COLD...take care of your dogs!

Started by English, December 19, 2004, 06:10:07 PM

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Guys I apologize for not posting here more lately.  I have been busy hunting with my dogs and not spending quite as much time on the net.  
Make sure you take care of your dogs in this weather.  We are heading down to -10 tonight so I made sure I took extra care of my pooches today.  Here's a few ideas I use to help them be more comfortable in the winter.  Please feel free to add to the list.
1.  I built my box with a partition in it so the dogs have to get around the partition to get into the "nest" part of the box.  Keeps them out of the wind.
2.  Raise your dog box off the ground.  Nothing sucks the heat out of a body quicker than frozen ground.
3.  Make sure you feed a quality dog feed.  I feed Diamond high engergy and I feed them all they'll eat in this weather.  I also will add some drippings, fat or other household scraps high in energy or fat to help them manufacture more heat.
4.  Make sure you break the ice out of the water dishes and that they are getting enough to drink.  The dogs need water to digest food and manufacture heat.  Consider soaking the dog food in hot water to give them a warm meal and extra water.
5.  I put a good quality wheat straw several inches deep in my dog box.  I change it out periodically.  IF it becomes packed down it loses much of it's insulation value.
6.  Finally if you have more than one dog and it's possible put them together.  I keep two females outside in the same kennel.  They give off body heat and help keep the box warm.


I read once that dogs won't eat if there is no water and since then I have observed this.
  floating something in the water helps prevent ice.  unless, of course, they consider it a toy to be fetched ;-)
  Farm shops have heatable waterers
 Cooking up fowl bones in the crock pot for three days breaks down bones so they can't hurt the dogs - mine love this on their food :-) (It also keeps the bones out of the garbage which prevents cans from being knocked over.)
 Speaking of which a capful of pine cleaner (Pine Sol or...) inside the bag will prevent them from knocking over the garbage, too. Coons and Dogs have not bothered my cans since I started this. Even bags left alongside have been safe (this is NOT a guarantee, just my experience!!!!) With all those bones in most people's garbage over this season, it's much safer if it smells like pine instead ... not only will pooches not be ripping into it but the predators are less likely to come calling into your yard.
