Oh, boy!

Started by drinksgin (deceased), April 19, 2013, 12:53:40 PM

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drinksgin (deceased)

I bet obummer is having a snit fit on top of his tantrum, first the sorry Senate shoots down his pet gun ban plans and now his heart felt hope that the Boston bombers were white republicans has gone down in flames.
I do notice the liberal press is stressing the brothers are Chechenians and, so far I have not heard one word about the boys being muslim, could it be they are hoping that will go away?
Do they really hope to keep it out of sight?

NRA life, TSRA life, SAF life, GOA, CCRKBA, DEF -CON


Yeah,   I heard on the news that Chechnia WAS a haven for Islam.  ~course it wasn`t TERRORISM  was it Barry?

drinksgin (deceased)

The last time I heard as much squeaking and squealing as obummer and his posse are doing was when I was working near a pen when a bunch of wet backs were cutting boar hogs.

NRA life, TSRA life, SAF life, GOA, CCRKBA, DEF -CON

drinksgin (deceased)

Oh, rot!
The trash has been taken alive.
So we can now expect to spend several million dollars, taking care of him, then take 3-6 years to prosecute him,(the "disgruntled soldier" in the Ft. Hood shooting is still untried).
I was surely hoping they would get him after he was dead.
NRA life, TSRA life, SAF life, GOA, CCRKBA, DEF -CON

buffalo bob

the authorities are trying to figure a motive.   sort of easy thing to figure. he is muslim and we are infidels.  what is difficult to understand there.  makes you really wonder how many sleeper cells they actually have across the country.  and every one who knew them were so surprised this happened.  I fear the muslims are tired of fighting on their land and will now bring it to ours.


Have a look at this https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=631207560227187&set=a.412950002052945.114337.412645312083414&type=1&theater

Obama's behavior neither surprises me nor disappoints. What is making me furious is that the Press, ALL OF IT, isn't saying a WORD about this. Snubs Thatcher, honors Chaves. Whodathunkit? Anybody with half a brain. BUT THE PRESS BEING SILENT ON IT INFURIATES ME!


I'm going to move this thread to the "What's On Your Mind" subsite.

Be nicer than necessary.


And now some misguided idiot ( probably an ACLU`r ) is questioning if the perp was told his Miranda rights !!!!!!!!!!  GIVE ME A BREAK .  THIS is what`s wrong with the direction we`re headed. Did the perps read the Miranda rights to the inocent victims ( including police officers ) before they were murdered in cold blod ?? Now we will be burdened with `fixing up` the killer and making sure he has three square meals a day all the while providing him the world stage he seems to think he DEMANDS. Now, let`s drag out the `process` for years, spending millions, while we wait for the inevitable verdict. I say give him a nice stout piece rope in his cell......... oh, and provide him a worthy hook from the ceiling.
As to Barry`s ignoring the Thatcher service............... just unbelievable.

drinksgin (deceased)

I suspect several leo's should be fired for being incompetent, there was a reported 20-30 shots fired at him while he was in the boat and he is still alive, how can police miss a stationary target at close range, especially when it is not a sudden action?
The Thatcher business should have been expected as Maggie was Ronnie's pal and that is the worst of the worst to obummer.
The liberal press is beyond belief!
NRA life, TSRA life, SAF life, GOA, CCRKBA, DEF -CON


I don't think they're going to take the "Miranda" issue too far. There is a "special clause" with respect to "Miranda-ing" a suspect: If they are accused of "terrorism", they can be questioned for 48 hours without Miranda-ing, and the responses are still admissible in court.

I want the Cops to be held to the standards like Miranda-ing FOR EVERYBODY. As soon as "we" say it's "OK" not to follow THE LAW because we don't "like" a particular criminal, we are putting ourselves IN GREAT jeopardy, BECAUSE... when the sons of bachelor Socialists get the 2nd amendment repealed or watered down to their satisfaction, those of US like YOU and ME will be the "bad guys".


I'd bet a life-time's wages that they shot up the boat AND THEY WILL NEVER COMPENSATE THE OWNER.

Be nicer than necessary.


QuoteThis content is currently unavailable
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The part that disturbs me about last night's events is this:
As they were hauling him off, the crowds were heard applauding and chanting USA!, USA!, USA!
Thereby exposing the idea that it's possible for millions of disarmed people (like many in MA are) to cheer armed and armored oppressors when they declare martial law,  roaming the streets in armored vehicles, keeping subjects locked in their houses, while they shut down city services and public  transportation.
All "for their own  good."

I guess I don't understand shutting down an entire city of millions because one nutball college kid is on the loose.
And I certainly will NEVER understand the people that were forced to "shelter in place" cheering about it afterwards.

Where I grew up, anyone climbing in the family boat would have been in more danger from the owner, long before the cops arrived.
QuoteRestrictive gun laws that leave good people helpless, don\'t have the power to render bad people harmless.

To believe otherwise is folly. --  Me


Quote from: Jamie.270;125520The part that disturbs me about last night's events is this:
As they were hauling him off, the crowds were heard applauding and chanting USA!, USA!, USA!
Thereby exposing the idea that it's possible for millions of disarmed people (like many in MA are) to cheer armed and armored oppressors when they declare martial law,  roaming the streets in armored vehicles, keeping subjects locked in their houses, while they shut down city services and public  transportation.
All "for their own  good."

I guess I don't understand shutting down an entire city of millions because one nutball college kid is on the loose.
And I certainly will NEVER understand the people that were forced to "shelter in place" cheering about it afterwards.

Where I grew up, anyone climbing in the family boat would have been in more danger from the owner, long before the cops arrived.


Be nicer than necessary.


Funny...........    I too thought about the shot up boat and wondered who would pay for that.  I imagained the poor boat owner standing there and looking at his riddled boat.  I too thought it was weird that so many shots were fired ( hundreds ) and so few shots hit their target.   I remember turning to my wife ( as we listened live on TV  to what almost sounded like automatic weapons firing hundres of rounds ) and mentioning they must be pretty lousy shots if it took THAT many rounds to dispatch one target.  Unbelieveable what a bit of adrenilin can do to one`s  brain.    Scary stuff...............


Did you see where the LA cops are weasling out of paying the ONE Million dollar reward for finding their "enemy". I told j0e_bl0ggs that would absolutely be the stance they would take once the "got their man".

Be nicer than necessary.

j0e_bl0ggs (deceased)

We found in our club that the best place to stand near an armed cop was in front of him...

Maybe that is why they built their own private range...
Turvey Stalking
Learn from the Limeys or the Canucks, or the Aussies, or the Kiwis, or the...
                   "The ONLY reason to register a firearm is for future confiscation - How can it serve ANY other purpose?"

j0e_bl0ggs (deceased)

The worrying trend is the amount of force being used to arrest a SUSPECT It appears that the shoot first ask questions later idea is being taken to heart.
Turvey Stalking
Learn from the Limeys or the Canucks, or the Aussies, or the Kiwis, or the...
                   "The ONLY reason to register a firearm is for future confiscation - How can it serve ANY other purpose?"


Organized crime, inner-city gangs, and other 'organized' criminals have lead this country to a militaristic police force. (THEY call THEMSELVES "paramilitary".)  Given that "policemen" are, BY NATURE, "control freaks", it was a natural AND INEVITABLE progression to go from "Andy Griffith" to "SWAT Teams" in response to the urban "warfare" of inner cities.

That is PRECISELY WHY we have a constitution, and MOST IMPORTANTLY, the Second Amendment to that Constitution.

Be nicer than necessary.


L.A. / California can pay for the `Save The G*y Baby Whales` campaign but unfortunately can`t `afford` to pay for their own liabilities. :huh:


I would embed this if I could, but I tried every HTML tag I could think of:


Even the press refers to the actions by the police as "terrifying."

So, tell me again who the terrorists are?

What happened to the country I grew up in?
QuoteRestrictive gun laws that leave good people helpless, don\'t have the power to render bad people harmless.

To believe otherwise is folly. --  Me

drinksgin (deceased)

Jamie, remember the chorus in the song, "Railroad, steamboat, river and canal"?
NRA life, TSRA life, SAF life, GOA, CCRKBA, DEF -CON


Be nicer than necessary.


Quotethis oughtta tighten your jaw
Romans 12:2
2 Don't copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God's will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.


4th Amendment doesn't seem to mean much does it? A simple "Is anyone here against your will" would have sufficed.
4th Amendment
"The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized."
I saw this about the guy in Texas being disarmed because " a lady was nervous" call by someone who had no idea what was legal and what wasnt. That could have all been resolved by the dispatcher informing her no crime was being committed. Then overzealous cop who gets embarrassed because he doesn't know the law either. I wish the ACLU would be as energetic about enforcing the 2nd and 4th Amendment as they are about the 1st (when it suits their agenda). Hopefully the NRA comes to the rescue of this guy, and makes an example of the cop so that others get the point that they dont get to decide when we are allowed our rights under the constitution and God. They can't claim they felt their safety was in danger just because they see a gun, especially one that is holstered or slung.
thanks, there goes my blood pressure again.

"Politics is supposed to be the world\'s second oldest profession.  I have come to realize that it bears a very close resemblance to the first."
Ronald Reagan


It is not unreasonable for a cop to be "suspicious" of a person walking around with an AR-15 slung across their chest. Neither is it wrong for a cop to confront such a person, especially if a call from a "concerned citizen" is taken by the police dispatcher. Neither is it "wrong" for a cop to WISH to disarm someone they are interrogating, especially if when the cop can see a firearm in plain sight. HOWEVER...

This cop is a THUG. He was confrontational from the outset. According to the defendant, the cop "grabbed the gun, surprising me, and it was slung around my chest". Since the cop did not deny this statement, it is most certainly true. That was PROFOUNDLY STUPID for the cop to do, UNLESS his intentions were specifically TO PROVOKE.

The laws are different in every state, but in Alaska, you are required by law to "obey the instructions of a sworn Peace Officer". Period. There is no qualifier of "if the instructions are lawful". If they are NOT lawful and a "reasonable person" would not be in fear for their life in that situation, then you are obligated under the law to comply, and TAKE THE MATTER UP LATER, LEGALLY. IF on the other hand, a "reasonable person" would, in the same situation, be afraid for their life, you don't have to comply. HOWEVER, if you are confronted by a cop and you are in fear for your life, you are in serious trouble, and should do everything in your power to remove the danger. Pretty much, "you're on your own" in that circumstance. There IS going to be a trial, one way or the other.

This cop is a THUG. All he had to do was FROM A DISTANCE AND WITH HIS HAND ON HIS SIDEARM, "make contact". Were I in his shoes, I would have ASKED the man to give me his weapon. If he had refused or said he was "uncomfortable" doing that, I would have asked him to put it on the ground and walk away from it. If he had refused to do that, I would have called for back-up, if I hadn't already. In Alaska, it is a misdemeanor to be out of your house without identification, AND you MUST show that identification to a sworn Peace Officer if asked. I would have asked for the man's ID. I would have then "run him" to see if there were any outstanding warrants. In the mean time, "back-up" would have arrived. SOON, it would have been clear that the man WITH HIS SON IN TOW, was not a threat. The cops could have left without incident at that point.

This cop is a THUG, and he is EXACTLY WHY there is a 2nd Amendment to the US Constitution. You will note in the video that NONE of the other cops are NEARLY as belligerent as the "sargeant". He made a VERY BAD initial decision, and in absolutely TYPICAL cop form, he exacerbated the initial bad move by following with more bad decisions and behavior.

This cop is a THUG, and he should be demoted and severely disciplined including suspension from access to a firearm until he has demonstrated the ability to behave appropriately AND LEGALLY when contacting the citizenry.

This KIND of stuff happens ALL THE TIME! It's been happening ALL MY LIFE! It is NOT "new". When I was a senior in high school, the local cops responded to a silent alarm at a camera store at about midnight. They arrived on scene with sirens blaring and lights flashing. Lots of people moved toward the scene. A JUNIOR IN HS was seen by the cops and told to "halt". He was out past his parent's curfew and didn't want to get in trouble with his parents, so he ran.  Three cops shot him 11 times IN THE BACK - ACCIDENTALLY! NOTHING happened to those cops.

A California Highway Patrolman stopped a drunk driver on the freeway. The guy got out of his car and started running away from the cop. The cop chased him down and ACCIDENTALLY KICKED HIM TO DEATH! THE COP WAS COMPLETELY EXONERATED OF ALL RESPONSIBILITY!

A friend of mine and I were at a BIG Springtime event in Southern California called the "Strawberry Festival". There were about 150,000 people there. Hundreds of cops showed up suddenly with police dogs, and told every body that it was an "illegal gathering" (which it WAS NOT), and that they had 5 minutes to "leave". Move 150,000 people in 5 minutes. Yeah. Anyway, my friend and I were near the exit, so we left in a hurry. About two blocks from the place, we were confronted by two cops in a patrol car. The were VERY aggressive, and when they said something nasty to my friend, he responded in kind. They beat him so badly with their night-sticks that he was in the hospital for 5 days.

The list throughout my life goes on. Here's the irony. In order to work for the Alaska Department of Fish and Game in the capacity I had, I had to attend the State Trooper's School, and was a "sworn Peace Officer" of the State of Alaska for 12 years. While I was never "a cop", I was involved in several criminal investigations and was the State's "expert witness" is several trials. THE POLICE WILL LIE IN A COURTROOM UNDER OATH ABOUT ANYTHING, AND THE PROSECUTING ATTORNEYS WILL BOTH SUBORN PERJURY AND "LOOK THE OTHER WAY" WHEN THEY KNOW A COP IS LYING UNDER OATH. I SAW THIS WITH MY OWN EYES MANY MORE TIMES THAN ONCE.

Ask me again why I am so "intense" about the 2nd amendment.

Be nicer than necessary.


We had a "shooting incident" in Eagle River (a small town about 10 miles outside Anchorage), last night.

You'll never guess who the participants were: The shooter was a drug dealer, and the "victim" was a a guy trying to buy drugs. What a shock. I am quite certain that any ONE of all of the proposed gun control laws would have prevented the drug dealer from getting a gun and thereby prevented this "incident". And if you believe that, either you're an idiot or too stupid to be allowed to procreate.

I can't remember - but I could be 'dis-remembering' - a shooting in Anchorage in the past 10 years that wasn't either drug or gang related.

Be nicer than necessary.

drinksgin (deceased)

I am sure everyone heard about the shooting on a Texas college campus, , actually 2 drug dealers having a business dispute about 2 blocks from the campus, however, it was allover the news as a college shooting.
Then when a nut slashed a bunch of people, actually on campus with what was later identified as an exacto knife, no one even questioned what the capacity of the knife's magazine/clip was, actually almost no one even reported the incident.
A double standard, nah!
NRA life, TSRA life, SAF life, GOA, CCRKBA, DEF -CON
