Come And Get Me!

Started by Jay Edward (deceased), August 31, 2006, 07:17:58 PM

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Jay Edward (deceased)

I'm out there oh great and mighty hunter!  I'm three times bigger than you, maybe even four.  I find it humorous that I can see you sneaking around and you cannot see me standing there feeding.  Maybe if I wore cammo like you do you would be able to find me.

Come and find me... you just might be able to hear the giggling as I watch you walk by.:D


That does get to the truth, how uncouth of you to point it out.:p
Oh the number of times I have been slinking through and turned around to find myself face to face with some creature in complete following me trying to figure out what I was trying to do.:o
On the camo joe stuff. On the rare occasion I watch hunting shows it seems the guide has on bluejeans and a khaki or dungaree shirt while he is out in front of a full camo face painted nimrod by a godd 20 feet. Then points out the game who is not impressed or scared of the plain clothes or the camo for that matter.
Want to see the latest in camo boutigue, go to any public school not required to wear uniforms.


What gets me is where do these Beasts get their calenders from?

  The amount fo times I see them out of season standing a few yards away yet come season ........... try and find them..... Grrrrr

   A classic case was going foxing with the gamekeeper, we drove his small VW pick up into the wood clanged the gate to the Sheep cover on the bed open to get the rifles out and I look behind us on the ride and see two wonderful Muntjac Bucks standing about 100 yards away looking at us between browsing. Although there is no close season on Muntjac, he only hunted them from November through to March then left them alone. Here we were in late April and they KNEW they were safe!
Go Get them Floyd!

the night hunter

When am out on my hunting adventures with my dog (uk) I see nothing no deer, but if I'm out walking without a dog there are deer everywhere!
night hunter


I just got back from my ML season hunt here in Colorado, saw lots of game, but only at the very limit of shooting hours.  Came face to face with a bear, turned him at one foot from the muzzle of the old Hawkins 50 cal.   Bear everywhere, and no bear tag.  

Had lots of fun, might pick up a over the counter late season to try and fill the meat locker.


M. R. Byrd

Sorry that you did not fill your ML tag. I shoot muzzle here in Kansas for deer and did draw a Colorado ML elk tag in 2004, but was unable to hunt. I will hunt 4th season in Colorado this year near Grand Junction. Looking forward to the hunt.
That was some close encounter with the bear. I just bet my heart would have been pounding out of my chest and I would be thinking, sure hope my powder is dry and the shot is good.
God Bless,
Maynard Reece Byrd
Dodge City


Funny you should say that about the powder.  I did not follow my own cardinal rule of a fresh charge every morning, when I went to empty the gun,  Fouled powder.   I had to pull the niple and shove powder down the snail to get it to light off.  
If I had not turned the bear, I would have had to resort to beating him with a poor choice of a club!  :D
Worse yet if I had come across my dream bull, I would have beat myself!:eek:
Lesson learned...again.
