
Started by apeters24, November 20, 2014, 02:21:00 PM

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While scrolling through this thread, I found that years ago it was used for more than just scripture being shared.  There were questions, statements, and more importantly -- conversations regarding the works of the Lord.  I'm not trying to "change" the way this thread is managed, but thought I'd share a few things regarding some current topics in which I'm reading.  I certainly welcome any insight.

2 Corinthians 10:4-6

"For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds.  We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ, being ready to punish every disobedience, when your obedience is complete."

I guess I'm headed in the direction of Satan's work in the human mind, and how it's possible to resist the worldy temptations in which our society deems "acceptable."

The world has "allowed" Satan to surrounds us with "imaginations"  and sinful thoughts.  We as humans tend to think these thoughts are our own, when really they're strongholds of Satan himself.  These strongholds force us away from a mind involving Christ.  Many times we are subjects to the work of Satan as we accept his thoughts into our mind.  Thoughts can vary from something you're "just going to do once," your family and friends, relationship thoughts and questions, and so on.  It's easy to allow these thought to creep into your life, and often it takes times to recognize the works of Satan himself.  The question I've often asked is how do we reject those thoughts from Satan?  His attacks can be done in covert ways, ways in which it may be too late to recognize in certain situations.  Yes, you can ask the Lord for forgiveness, but what if your family member, friend, or partner choose not to?

I guess if I were to answer my own question, I'd have to say the only way to withstand Satan is by faith.  We must believe that the Lord was manifested to destroy the works of the devil.  As for forgiveness, I'm still trying to figure that one out.

1 Peter 5 8-9

"Be sober-minded; be watchful.  Your adversary the devil propels around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.  Resist him, firm in your faith, knowing that the same kinds of suffering are being experienced by your brotherhood throughout the world."

I hope I didn't offend or create a post that is "unacceptable."  I thought this might be a good place to share some thoughts.  Unfortunately this type of conversation is not one I could pick up the phone and find many people in my contact list that would have interest or insight.  So thanks for taking the time to at least listen to me ramble.  :smiley:



First, I will give you a little history of the Christian life here on THL. Before I took over as moderator, there was an older member who was moderating who went by the name Motor! Motor would post Some scripture and for all purposes elaborate on it. For the most part it was read, but not "agreed" upon by all. Anytime there seems to be scripture and opinions are asked, it is almost always turn into a "debate", and that is not the direction I wanted the forum to go. I believed posting scripture and allowing members to read was the best way to go and it was agreed that it would be helpful, as we all don't see "eye to eye" on some things.

That being said, there is certainly nothing wrong and coming with "questions", but IF someone answers here, you are bound to get an "array" of answers!
that being said, I am more than happy to address some of your questions with what I know. I encourage others as there are plenty of God fearing men on this website who depend on God and have a relationship with him.

Quote"For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds. We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ, being ready to punish every disobedience, when your obedience is complete."

I sum that up as the process of "Santification"! the process, and I stress process, of becoming Christ like!!! If you read my signature of Romans 12:2, you will see God will change the way we think, we will have eyes to see the schemes of the devil that "worldly people" deem acceptable. But it takes time and you will will very well make mistakes!!!

QuoteThe world has "allowed" Satan to surrounds us with "imaginations" and sinful thoughts. We as humans tend to think these thoughts are our own, when really they're strongholds of Satan himself.
Strongholds are where satan really has a hold of us! Addiction, lust, etc.... They must be identified as you already know.

QuoteThe question I've often asked is how do we reject those thoughts from Satan? His attacks can be done in covert ways, ways in which it may be too late to recognize in certain situations.
Even if recognized to late, it is never to late to repent!!!

QuoteI guess if I were to answer my own question, I'd have to say the only way to withstand Satan is by faith. We must believe that the Lord was manifested to destroy the works of the devil. As for forgiveness, I'm still trying to figure that one out.
True, but faith in what?? one can say have "faith", or you must have "faith", but one must know what to have faith in. I believe Faith in Christ. Believing Christ was who indeed said he was. The Son of the living God himself sent to be our saviour. Not so much to destroy the works of the devil, but to save us from them. when Christ died and was resurrected He beat the devil, he beat the world, and he beat death!!! For all intensive purposes, He won, and he won for all of us. All we have to do is defend the ground Christ already won for us. That is what we must have Faith in! Faith that he through his victory we have victory, and yes, we have forgiveness of our sins. Because of him, even though we are wretched and deserve nothing short of death, we are clothed in righteousness, and he is our high priest.

When he went to the cross, he took us all with him. At the cross it is a matter of us being in him, down here it is a matter of him being in us. WE cannot detect the schemes of the enemy, and actually, most quite enjoy sinning. The flesh loves it, it never obeyed God and it never will, and it is easy to follow. Through Christ we have victory because the flesh was crucified and killed on the cross. It is a matter of allowing Christ to work through us. What we don't "detect" the Holy Spirit will. It is also a huge matter of God Grace!! Through his grace this is all possible. we must not learn to rely on ourselfs for anything, but everything through him!!!

As for forgiveness, there was a thread on this once!!! Many varying opinions on what "forgiveness" consists of and what it entails". One thing I believe we all know is that we must forgive!! how can we expect God to forgive us if we can't even forgive someone else??

Hopefully others will chime in!!! God Bless.
Romans 12:2
2 Don't copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God's will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.


I apologize.  I didn't realize there were prior debate issues. You are of course welcome to remove the post.


There is no problem with the post, but you can get several different answers. I have no problem as long as it does not turn into a debate. God bless.
Romans 12:2
2 Don't copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God's will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.



First, there is NO need for apology. The Christian Life subforum is NOT just a place for scripture to be copied and read. That is 'fine', but it is neither "policy" or necessary.

Second, you should feel not only comfortable in bringing your Christian thoughts and comments HERE, but welcome, to do so. You are welcome and encouraged to do so.

Finally, "about" The Christian Life subforum: Religion, even for those that profess to have none, is ALWAYS a 'heated' topic because it means so much to people. If you come here to share your thoughts and ideas with people, you will find people receptive and communicative. If you come here to "preach" and tell people - both Christians and non - what they "aught" to be doing, or "should" be doing, it is almost a certainty that you will find yourself 'embroiled' in a conflict.

Give as much thought to HOW you say something as you do to WHAT you say, and I suspect that you will find both agreement - or at least not vigorous disagreement - AND pleasant discourse.

The THL subforum The Christian Life is not a place to proselytize. It is a place created  in the spirit of Hebrews 10:24&25, And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching. NIV.

Which brings me to my final comment; It is usually a good idea when quoting scripture to note the particular translation you are citing.

I am glad to see this thread you started. I would be disappointed to see you abandon it.

Be nicer than necessary.


Thank you, Paul.

I do understand and agree that religion can cause a "heated debate."  I'm not here to preach, simply just looking to share thoughts and ideas.  

People can agree and disagree on numerous topics, but religion and politics seem to really "stir" things up.  Most of us are unwilling to view outside of our own "box," and that's ok if you choose to take that route.  Others view conversation as debates, if they don't "feel" the same.  I'm merely looking for civil conversations based upon ones insight regarding some topics that I've come across.

1 John 3:8

"Whoever makes a practice of sinning is of the devil, for the devil has been sinning from the beginning.  The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the works of the devil." ESV


One of the 'things' I have come believe is that each of us has a unique relationship with our Maker. What that means is that it would be rather incredible to think that any two of us are "on the same page" with respect to our spiritual walk and relationship with God. Of course, we have 'common problems' AND common joy, but God made each of us unique and the paths of our lives are unique therefore, the "solution" to any one person's problems or challenges are not necessarily the same as for another.

That does not mean we are not to try to help one another. Rather, it means that when we set out to 'help' another, all too often we are thinking in terms of ourselves, not the other person. We think in terms of how we faced a "general" problem - say divorce - and how WE dealt with it. We think we have "seen it", when in fact, we couldn't have 'seen' all the nuances and details of anyone else's strife.

So... as our life brings us each more comprehension of the workings of satan AND God, we want to tell others what to 'watch for' and "how to listen to God", and a whole plethora of "dos" and "don'ts". What I am trying to come to in my behavior is that when I decide to "help" someone, I must TRULY put the other person's interest foremost. Putting my self - the definition of ego - to the rear.

Here's the point: I don't think there is a "formula" for defending ourselves against satan and his seductions. Each of us must find our own way THROUGH GOD to 'deal with' our own temptations, rationalizations, fears, and weaknesses - all of which satan exploits. I believe that ANY and ALL "spiritual guides" be they books or persons are the agent of satan BECAUSE they put themselves between the person and God. Christ's sacrifice put an end to "priests" FOREVER. There is only one priest left in the universe for the people of earth - Christ.

This may sound "off topic" from your initial post. However, I intend it to be right on topic. Your assertion
QuoteI guess if I were to answer my own question, I'd have to say the only way to withstand Satan is by faith.
cannot be legitimately denied. However, "it" should go no further because one person's faith is not another's. There is no 'formula of faith' to withstand satan's trickery because satan is WAY more skilled at his 'craft' than we are at defending against it. I was about to write "Seek God and pray for protection", but that would just be doing exactly what I said NOT TO DO! See how easily we 'get to' "do this". Instead, I should simply ask, "How can I help you?" AND MEAN IT.

On to 'forgiveness'. I'm with you on 'figuring' that one out. I have 'fallen back' on biblical guidance. And that should not be interpreted as INTERPRETING the scripture on the subject. I mean looking at forgiveness using ONLY VERY LITERAL examples in the Bible. I think I'll wait to wade into that topic, but I will say the following: 1) My views are A LONG WAY from what is preached from the pulpits, and 2) Assertions that God's forgiveness is "unconditional" is BALONEY! We can move on to that subject once we have 'hashed out' (or stomped off) on this matter of "withstanding" satan's guile.

Be nicer than necessary.


Couldn't agree more with your statement regarding helping one another, but only thinking of ourself.  I too believe it's easy to pass judgment on how someone is handling a situation, because again - we're thinking of ME and only ME.  How did I overcome this situation?  "If it worked for ME, it'll work for them!"  At times we even consider how we could benefit from the situation!

Too often we choose not to take other people into consideration, and feel the path that God is leading us is always right.  But is it always a path led by God?  Or could it be the selfishness and pure want of what YOU believe is right that you're acting upon?  

Do we TRULY care about one another, or is it always, always about what's best for ME?  People lie, steal, and cheat to get ahead.  They abandon friendships for selfish reasons.  People divorce because of how they feel or don't feel.  They even end relationships because of "this is what I need to do for ME."  Is there really legitimate reasons for doing any of the above?  Did God deem it acceptable or are we following the WRONG path, which we currently believe is right?  How "easy" is it to forgive when placed in one of these situations?

We're told in Ephesians 4:31-32

"Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put away from you, along with all malice.  Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgive one another, as God in Christ forgave you."  ESV

Ephesians 6:12

"For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritul forces of evil in the heavenly places."  ESV
