or it can be a hat with leather or fabric on the outside, whatever you would like. Mittens aren't practical with all fur, but if you send me enough fur I can line the inside of the mittens with fur also! The choices are endless. Trapper Hats, Fur Caps and Pixie Hats, headbands.... if it can be made from fur, I can make it!!

As always, here's a batch of pics that I've made for you to look at. Very few of these are for sale and have already gone off to good homes :)

Here's a slideshow for you to enjoy:


Your fur or mine??


Your fur or mine??


Where in the world are you located, Wolfwoman?
Be nicer than necessary.


Chickaloon is 30 miles north of Palmer on the Glenn Highway :) MP77

I'm on the "OTHER" highway...lol
Your fur or mine??


I thought you might be up here. Actually closer than I thought though. If you show at local shows, maybe I can get a look as some of your work. I have some martin skins I've been saving for a hat.
Be nicer than necessary.


If you're in Wasilla just make a road trip, you're only about 40 minutes from me. I don't do the shows I can't afford to. I just have them in my store out here and I sell online. If you're thinking about marten, you'll need at least 4 for a trapper hat.
Your fur or mine??
