Posting Pictures From Photobucket

Started by Alboy, February 01, 2010, 08:34:43 AM

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I think working on the original in this area is fine, especially in contrasting color as you have done, then the original poster can edit as deemed necessary.

In the future, maybe I won't edit the original, rather copy it to a lower post and edit that post. What do you (all) think about that?
Go to your photobucket account.
There you'll see thumbnails (small versions of the larger picture(s) you uploaded. It should look something like this:
This first photo image is jumping back and forth from linking to viewing and I can not get it to go consistent. ??

Slide the mouse pointer over the image you want to paste into THL. Once the mouse pointer (cursor) is over the image, a small drop-down widow will open. It will look like this:

In the pop-down window, go to the bottom line that says "Image code" or "img code" or whatever. It's the bottom one.
Right click on the image code, then choose "copy" in the window that appears.
If you have already started your htread/post in The Hunters Life (THL) website, "paste" ("control" + "V" or right click and paste) the image code you just copied into the place in the post you want it. If you have not yet started your THL post, then come here and start your post.
The URL to your picture will be inserted (copied) into the post.
Then finish your post, and the picture should appear in your post at the point where you put the URL.
Be sure to hit "enter" on your keyboard before and after the image tags . That way the picture will stand alone, rather than appearing in the same line with your words.


Good idea Al. This shold be fairly straight-forward. I'll get some 'screen shots' of the photobucket site to go along with your text.
Moderators - feel free to edit the texts of all of these subjects. That's the idea of collaboration. We can, together, come up with text and pictures that most would find informative and helpful. You know the old saying about surgeons - To 'hammer', everything looks like a 'nail'. Meaning, to a surgeon, everything is 'solved' by surgery. Each of us 'hammers' looks at a given subject as a specific kind of 'nail'. The good thing is that we all see a different 'nail'. It isn't that we just want to cover the subjects thoeoughly, we want to address all the different kinds of 'nails' that each of us sees when were looking at THE SAME subject.
Be nicer than necessary.


Could you also please add to this quote from a previous post by Gitano.

For everyone using a third-party host like Photobucket for your picture hosting:

If you use the "IMG" format instead of the "http" format for the URL to your pictures, they will show automatically, and we viewers won't have to click on the URL to see your picture. The "IMG" choice is the bottom selection of the four options offered (on Photobucket) when the mouse is placed on the image you want to post.

"Belief:" faith in something taught, as opposed to "knowledge:" which is awareness borne of experience.


"Belief:" faith in something taught, as opposed to "knowledge:" which is awareness borne of experience.


Great that you posted the link, David.
Note that I edited Al's original post to add pictures for clarification, and shortened the instructions.
Also, I think we should include instructions on how to "get started" at photobucket. Not much, but the first line "Go to your photobucket account", presumes someone has a photobucket account. I don't think we need to be too detailed, as the site has pretty good instructions, but some rudamentary help might be appreciated. Also, we should not give photobucket "sole" attention. We can give instructions on using photobucket, and name a few other third-party photo-hosting sites.
Be nicer than necessary.


I agree with your revisions and will clean the original of all red copy. Photobucket evedently streamlined the process from their site since Daryl put up the original instructions.


QuoteThis first photo image is jumping back and forth from linking to viewing and I can not get it to go consistent. ??

I know, and it makes me crazy. This (not displaying the first image) occurs when the post gets edited more than once. If you edit it some more, it will start hiding the second picture. I don't know what to do about it. You'll notice that I have put in a "dummy" image on some of my posts in an attempt to 'strong-arm' my way around the problem. It doesn't always work.

Be nicer than necessary.


The direct link works too. If everyone would resize their photos down to 6 or 700 x 467 pixels prior to posting, the entire page wouldn't be distorted. I have been guilty of this before and gitano chided me......justifiably so. Regards, Rick.
Talk to yourself. There are times you need expert advice.
