Ethics question

Started by Mike Orwan, November 05, 2005, 05:00:35 AM

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Mike Orwan

Yesterday afternoon just as I got about half way up the tree a guy walks in to me. He asks if I intend to set up there agin the next morning (today). He said he plans to hunt his son the next morning (today) within 30 yards of that spot and since their stand was there first he wants me to go somewhere else. He said he intentionally came in to try and get me before I was set up.
Now I honestly don't know who's stand was there first as I had never seen any others close by and I've been in that area since opening day 10/1 and in that same tree for almost 3 weeks now. This fellow and i have chatted several times as our paths have crossed and he seems very likable. But he was obviously perturbed that I was there and not to condusive to moving.
Now I also know his son (not a little kid but in mid-late 20's) has already shot a huge 12 point in that same area. I have also already shot a doe and seven point but with a doe tag left and I'm still after one.
It seems to me he was rude, not in demeanor, but in his request. I was always taught first come first serve and give a wide birth to anyone if they are in your area so as not to disturb them.
I use a climbing stand which has been left in place since one week prior to the season opener. He has multiple hang on stands (3-4 that I know of) already in the area. Does this mean he has first dibs to every area that a stand is in, whether or not I've never noticed a person or a stand there before?
I didn't go out this AM as I didn't want any bad blood but in doing so I gave up my last morning hunt. Evenings aren't as productive here. As this last week starts I will be able to get a couple evenings out but had hopes up for this am.
What would any of you's guys have done???
Mike in PA
Romans 8:26

buckshot roberts

;) Mike, I'm with the first come, first shoot, I'm no bow hunter but I have had this happin to me at gun season, now if I'm their first,so be it, the same for him, I have left spot's because someone was their first, one time this hunter sat under my tree-stand, Never said a word, it seems to me this guy has lad-a-claim to this area, I'd take time to see how many he has up, To me I don't think he was trueful with you about all of it anyway, Onetime me and my uncle put are tree-stands up one week before open'n day, and I was in my stand at 5 am, and someone was try'n to come up it, and got very mad that I was in his stand, ask him if he was lost, because this was my stand, As to your Question, I would have stay'd, I don't know this guy, as much as you do, but if you felt that this would have made bad blood, you done the best thing to me, but I'd let him know that just because he as all those stand up, if you get their before he dose, your stay'n, I have one spot that I'm go'n to hunt that I know someone has also been check'n out to, so I'll up date this post in about 6 day's, good luck and be safe.
We got too complicated......It\'s all way over rated....I like the old and out dated way of life........I miss back when..


Seems like the solution, since it can't be proven who was there first in the area, is to detirmine a time when he will not be there so you can hunt in peace, & vice versa...

Remind yourself often to SEE not just "look".

buckshot roberts

;) Hey, Rockinbbar thats a very good idea,  Mike could give it a try, and see how this guy's go'n act about, May go along with it, you never know.
We got too complicated......It\'s all way over rated....I like the old and out dated way of life........I miss back when..


If it was myself.....I would not have approached you while you were hunting......may approach you when not hunting to see when you would not be there.....or simply hunt elsewhere.


Seems to me you handled about as good as could be expected getting blind sided like that. Is this public land or some private area. First come first serve should be the rule. There are those who only study how to hedge the rules though, sounds like this guy might be one of those with so many stands up in one area.
Damage is already done since you have missed your last morning for the season. Visiting with the guy may produce more insight for the next season and you mention that you have come accross him before.
It can get sticky some times. I was a guest on a ranch and had been asked to hunt the next morning as they did not expect any of the paying lease members in that weekend. Owners most usually reserve the right to take game when they want anyway. With the notion of letting paying folks have first choice on trophy shots.
Anyway lease holders showed up about 10pm and my friend was visting with them as they settled in. I figured as my hunt was off due to thier showing up. Conrad says no just go straight up behind the house as they were planning on hunting a different section.
Sure enough. About an hour before dawn I was settled in, 30 minutes after sun-up here comes a paying hunter and climbs in the blind with me. Did not even realize I was there until he stuck his head in the trap door. So as not to spook any more game we decided to split the area from the blind and just sit tight. When the deer walked out on my side and I took a doe he got mad about my shooting messing up his trophy chance. Sometimes you just can not win. I stayed up to the house the rest of the week and let them have the whole ranch, I wonder if they were looking for that nice 10 point I watched out the kitchen window.


I've gone over this in my head a few times when I come across some one's tree stand. If I think it might be an issue I'll leave a message on the stand to either call or e-mail me.

As every one knows the deer don't always read the same rule book as we if it walks by him and he doesn't have a shot, why shouldn't you get a chance...may be you guys can help each other out.


I have spent most of my time hunting public land. I am sure I have done things to annoy other hunters, but never purposefully.  I practice 1st come, 1st hunt.  If another truck is in the spot I wanted, I dont even think of parking there unless I see him and we can coord.  He gets 1st dibs becuase he's there 1st.  This has worked well and I even organized a successful drive that way once.  I have had confrontations with other hunters, some are slob hunters like the one you met.  The good ones saw I was set up and left, the others did some pretty selfish things, many have been listed above.  I dont argue with strangers with loaded guns if I can avoid it.  I even walked away from 4 other guys and an elk I know I shot, but I was out numbered and out gunned and an empty truck bed aces a slab in the morgue any day.  Best to walk away as you did and always have a back up plan if possible for another spot.  As I get older I get a bit more picky and try for private property as much as possible.
Once you determine the individual is a moron, its all down hill from there and it aint worth it.  
Not everyone gets a trophy.

Ed B.

The public land I hunt is full of hunters often.  I always put up my stand on the first day the law allows.  I also search the surrounding area for other stands.  I have not ran into the problem of someone setting up near me.  Sometimes still hunters will come through the swamp I hunt and sometimes walk under my tree.  I don't mind them doing that.  Their method of still hunting will certainly bring them across hunters in blinds and tree stands.  If someone sets up close to me I suppose I'd hunt my stand anyways.  I know you can't lay claim to an area but as a courtesy you should give fellow hunters use of their treestand.  I have only one treestand in the woods and will not hunt on the ground with all the shooting going on.  There are so many hunters in the area during deer season that finding an empty parking space is not an option.  The best you can do is give people the right of way to a spot they chose first.



I am happy that I live in Texas!  :D
 My friend killed 5 deer and a Black Buck Antelope yesterday.  He filled all of his tags in a couple of hours.  Of course, it was because a friend needed some management on his property.  Still, we don't generally have those problems, but we do have WMAs (wildlife management areas) that are first come first serve, and I have seen duck hunters set up just a couple dozen yards from other duck hunters, and both go to calling at the same time.  Kinda fun to watch.  That's how it goes with public property I suppose.  I would just find a way to hash out the hunting times and possibly make a new friend in the process.  Great hunting opportunities can come from making new friends!


I Hunt in an area where space is limited and I often encounter other Hunters The one  method I use is to exchange phone numbers and Because The last Thing I want to do Is hunt near someone else. When there are other hunters hunting near me what I try to do is determine when they will be hunting morning or evening and Then I plan my time that way.


This question is exactly why I moved out of New York to Colorado. I still own 240 Acres in New York. I've had it in the family for many years and the last 5 years I lived back east I spent more time "teaching" people who could not read posted signs, how to exit my property in the most direct manner. I did spend alot of time hunting on public ground and I was taught by my Father, Grandfather and Uncles that you need to have "respect" when sharing the woods with fellow hunters. I'm sorry...I would never think of walking up to a guy who was climbing into a stand and ask him what his future hunting plans are. If that was the case I would spend a couple of bucks and start hanging tree stands all over the woods in good spot and claiming that area for myself. What's next name plates on the trees you plan to hunt or maybe making a reservation schedule so that you can have the woods to yourself. I wouldn't hunt in an area that has that much traffic if you paid me to...Big deer or not.

bowhunter 51

I think you should always give up your position..Apologize and be on your way!
Particularly if the other party has gone as far as to approach you about it...
I know it sounds sissy.......I'm speaking from experience......I always have a plan
(B), another card up my sleeve, and often plan on someone messing up my hunt.
I walked up on hunters in my OWN stand and forced a smile and a "Good Luck"!
You might live to hunt another day, that way...Use the unfortunate situation to
your advantage if possible.....It's tough ta do, I know....I know the widow of a
friend and two little kids you might want talk to..........Ya'll have a good'n........
**********God Bless America**********
>>>>-----------Live to Hunt--------------->>
>>>>-----There is no off season--------->>
