"Marking" brass?

Started by recoil junky, April 01, 2009, 07:38:32 PM

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I remark with each loading...
Personal field testing trumps everything no matter what Field and Stream says, what your degree of perceived manhood is, or what your buddies think.


How about trying painting the base of each case with coloured nail polish? The nail polish is quite hard and it will fill the name / calibre stamping on the case. When the cases go through the tumbler maybe the polish will remain in the name / calibre stamp?
 Just a thought......
"Belief:" faith in something taught, as opposed to "knowledge:" which is awareness borne of experience.

Paul Hoskins

You can buy felt tipped 'paint markers,' which use real paint, and cover the head with diffrent colors to match the gun. This paint will stay in the stamping a long time even in a tumbler. This paint stinks until it dries.     .......Paul H


As was mentioned before, different headstamps (or brands of brass) for different rifles. Works just fine for me with my 2 6mm Remingtons. One gets Remington brass the other gets Winchester. If I get a third 6mm then I will probably have to use your method of nickle plated for the third.
