Another finally!

Started by davidlt89, December 27, 2014, 07:01:41 PM

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went to check out my two beaver sets today after hockey. We had a lot of rain last week and some really warm weather so the water went up over a foot!! I still had some sets in for otter so for giggles I went to check them!!! they had been under ice for a couple weeks but with the melt I thought I would see if some water was open. checked the first one and nothing. the other had been iced in hard last time I was there but since it was only 40 yards away I went to have a look.

the front part was open so I got in the water and walked over. I could see otter tracks on the frozen ice from where it had been slush and seen them go into a hole about 4 yards ahead of my trap. Sure enough, nailed him!!!! About time! this one came in at 24lbs and 38" from nose to butt!!! another XL!! God Bless

Romans 12:2
2 Don't copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God's will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.


Nice! Don't forget skulls and bacula! Also, you might be interested in the shape of the scapula and the femur. Not much that I have thought of to do with them, but studying bones helps me understand the critter more.

Be nicer than necessary.


your killing me Paul!!! I am trying to keep up with the fur right now!!! remember I am a newbee!!! God Bless.
Romans 12:2
2 Don't copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God's will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.


No sweat, GI!

First, get some of that 'free labor' after the 'secondary stuff'. ;) Second, I'm only mentioning those things to make sure you don't throw them away. I'm NOT 'calling for them'. I just don't want you to throw them away. Ya never know when someone might 'drop in' and just pick them up. :D

Be nicer than necessary.


Quote from: davidlt89;136577I am trying to keep up with the fur right now!!!

Hmm..  Other than this otter, when was the last time you had something hanging in the basement?  :lipsrsealed:

drinksgin (deceased)

Someone is ratting you out!
NRA life, TSRA life, SAF life, GOA, CCRKBA, DEF -CON


QuoteFirst, get some of that 'free labor' after the 'secondary stuff'.  Second, I'm only mentioning those things to make sure you don't throw them away. I'm NOT 'calling for them'. I just don't want you to throw them away. Ya never know when someone might 'drop in' and just pick them up
that free labor is not quite ready for that stuff!!!!;)
I have not thrown any carcasses away, they are all outside awaiting spring time. There are plenty of skulls out there waiting for someone!!!
You peeked my interest on the "someone just dropping in", Not sure who would do that
QuoteHmm.. Other than this otter, when was the last time you had something hanging in the basement?
has not been one week yet there was not something hanging down there!!! You don't see all the work that goes into various animals!!! lets take the otter for instance, I started it after church at 8:30 at night and finished right around 10:30!!! putting much more time into my fur handling right now, want my pieces to be better than good. Now, before that I went to my beaver traps, chopped those out and got them set better with the rising of the water. Then off to the other side of the pond to the middle, pulling the otter out of one trap, then through the woods to the back trail, with an otter on my shoulder mind you and sinking through the snow while carrying setters and a full size axe and then down the road back to the truck, again sinking in the snow. To be honest, was pretty sore after that expedition, i am not 27! sometimes getting what I need to get done is "enough" for now!!! you will see next year when you are on your own! just taking care of the fur will be daunting!!!!

Ive managed 38 pieces of fur so far this season, a little more than one every two days! God Bless.
Romans 12:2
2 Don't copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God's will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.


The more I look at this post I'm beginning to think I'm being refered to as the "free labor!!"  Believe me, it's FREE.  It's probably against the law to get paid for my help.  Just like it's against the law for me to touch any traps, touch any tools, make any suggestions, walk off the path...  Ohhh the list goes on!!!  ;)


Now I am going to have the wardens at my door!!!
the education you are getting is priceless!!! God Bless.
Romans 12:2
2 Don't copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God's will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.


You just got the 'free labor' part, huh?

I could be mistaken, but I don't think we here in the US are quite to the fascist stage yet that one can't take along someone to "mentor". There are lots of "sea lawyers" 'out there' that get their sense of importance by telling other people what they can't do. Nine times out of ten, it's complete baloney. It makes no sense (I know, natural resource management regs often don't make sense), to constrain "mentoring" or help. First, I'd like to see that prohibition in writing in codified LAW or regulation. Second, if there were something that MIGHT be INTERPRETED that way by some fascist local prosecutor, I'd like to see them make it stick before a jury of 12 people. In fact, such a case would put the state in 'jeopardy' for failure to provide sufficient MANDATORY 'training' classes such that they were inhibiting the People's access to the state's natural resources.

I have little doubt of a "cancer within". By which I mean that idiot trappers that think they can "nice" their way to get the trapping-haters to "like" them, will not only walk willingly down the path to the gallows, they will DEMAND that everyone else follow them! Access to the state's resources is a RIGHT, NOT a privilege! At least it is according to the Alaska state constitution. I would be surprised to find that the People of Maine acquiesced the right to the state's natural resources to the state GOVERNMENT.

My blood pressure just went up 20 points.

Be nicer than necessary.


there is a lot ashlee can do. she is able to skin and flesh and all is good. What a non trapper cannot do is touch a trap set in anyway, shape, or form. Also cannot dispatch anything!!! all has to be watched. Only other licensed trappers are allowed to do so!!! and your right, they only provide the class once a year and at their leisure!!!! would be nice if she could take a class now!!!!! there is an apprentice license that allows one to trap with a licensed trapper who has had his license for at least 3 years. That leaves me out because I apparently don't know enough because it has not quite been 3 years since I had my license although I am "out trapping" some that have a license for 25 years!!!! I digress!!! God Bless.
Romans 12:2
2 Don't copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God's will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.


I'm "ok" with the "not dispatch" reg, but not the "not touch" a trap or set. I understand the rationale behind the reg though. It is so that people don't send novices out to trap and then call it "helping". HOWEVER, such a reg is stupid if it doesn't allow for someone standing next to a "trained" licensed trapper to assist. I'm sure "they" would argue that that circumstance is covered by the "three year" rule. Regardless, the state of Maine didn't call me up to ask my opinion on their natural resource management regulations so what I THINK about them is immaterial.

I doubt if anyone in Maine has the stomach for it, but the state should be sued over requiring a state-run class to access a natural resource, then not providing that class but once a year. I am CERTAIN the state would be FORCED to offer more classes. This is precisely what happened after states started requiring "Hunter Education", but then failed to offer the classes. People in several states sued, and finally the rest of the states wised up.

What they are doing with this trapping bottle-neck is called "defacto law". "Anybody of age can trap" but by not providing REQUIRED courses, the state executive branch (that is the branch of government that the natural resource management comes under) is "creating law". That is illegal in ALL states. Only the legislature can make law. But someone HAS to challenge the state, OR... get a state legislator (elected LAW MAKER) to get the resource management agency by the fiscal short and curlies and force them to offer more classes or threaten to withhold funding. That is done ALL THE TIME in Alaska.

Be nicer than necessary.


Noticed today there is going to be courses offered in Southern Maine, in April.  The county in which I live did not have any dates provided...  SO, I decided to make a few phone calls!

After being passed around and given a couple numbers of people to contact, I found my source.  (Although his "answer" wasn't really what I was looking for.)

No date was given, just an approximate time which spreads between about 3 months.  I agree AND understand his reasoning, as we must be able to make sets, but MAN late April-early June seems like forever.

Looks like I'll have to stick to the sidelines a bit longer! Wish me "luck!"


I will be getting paperwork to become and instructor for the course. Most of them do not want to do anything in the fall as they claim that is when they are busy!!! I can fix that!!! God Bless.
Romans 12:2
2 Don't copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God's will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.


I think that's great, David. Just one cautionary note. This is a GOVERNMENT MANDATED SCHOOL. You will HAVE to do things THEIR WAY or you won't be "allowed" to teach. Be careful of thoughts like "It doesn't matter because I would have done it that way whether they demanded it or not." That is PRECISELY the mindset behind "sensible gun CONTROL LAWS". The point is: The government should not be allowed to DICTATE to us what we do EVEN WHEN WHAT THEY DICTATE IS WHAT WE WOULD DO.

Jay Edwards was one of my best friends. Jay Edwards enthusiastically taught Hunter Education. I "enthusiastically" despise(d) Hunter Education BECAUSE IT IS GOVERNMENT MANDATED. The IDEA is great. Having the government FORCE the People to do something is WRONG regardless of "good intentions".

So, by all means, become a Trapping Instructor, BUT, don't be surprised AND DON'T TAKE PERSONALLY, comments I may make in the future about things you post about Trapping instruction.

Be nicer than necessary.


Gesh, sounds like they'll let anyone "educate" around here!  ;)


I think that is one of the great things about trapping Paul, as opposed to hunting. Trapping is so much more open to individual preferences!!! As long as everything is done according to the law, there is a lot of leeway on how you make your sets, what you use for scents, etc..... Heck, even preparing the animal is wide open. To me there is no "correct" way as long as it comes out as it is supposed to. I know a guy who still fleshes beaver with a spoon!!! NO joke! but they get fleshed. for example, the law says my 330 conibear has to be completely underwater, as long is that is followed you know from your experience there are all kinds of ways to make sets. I don't make sets as I was shown from the course, I have incorporated my own ways into most of my sets that I find make it "easier for me".
Either way, I am hoping to make the course more available in the fall!!! God Bless.
Romans 12:2
2 Don't copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God's will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.


I think you completely missed my point, David. (As I missed aperter24's post about her getting "trained".) My comments were not with respect "how to trap", they were with respect to what the State will REQUIRE that you "say" and DON'T SAY as a REPRESENTATIVE of THE STATE, which is precisely what you will be when you take on the mantle of State Trapping Instructor. The Hunter's Ed Instructors here in Alaska for FORCED (some willingly) to try to get YOUNG hunters to SIGN A CONTRACT agreeing that they would ALWAYS wear "hunter orange". They IMPLIED (the state TOLD them to do this), that if the new hunters completing the Hunter's Education course didn't SIGN A CONTRACT, then they wouldn't get their "hunter safety" certificate. Had I not been in attendance at my daughter's classes AND MADE AN ISSUE OF IT, my daughter's would have simply signed this "contract". I REALLY had to DEMAND that they state outright that the new hunters would NOT get their certificates if they didn't sign the CONTRACT.  Let me be as clear as it is humanly possible to be: THERE IS NOTHING THAT THE GOVERNMENT MAKES YOU SIGN THAT WILL EVER BE USED FOR YOU. IT WILL ALWAYS BE USED AGAINST YOU. THERE ARE NO EXCEPTIONS.

It isn't that the government won't let you show people how YOU trap, it WILL be that the government WILL tell you what they DEMAND that you tell the trainees. Again, it doesn't matter that I would use seat belts without being told. It is that it is NOT the government's place to - AT THE POINT OF A GUN  - force me to use a seat belt.

I'm sure you will be a good trapping instructor. I'm pretty sure you will keep as much brain-washing out of your classes as you are able. I am glad there are people like you that are willing to - under the auspices of the government - train new trappers. Still, I resent the hell out of the government for forcing these sorts of "training" sessions on The People. It's just plain WRONG.

Be nicer than necessary.


QuoteGesh, sounds like they'll let anyone "educate" around here
I already have your should look into an apprentice license:bandana:
Romans 12:2
2 Don't copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God's will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.


of course with the education you have already gotten, you should be top in the class!!!
Romans 12:2
2 Don't copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God's will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.
