
Started by Adler249, July 31, 2005, 12:41:07 PM

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ok i just got a lab pup that we found and cant find the owners. i plan on training her for a hunting dog since i dont have one. ive trained dogs for just about everything except hunting so im new to that. i know i can train her really well but i was wondering if its possible to have her well enough trained on retreving so i could take her out dove hunting sept.1 and she can do some real retreving in the field. also any tips on training a lab would be great.


I'm not a lab man but I have hunted a bit with labs and my sister raises them. First question is how old is this dog. You do realize that September isn't very far away? If the pup is say 5-6 months old I think it may be possible to take her out and get a few retrieves. First thing you need to do is work obedience. Sounds like you know how to do this. Then start working her on the retrieve. I've never hunted doves (been illegal here in MI until recently) but I believe that at times a fair amount of shooting takes place. Better make sure this pup is conditioned to gun fire. Hate to ruin a pup on her first trip out because its never heard a gunshot.


lol yeah i realize sept. is only a month away. i do know alot about dogs and i figure shes about 5-6 months old. the obedience is already half way done. who ever had her before me has worked with her to be a hunting dog. starting today im going to be easing her into gunfire and once shes comfortable with it ill be taking her shooting alot so she get very comfortable with it. we have one gunshy lab already and i dont want another.
