Day Two Not As Fortunate.

Started by DEADBIRD, April 19, 2005, 10:41:40 AM

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The second day of the Missouri season for 2005 was enjoyable yet fruitless. I went back to where Jarrett and I hit pay dirt the day before. I arrived about an hour earlier in order to possibly catch the birds as they came off the roost. The first gobble came at 6:30AM and the bird was roosted up the hill from where he did the day before. He was about 200 yards up the hill on private ground. At fly down he paralleled me to the south. I would move south down the border of public verses private ground and the bird would move in the same direction but wouldn't come down the hill. I knew that this would most likely be an act of futility. I finally set up where the properties meet with another and waited. Blind calling is not my idea of fun but this is all I had. I quit at 11 AM and decided to fish a little. I did catch my first crappie of the season.
