Basement deer

Started by 12 gauge, January 02, 2005, 12:09:57 PM

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12 gauge

Here are some pictures of our deer mounts in our basement...
Here's the three deer at the far left of the wall..
<---you notice the big 4 point my dad killed last year with his bow, and the one in the middle is the one that chased my brother so many years ago!
here's the three deer on the right side of the wall by my dad's elk..
<---the big one in the middle is the one my mom killed years ago, and the one to the right of that is one my dad killed in arkansas.
Here's my 6 point mount on the wall in my bedroom..
<--my 6 point i got with my bow and my hunter's prayer plaque..
Lol and who can forget my ferocious and body slamming beagle?
<--Licken her chops because she smells blood lol! Just wanted to show her
looking down at me from the middle of our steps (we have a split foyer right now..but we are moving in to a rambler out there in the property)
Here's my pictures ;)  that i promised i would post :D
"I only hunt and fish on days that end in \'Y\'"- 12 gauge


Quote from: 12 gaugeHere are some pictures of our deer mounts in our basement...
  ---you notice the big 4 point my dad killed last year with his bow, and the one in the middle is the one that chased my brother so many years ago!
  ... on the wall in my 6 point i got with my bow and my hunter's prayer plaque..  
YAY! Thanks!  Nice mounts and photos!
 Sounds like chasing your bro didn't pay off for this that story on this forum already?  ;)
 and LOL on the Beagle...  :D

12 gauge

Lol my beagle is rather pathetic! she sleeps and eats all day, but occasionally she runs around...
The story was on the other forum before this forum broke down..
Here it is anyway..
Back when i was like 2, my father took my brother who at this time was my age (14 or 15) my dad had the 10 gauge and my brother i guess just went with him...anywho, my dad seen this deer and shot it, wounded it, and at the time my brother was somewhere out of the way looking at some tracks in the dirt from a deer (this is a story my father and brother told me how it went..) anywho, my brother looked up and the deer was after him! heading right towards him with his head down, charging! So my brother took off the other direction to get away from the deer, well the deer was still right behind him of course and my brother met face to face with a barbed wire fence, knowing deer can easily jump over the fence my brother just crouched down on the ground and held his hands out waiting for the impact. Well the deer was about 30 yards away and my father finally got another load in the gun and shot and hit the deer in the leg and blew it's leg almost off! luckily the deer flipped over and my dad loaded again and finally put a fatal shot in the deer. After my dad retreived my brother my brother couldn't breathe and couldn't hardly move because he was so frightened, my brother even told me he threw up a few times! and i don't blame him!
If my life was on the line, i would throw up and be scared too! :eek:
Well in other words they all survived except the deer however ;) Imagine this big lummix chasing you?!? :eek:  
That's the story..i am not sure if it is 100% accurate but i was 2 years old at the time, wasn't there, and i am going by what my father and brother said..they remember it better than i do lol!
God bless :D
"I only hunt and fish on days that end in \'Y\'"- 12 gauge

12 gauge

Here's basically more (random) pictures...
This one is on my door..LOL! this is a warning for people who trespass in my room! Remember: You've been warned! lol!

 ^ if you can't read what it says it says "Warning!: Trespassers will be shot, Survivors will be shot again"
Here's our christmas tree on Christmas day..

And OMG! i took this outside and here's our neighbors house! Talk about some decorations! these are all Christmas Decorations! I don't even put up that many!

Here's our decorations that i put up..

"I only hunt and fish on days that end in \'Y\'"- 12 gauge
