Is CWD a real threat or just another industry supported by hunters?

Started by m gardner, May 23, 2005, 04:37:16 PM

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m gardner

I've been following CWD for awhile as I'm sure most of you are. Last year Colorado thought that the big game harvests were low because of the much fewer numbers of animals brought in for testing. It was found out that less people were afraid of the disease and didn't want to foot the bill for testing. This year because of especially low participation the deer from the Gunison Basin will have mandatory testing at the state's expense. CWD has been around since the 1960's. So why the big fuss now? Is it just a new way to increase revenues? Is CWD more prevalent than thought because we test for it now? I haven't had any of my animals tested ( I haven't shot any that looked sickly either ). I do have memory problems, am slower than I used to be and my hair is getting whiter by the day, but I think that may be old age not prions. What do you all think? About CWD not my personal problems(I don't want to be here forever!). God bless and good hunting.


Three years ago we hunted a state park to thin the herd and part of the deal was they got to test for CWD. To my knowledge none was found. The WO gave a pretty extensive talk with answering questions at the end. Oh yea this was in central Texas near Waco.
He held that at that time no CWD had been found in Texas. Had a chart of the US states showing where it had turned up. Pretty scattered on cases seemed to me. He also stated they did not kow what spread the disease, what could stop it, but were sure it was not detrimental to humans. That is when my irritable button got pushed. How the heck can SCIENCE not know so much and still state it is sure it will not hurt us? Oh well personal soapbox problem with half baked science.
He did tell an interesting story that happened to him in connection. A land owner called that thought he had a case of CWD on his place would the WO come check it out. When he got there he witnessed a poorly nourished doe, staggering around and bumping into things like trees and fences. Agreeing that she looked like a prime candidate for first CWD in Texas he shot her and they tested her extensively.
She aged at 7.5+ for all parctical purposes tooth less. Was blind. Mostly the poor old deer was starving to death.
As for consumption of the deer from places that may carry something but no one knows for sure what it is. Cook it and eat it, just be sure to cook it.


Cooking is good, but what is of critical importance is tha you don't eat any of the  Central Nervous System components: Brain and spinal chord. Most folks don't do that anyway.
ALboy, what I've heard from the "usual suspects" is that CWD IS transmissable to humans. No cases of CWD to my knowledge in AK yet.
Be nicer than necessary.


This is my point exactly. Depends on the day and expert what you get for scientific information.
I am getting Bah Humbug on anything I can not test for my self. I am no genius either.

drinksgin (deceased)

I am definately not suffering from chronic Wasteing disease, not with a 44" waist, but the signs of Oldtimer's disease or C.R.S. are catching up with me.
NRA life, TSRA life, SAF life, GOA, CCRKBA, DEF -CON


I am with you on the CRS and getting grumpier by the day.


I have hunted areas where CWD is found but none of the animals that I have taken have ever tested positive. My friend and his wife did have one doe test positive and the meat was given to the DOW. And you know, it figures that the one that was positive would be the one that was farthest from the road and the hardest to get. :D CWD, or the symptoms of it are actually found in historical records dating back to the 1700s. They have found record of large deer die offs from a disease of unknown origin exhibiting the same symptoms as CWD. CWD is a prion disease and we have only had the technology to identify that there was such a thing as a prion since the late 70s. More and more is being made of CWD because we now know more about it. But one thing that is for sure is that it is here to stay. CSU did several experiments where they took holding pens that had contained infected animals and kept them empty for extended periods of time, 5 years or more. They then moved uninfected animals into thoes pens and they contracted the disease. Like gitano said it does live in the central nervous system so no spinal soup or brain pudding, thanx.
Ask not what your government can do for you. Ask how your government can go away and get out of your life.
The unarmed man is is not only defenseless, he is also contemptible.
Niccolo Machiavelli


I forgot to mention that if you bird hunt in any area known to have CWD infected animals that you should have your birds tested for Cherpies. It's a Canarial disease. :D
Ask not what your government can do for you. Ask how your government can go away and get out of your life.
The unarmed man is is not only defenseless, he is also contemptible.
Niccolo Machiavelli

m gardner

Don, I'm not wasting away either. I was sick when I came to Colorado 7 years ago and am 25 pounds heavier now. Must be elk and mule deer are better for you than first suspected! God bless and good hunting.
