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Messages - farmboy

RELOADING / Re: Building a new reloading room
May 21, 2019, 02:34:16 AM
Drywall guy came yesterday got the first coat of mud done.
Collector's Corner / Re: Long Branch
May 17, 2019, 03:43:58 AM
That on is also a Lee Enfield?  Lol you are talking about an area of firearms I know almost nothing about. Regards
RELOADING / Re: Building a new reloading room
May 16, 2019, 12:50:59 PM
Very interesting here that's a no no metal and gun powder.  Yes I believe the propane tank or a gas can are both worse than a few cans of gun powder. But I don't want to put any of those things to the test. A bridge I hope I never have to cross. Regards
RELOADING / Re: Building a new reloading room
May 16, 2019, 05:22:14 AM
Both government s must look in the same places for help on things like this! Certainly up here you would think that the rules are not very well thought out or there is no question about if the people working for Nobel will ever come visit them. Two sets of rules I read up here. A wood box to store powder in. It must be made so that it has no metal fasteners in it. They want no metal what so ever. Also made to come apart if it ever starts on fire. That set of rules is from energy mines and resources. The next set of rules from the firearms safety bill. Storage for powder has to be made so that it is not easily broken into and has to be locked. Lol I have never seen any wooden pad locks so I could half confirm to both sets of rules. The last time I looked this is the way it was I doubt there have been any changes. My thoughts on safety the propane tank on the bar-b-q stores in the garage as well as the bucket of gas for the lawn mower are both as dangerous actually more so than some fun powder. As gun powder just burns rapidly and the other two can explode. This says nothing about the natural gas line that runs in the house for the furnace. I guess there is an outside valve so it can be shut off when the residents of the home are well done and ready to be served.  

I have no outside window yours is a good idea for safety. I like my no window for security but is the wrong thing from a safety standpoint. Also I reinforced the walls with OSB under the drywall also not a good idea from safety standpoint. The room will contain a bunch of pressure. From a security standpoint the room will be hard to break into.  Up here there is a three year mandatory minimum sentence for a violation of the firearms act. So not wanting to spend at least three years in the crowbar hotel I went for the not easily broken into thought. The room sprinkler is there so hopefully if anything bad happens that I have time to get out. I was also thinking about having the powder in three cabinets. So there is not as much if in one place if something goes wrong. I do like the thought process behind your storage. Safety and powder car are to the forefront. Many things come to mind on what to do. I personally don't think there is anyway I can conform to every rule. No way when depending on which law you read they are opposite. There are two places that give different amounts of powder you can store at home. And there is a huge difference between those numbers. One is less than a tenth of the other.

The other interesting thing is that many of the approved powder containers were made of metal totally or partly. Imr was in metal cans and Hercules had metal ends on cardboard tubes. Off the top of my head I think most of them are now in plastic containers. Maybe the correct way is just a small amount in the reloading room and a storage in the garage for the most of it. You have me thinking now
RELOADING / Re: Building a new reloading room
May 15, 2019, 08:59:40 PM
Found a guy to mud and tape. He is coming over tomorrow evening. The board is almost all done. Working on the room beside the reloading room. So the board is going on there as well.  I have an electrician coming next week so I should have the shop wired and wood tools can come in. Ready to make the benches for the reloading room. Should be fun. I hope I can still build the benches that worries me a bit. Just work with the saw on good days!
RELOADING / Re: Building a new reloading room
May 15, 2019, 01:13:54 PM
Sounds like a great idea. Warmer than concrete. Which I am really wanting. Lol there is a nerve broke to my feet even during summer and three pairs of socks they feel cold! Very warm when I touch them just feel cold. So a great idea. Warm floor a safe floor and no bouncing. Now I will try to see if I can find some and how much they want up here for it! Regards
Collector's Corner / Re: Long Branch
May 14, 2019, 11:32:26 PM
Have you tried it yet?
SMALL GAME / Re: Gophers
May 14, 2019, 09:09:36 PM
Had a quick look today did not see any at the farm. Not sure why likely just the wrong time of day I was out there.
May 14, 2019, 09:04:56 PM
Yes most of them say the metal does not belong to themselves it belongs to those of the whole platoon or those that no one ever witnessed what they did. These are very interesting little films to watch. Worth ones time.
May 14, 2019, 06:27:37 AM
I have watched a bunch of the interview programs in this you tube series. Always interesting to see these men and hear there thoughts. If you have a few minutes and have not watched any of these you also might enjoy them they are each about ten minutes long. Enjoy!
RELOADING / Re: Building a new reloading room
May 14, 2019, 06:03:01 AM
I should go back to the store and look at fibreglass backed vinal. It is somewhat warmer on cement floors and a person can sweep it up. Worth a look
RELOADING / Re: Building a new reloading room
May 14, 2019, 05:57:25 AM
Yes the flooring is a compromise no matter what. What I have had happen in the past was some lost primers on the carpet and the primers going off in the powerhead on the vacuum. I wonder if that maybe happened and that lit your powder. Something interesting to think about. I have thought more about safety lately. And yes you do not get the bounce on carpet. I was thinking along the lines of commercial carpet. Because of low pile height and that I would be able to see things before vacuuming the carpet. I was quite interested in some I saw at the store yesterday. Thinking about it the color would not be great. A light grey color. Harder to see things in. I actual fact in a detached garage is likely way better if something happens it's not your house that would be effected. When it is cold outside it is nice to stay inside not sure I really have that option at the moment. A few more things to think about. Everything is a compromise but have to figure out what is the smallest one.
RELOADING / Building a new reloading room
May 12, 2019, 03:55:20 PM
Well I had the room framed in a spot in the basement. It is going to be a L shaped room with the furnace room in the corner.  Bought some Roxal safe and sound insulation. It is a insulation that absorbs sound and has over double the heat uptake before it melts. On that note I had a sprinkler installed in the furnace room as well as a couple in the reloading room. I don't move so fast so I thought if there was anything unfortunate to happen it may buy me enough time to get out. I also have to get the interconnected smoke detector s installed. So I found a fellow who is installation the drywall. And I have another lined up to mud and tape. So when that is done get the painting done and I am thinking about a cheap but durable commercial carpet. Easy to see primers on if I drop any. So the cupboard s to build to set the work bench a up on. Thinking the doors I am.going to go a bit over board on. The base cabinet s. I got some solid maple 1 3/4 inch thick interior doors for almost nothing. A school order the wrong ones and they sat for ten years and I paid next to nothing for them. I will cut them for doors for the base and for doors for the top cupboards. I can build locks etc on them everything will be locked up well. The room has no windows and the two non concrete walls I screwed on 5/8 OSB under the drywall so much harder for some one to break in through the dry wall. A commercial door look on the room should be good then with my cheaper gun safes it still should be hard to get anything out of  there. Beyond the Canadian law so should keep a fellow really out of trouble if someone breaks in.  Thinking or how I am going to setup the reloading machine s. The long wall will be for shotshell reloaded then to decide where the rifle loaders will go as well as the pistol ones. Getting it all set up for easy use will be kind of fun. In many ways I think vinal flooring would be the best but the commercial carpet the winter. I had a room once with top end home carpet but I vacuumed up a few primers that in the powerhead not sure I want to go there again. Thoughts on flooring I should consider would be welcome as is anything else. Regards
HUNTING WITH DOGS / Re: Clean up hunt
April 04, 2019, 05:06:11 AM
Snow must be gone now no?
SMALL GAME / Re: Gophers
April 04, 2019, 05:02:20 AM
Quote from: recoil junky;152915They are out here in force.

Got a "holeous diggus gigantus" Saturday.

I used a bit more than a rimfire tho.



Lol those are lots bigger than ours! I was out but they were not. Lol I had the scared