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Messages - LLANOJOHN (deceased)

THE CAMPFIRE / Re: Ol' John - Good news and bad news
March 11, 2011, 11:35:58 AM
Well,  I am back it's beyond my abilities right now to complete this diatribe.  I am slow to copy any presence. Lacey is typing this correspondence to you at this time. She will write my letters for me in the future. I thought I would be able to do it but it's a mess.

I thought I would be able to do this, but I now know that I need more help. Thank God I have some people that I can count on to type for me. ( My name is Lacey Supak, I help the Pattons with thier tax office and store and am now assisting John with his letters.)  This is all I can think of to write at this moment.


MERRY CHRISTMAS to all of the good folks "down under".

Well, today is the day...plan to watch "Beautiful Kate", the Aussie film by Rachel Ward just released here in the States. Then to sit on the porch and begin reading "A Fortunate Life" recommended by you good people. See my post at the campfire for other info on the days happenings.

It is my priviledge, pleasure and good fortune to know all of you. Thanks guys.

Ol' John...:Banghead::sleeping:
THE CAMPFIRE / Re: Merry Christmas
December 25, 2010, 06:49:01 AM
BH, great news about your Dad. Wonderful to hear you are all together for this Christmas Day.

And what a beautiful day it in central Texas at Castell. Clear skies, lt wind, 30* degrees..supposed to warm up to about 40ish.

Chistmas meal today will be my Texas style CHILI with TAMALES............ummmm good. Family tradition started about 20 years ago. Later in the day will settle back with a little CoffeeRoyal, watch a movie "Beautiful Kate" and get started on the book "A Fortunate Life". Might even get a little reloading done if I don't drink too much CoffeeRoyal. Let the festifites begin....

Everyone have a beautiful day with you and yours.:iloveyou:

Ol' John...:Banghead::sleeping:
THE CAMPFIRE / Re: Noise on the Roof!!!!
December 25, 2010, 06:36:12 AM

Well done neighbor!;)

We now know who in your household "thinks out of the box" and knows how to get things done..hehe!:daisy: My congratulations to the Mrs for her "daring do".

The "bum" knee trick is now history. Next time .... check the chimney BEFORE winter gets here:oops:

All the best to you and yours this 2010 Christmas.

Ol' John...:Banghead::sleeping:
A good afternoon to y'all, friends and neighbors..:antlers:
The local postoffice had a nice Christmas surprise for me today as the copy of "A Fortunate Life" was in my box for me to read over the holidays. In a previous post I had mentioned my purchase from a bookstore in New Zealand.
Samwise Books
74 Riverview Rd
Waikato, . 3300
New Zealand
The book was mailed 12-10-2010 with arrival today 12-20-2010. Thats pretty good time from half way around the world and "down under".
As is my habit with books...I read a few pages from 2 or so of the chapters to get a feel of the writing style. So far, so good..!
Looking forward to the Christmas weekend..supposed to be a bit of cold air here so I shall get a bit bundled up, make a pot of coffee and really get into the read.
When I have finished will get back to ya! May all of you and your families have the best Christmas holidays ever.
The ol' guy in central Texas.
Ol' John...:Banghead::sleeping:
RELOADING / Re: .375 x .284 Win Bullet Choice
December 12, 2010, 04:29:35 PM
IMO, BC doesn't mean "poo" until you get past 300 yards. Just my opinion with no scientific evidence to back up my opinion. Just 40 years of experience sending bullets downrange. However, I am open to critical thought.:help:
Best regards,
Ol' John...:Banghead::sleeping:
THE CAMPFIRE / Re: Floods in Oz
December 09, 2010, 01:20:20 AM

Yep........a bit of too much water.  Hope the damage is not too severe.  You and yours are high and dry, I hope.

Take care, my friend.

Ol' John...:Banghead::sleeping:
Quote from: Branxhunter;109569Kombi,
what is the movie with Bryan Brown as a swagman who is joined on the road by a little girl - is it "Shiralee"? I saw it many, many years ago but seem to remember that it was quite good.
Of course Ol' John, if you are into reading or watching some more Australian history that is also a fine story, the story of the Duracks setting up a pastoral station in the remote Kimberly region of Australia "Kings in Grass Castles", and also the story of Sir Sidney Kidman setting up his cattle station empire "The Cattle King" are also both worth a look.

Thanks for the direction on "Kings in Grass Castles" and "The Cattle King". These have been noted in my "to get" book.
Finished "The Shiralee" last evening...definitely worth a watch.:D:D Next on the list for me is "The Thornbirds" but that will be later in the month. Since today is "Pearl Harbor Day-12/07/1941" I will be watching the many documentaries available on the "idiot box" for the next few weeks.
I certainly hope that my friends "down under" have had the opportunity to watch "Lonesome Dove". Pretty fair flick.
Visit with y'all later.
Ol' John...:Banghead::sleeping:
Collector's Corner / Re: 1873 Springfield Trapdoor
December 07, 2010, 03:19:25 AM

This post of yours really 'hit' the nostalgia button for me. Many years ago...I guess I was about 16...a friend of the family gave me a 1884 Springfield trapdoor in better than good condition. It was a rifle, not a carbine. I was anxious to shoot the ol' feller and obtained a box of UMC 45-70-500 cartridges. The box was unusual in that it was completely sealed. To open the box you had to use the string attached to the box and pull it around the top half of the box. That box today would probably be worth more than the rifle. end the story...I worked part time on a dairy farm west of San Antonio and I took the rifle/ammo with me one day. There was an old dead Liveoak tree in the yard. I inserted a cartridge into the chamber, shouldered the rifle and let fire.!!!!!! There was perhaps a quarter of a second lag involved. Very disconcerting to say the least. The base of the 500grainer penetrated the tree just enough that the base of the bullet was even with the outside of the tree.

That was more than 50 years ago but I remember it like yesterday. Isn't it strange the memories we keep and those we discard...:huh2:

I hope you opt to give the ol' girl a new/better home.

Ol' John...:Banghead::sleeping:
You are right on about "the Shiralee".. with Bryan Brown and Rebecca Smart (plays his daughter). Netflix has it and it is now in my "queue". Thanks for the 'heads-up' on this one. Will be watching it soon.
Will look into the others you mentioned. Thanks neighbor!
Andy, I watched "Gillipoli" many years ago..time to reaquaint myself with that one.
Ol' John...:Banghead::sleeping:
FIREARMS & OPTICS / Re: New glass for my .22-250
November 30, 2010, 10:52:36 AM
Quote from: gitano;109547I'd say our ages are 'showing', RJ... :stars:
Paul guys are barely able to see over the kitchen what was it I was looking for? Don't 'member.
That is a real nice lookin' rifle thar, neighbor!
Ol' John...:Banghead::sleeping:
A good mornin' to you, neighbors!

Update for ya! Found a hardback copy of "A Fortunate Life" from a bookstore in New Zealand thru '' for $20.00 USD and ordered same a few minutes ago. Now to wait a coupla weeks for delivery.

#2 update.....finished the book "Sole Survivor" by Derek Hansen....and what a good read! Kept my interest thru the entire journey. Characters were most 'interesting' to say the least!

Thanks for taking the time to post your replies. Greatly appreciated by the ol' guy here in central Texas.


Ol' John...:Banghead::sleeping:
"68 AND FEELIN' GREAT"........:cool::2thumbsup::jumpingsmiley:
Thank you one and all for the birthday wishes! My apologies for replying so late but my " 'puter" has had some issues lately and finally got a 'tech' to clean out the garbage.
Had to be one of the best birthdays so cousin, Carol, came up from Waring, Texas to give me my semi-annual hair-cut/beard trim and bought me lunch -- mesquite fired pork steak with all the trimmings. To make a long-story short..I ended up with 2 chocolate cakes, a big batch of chocolate/pecan brownies and two(2) big bottles of my favorite elixir...J T S Brown(fine Kentucky bourbon). Should keep me "elixired" thru Christmas. Life is grand..:COOLdude:
Once again...thanks for all your well wishes. Keep yore powder dry and nose into the wind. Lets do it again next year.
Ol' John...:Banghead::sleeping:
PS...Don, I hope I never catch up to you!
THE CAMPFIRE / Re: Moving!
November 03, 2010, 05:06:52 AM

Did a search for the location of Canyon City and the map indicates it is just west of Pueblo.  A beautiful area, my friend.

This will put you in close to Trinidad and the TSJC Gunsmithing school.  I envy you on that one.  They offer some excellent courses during the summer  related to various apects of firearms.  If you wish/can attend one or more I hope you will take advantage.

All the best..:toff:

Ol' John...:Banghead::sleeping:
RELOADING / Re: Range reports - various
November 03, 2010, 04:05:17 AM

The more I read of your posts on the .243 in question, the more I have come to believe your problem is the bedding of the action/barrel in your stock.  Wood stocks, if not properly bedded, are notorious for shooting very good one day ... and the next they behave more like shotguns...:oops:

I am a firm believer in free floating the barrel and glass-bedding the action.  Check your stock and see if there are any signs of wood compression in the action area and any signs of barrel metal touching the wood in the forearm....if so, its time to get out the chisels and sandpaper and remove little-by-little.  Once you are satisified that all is well (as best as you can tell)  then SEAL THE EXPOSED WOOD IN THE ACTION AND BARREL CHANNEL..!:yes:  I personally use "marine grade spar varnish", two thin coats applied to all exposed wood.  Pick a day when the relative humidity is 50% or less allowing a few days apart after each coat.  When that is completed, re-assemble the barreled action into the NOT OVERTIGHTEN the action screws.  Many people just overdo it.

Just my $0.05 worth .... hope this helps...:toff:

Ol' John...:Banghead::sleeping: