A Bear Story

Started by gitano, January 21, 2008, 12:42:57 PM

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You're all very kind. Thank you.
Be nicer than necessary.


very deserving Paul.
I have an issue for your opinion or anyone else, once I figure out where and how to post the issue.
I'll let you know the where.:biggthumpup:
A mind always employed is always happy. This is the true secret, the grand recipe, for felicity.
Thomas Jefferson


I truely enjoyed the read ...great story and well written. Can't wait for the next one ...keep 'em coming.  Oh CONGRATS on a great bear too !!!


A mind always employed is always happy. This is the true secret, the grand recipe, for felicity.
Thomas Jefferson


    I put off reading this until today, sure glad I read it though. very interesting. I have hunted black bear up here in maine and have never gotten to hear them "pop" their teeth. All my friends have though. Keep the stories coming!!! God Bless.
Romans 12:2
2 Don't copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God's will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.


When bear "pop" their teeth it's not to be friendly!:eek:
A mind always employed is always happy. This is the true secret, the grand recipe, for felicity.
Thomas Jefferson


As always, I really enjoyed reading your posts.
I had a big male blackie face off with me a few years back.  I was approaching a bait, not really attention as I did really expect anything to be there.  I was carrying more bait, with my rifle slung over a shoulder.  I was less than 15 paces to the bait, stepped into the opening when I saw him.  I dropped everything, rifle came up and put crosshair on his chest.  He turned to face me, then began to shift his weight from side to side and began to make quiet low pitch growling sounds.  At same time I am talking to him, "Go away...I'm just here to feed you big guy.  I have to go to work tonight."  Slowly he turns, and walks away.   Sheesh, I thought I was going shot have no choice but to shoot him.  I rebaited and then drove into work.
I shot him the very next day.  This was the first and the last time I hunted black bears over bait.


I completely understand your thinking about not hunting bear over bait.  I'm adverse, since I've gotten older and a little long in the tooth...if you know what I mean;
 to killing something I'm feeding.
It's like "killing a friend"
I put out cat food and corn for the wildlife in and around our house.  We are on an island more or less completely surrounded by a creek.  I feed cause I know the animals are coming to our creek for water.
We have a least 2 big bucks and several doe.  Not sure in my mind how many doe are involved with each buck.  We have wild turkey...hens, jakes and toms.
Plus the smaller game and many birds and raptors.  It's amazing to watch the raptors eat cat food!! Must be the fish and chicken draws them.  I watched a Perigean Falcon eating cat food last week.  I've been trying since to catch him on camera.
Maybe one day I will luck up!!:smiley:
A mind always employed is always happy. This is the true secret, the grand recipe, for felicity.
Thomas Jefferson
