Hunting pictures? post them here!

Started by 12 gauge, October 09, 2004, 04:58:03 PM

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12 gauge

If you all have hunting pictures you would love to share and stories, then here is the place!
to post an image all you have to do is get the picture you want to show's URL or link, and post it on a new post, then wrap the url with image tags:

Once you done that you are all set to go!
Or if you want to post an attachment, save the picture under save as into your computer and put it in a folder where you can store your pictures, then when you want to attach an image, just click on the "Manage Attachment" button under additional options in your post and browse it into the browser then click "finish"
Then you are all set!
So have fun and we will be more than happy to hear your stories and see your pictures! :)
god bless :D
"I only hunt and fish on days that end in \'Y\'"- 12 gauge


Heres a pic of the deer I got last year.  I have to worn you its a little grusome to some people.  It stuck its head out from behind a tree so I goot a head shot.  The picture is from after we got back from the camp because I forgot to take the camera into the woods.
"If guns kill people, then I can blame misspelled words on my pencil."
The 30-06 is like a perfect steak next to a campfire, a .300 Win Mag is the same but with mushrooms, a baked potato, and some A-1 Steak sauce...

12 gauge


I would have waited for a better shot at the vitals, here are the vitals if ya wanna know..
What did you shoot it with?
Surely not a bow, that is a challenge..
Looks to me like a shotgun, 12 gauge maybe?
Anyway, thank god it wasn't a trophy, other wise the head would be too messed up to mount! :D

I got my first deer when i was 13, shot a 6 point buck with my bow and arrow...
Here are the vitals and my 6 point
"I only hunt and fish on days that end in \'Y\'"- 12 gauge

12 gauge

and here's me with my 6 point..
NOTE: this was 2 years ago, i have changed since then lol!
"I only hunt and fish on days that end in \'Y\'"- 12 gauge


I got mine last year. It was at 75 yards with my 308 and Remington 165gr. Premier ballistic tips. The reason I didnt wait for a better shot is because of what happened the year before. I was in the same spot and a doe was behind a tree and all I could see was the head. I was waiting until it would step out and I heard a bang and it dropped. My 27 year old cousin had shot it form his spot about 100 yards diagonally to my right. I had the scope on it and the safety off. I was soo close. But I got one the next year so its alright. later
"If guns kill people, then I can blame misspelled words on my pencil."
The 30-06 is like a perfect steak next to a campfire, a .300 Win Mag is the same but with mushrooms, a baked potato, and some A-1 Steak sauce...

12 gauge

That's a pretty nice shot at 75 yards!
at that range i can get upto a 4 or 5 inch group..
I am not a rifel hunter, i am more of a shotgun and bow and arrow hunter..
Either way you look at it there are a few advantages here..
1- You didn't have to blood trail her, she dropped in her tracks.
2- You didn't spoil no eatible meat.
3- You killed one
4- thats a pretty tough shot you made for some people..
But there are a few disadvantages too, but there is pros and cons for any outcome..
Getting a perfect broadside shot with a clear shot to the heart, lungs and all and without anything in the way to reflect the bullet, arrow, etc. and at the same time not have the deer to see you, now that is difficult to get!
It is not like you can tell the deer where to stand, and move..
Like you can't hollar out to the deer,
"Hey deer! Move a little to the right so you can be broadside, and move from that bush a little, that's great! Stay there!"
It will never happen lol! ;)
Anyway, congrats!

God bless :D
"I only hunt and fish on days that end in \'Y\'"- 12 gauge


I like the pros and cons 12gauge!!  How do you know that you can't yell at the deer and tell it where to stand. lol.  Have you tried it? haha.  By the way, nice deer ya got there.  I heard the story about it before the forum went down.  It's a much better shot than I could ever make with a bow.  I would like to try to get into bow hunting.  I've always liked shooting small stuff at a long distance, like groudhogs at 200 yards, but I think it would be really challenging to try to get a deer to come close enough to shoot with a bow.  Maybe I can try the old yelling at it and telling it to come closer technique!!  good luck this deer season! later
"If guns kill people, then I can blame misspelled words on my pencil."
The 30-06 is like a perfect steak next to a campfire, a .300 Win Mag is the same but with mushrooms, a baked potato, and some A-1 Steak sauce...

12 gauge

LOL! I never tried it, but i know it is impossible!

the first sight, smell or noise from a human and it sends a deer running! any sign of danger, and the deer will take off running!

Unless the deer is bred in captivity and raised by humans and feels safe, it will run like there is no tomorrow!
Now i can make a better shot with the bow now, because i had 2 years of practice and check the shot placement attachment, i can make a heart and double lung kill at 20 yards easily!
Bow hunting is a challenge because you have separate pins set at certain yardages, and you have to call them in close, because shooting a deer with a bow 50 yards away and more, is a very difficult task!

I never tried it, but i know my bow can't make it that far!

But i like that challenge! I don't wanna hunt easy, i wanna make it exciting of getting them in close and personal!

Now if the aim is meat in the freezer and kill to shoot for meat and nothing else, then yeah i will slaughter them with a shotgun or rifle...but with a bow, it is fun, exciting and rewarding when you get a monster buck!

Bow hunting is real difficult to learn!
You gotta learn how to put the pin in the spot where you plan to shoot and stay there the whole time!
You gotta learn how to judge your yardage while sitting and standing in your stand, and on the ground, cause some people like stalk hunting..i don't..
and you gotta be able to pull back a certain amount of poundage that your bow is set at and you have to be able to hold that poundage for a little while, because sometimes deer will get in a spot where you can't shoot but then there is a open spot where you can shoot, and instead of drawing back when they get in that spot, you would wanna draw back before they get there, that way they don't see ya move..
Some game will sit there for several minutes, and you are at full drawn, so you got to be able to hold it for a while and make a good shot...
It is all about concentration and effort, if you put your mind to it, you can accomplish anything!

Here's my favorite saying..
"Those who stand for something, fall for anything"
I wish you good luck hunting too and god bless :D
"I only hunt and fish on days that end in \'Y\'"- 12 gauge



Well i have yet to go deer hunting...tell me honestly, is it fun or is it just one of those things? i love fast paced hunting like duck and dove and like shooting clay pigeons. i love to turkey hunt 2 but ya. this dove hunt i went on was THE funnest time ever. there was like 5 of us that went of course they were all guys except me because i have yet to find another girl who likes hunting but i mean i don't mind hanging around guys all day lol neways yea we got there at like 5am and started hunting and it was so great! just a time to have fun and hunt and be around people who love hunting to! do ne of ya'll like to duck or dove hunt? i have to say those pictures of u guyz are quite good
Basketball tournament: $300:p
New outfit: $60:)
My new mustang convertible: $18000:eek:
Hunting with my dad: priceless:D



lol! me and my awesome lil bro! o yea and that turtle......i look weird in this picture lol o well... thi swas on a camping trip over the summer inbetween my basketball tournaments!
Basketball tournament: $300:p
New outfit: $60:)
My new mustang convertible: $18000:eek:
Hunting with my dad: priceless:D

12 gauge

Well i have yet to go deer hunting...tell me honestly, is it fun or is it just one of those things? i love fast paced hunting like duck and dove and like shooting clay pigeons. i love to turkey hunt 2 but ya. this dove hunt i went on was THE funnest time ever. there was like 5 of us that went of course they were all guys except me because i have yet to find another girl who likes hunting but i mean i don't mind hanging around guys all day lol neways yea we got there at like 5am and started hunting and it was so great! just a time to have fun and hunt and be around people who love hunting to! do ne of ya'll like to duck or dove hunt? i have to say those pictures of u guyz are quite good
Deer hunting is really a adrenaline pumping, exciting hunt! But it requires tons of patience and stealth, you have to be able to sit on the stand or on the ground, (whatever) all day long without making much movement, if you do move you do it slowly, never make no noise, the deer will hear you and spook, and it is the best. It is rewarding after the shot, and after you down it...
Good luck with basketball!

God bless :D
"I only hunt and fish on days that end in \'Y\'"- 12 gauge


Quote from: 12 gaugeYouch!
I would have waited for a better shot at the vitals, here are the vitals if ya wanna know..
What did you shoot it with?
Surely not a bow, that is a challenge..
Looks to me like a shotgun, 12 gauge maybe?
Anyway, thank god it wasn't a trophy, other wise the head would be too messed up to mount! :D
I got my first deer when i was 13, shot a 6 point buck with my bow and arrow...
Here are the vitals and my 6 point
Hey 12 gauge good info. But from what I read you made a bad shot and let one get away :frown This guy got 'em to the house :) Got to put my 2 cents in once in awhile.....All in good fun  good huntin' guys !!!

12 gauge

Quote from: Antler3Hey 12 gauge good info. But from what I read you made a bad shot and let one get away :frown This guy got 'em to the house :) Got to put my 2 cents in once in awhile.....All in good fun good huntin' guys !!!
What you read the post on the spike?
Yeah that was this years deer...i gave up on him because the blood trail ended immediatley after a few steps, we were finding blood every 10 yards, and not much of it...
so we checked the thickets and everything, and we could never find the i really wanna go back and look for him, but it is a little late now, after all the rain and leaves falling, the trail is long gone and i am sure some animals got to him by now...
I am sure he is still alive though, i think i just skinned him...
Anyway, good luck hunting and god bless :D
"I only hunt and fish on days that end in \'Y\'"- 12 gauge



The following photograph's and stories are from different hunts and trips where I had invited my neighbors kid, Josh Emmert.
Josh has joined up with me for many adventures and has always been a strong contributing hand to have along. His company in camp has and will always be a pleasure.

Josh was 13 when he and I took a 35-day backcountry tour in Montana's Bob Marshall Wilderness. We started this trip the last week of September packing in from the Spotted Bear River and made camp in various locations along the way. After our third or forth day of riding back into the mountains we found ourselves right in the middle of on of the strongest bugle seasons that I can recall. There seemed to be elk bugling on every snow slide we encountered.  We set up a base camp then spiked out on different ridge tops camping out of our saddlebags for two and three nights at a time. The bulls would bugle all night, when they would start quieting down I'd give one blast on my bugle and they would work each other for another half hour at a time. We bugled 13 bulls with in shooting range over the next few days. Josh bagged the 6X6 bull pictured below with a 30 yard shot from a 300 savage rifle less that a quarter mile from our base camp. With in a few days after Josh had taken this bull the rut subsided and it was back to "Lucky if ya get to see one" hunting.

Josh took his first whitetail buck when he was 14. It was taken in the Flathead valley near Kalispell, Montana.

The following summer we went to southwest Alaska to fish for silver salmon on the Togiak River. The trip produced many fish and some great times.

We returned to southwest Alaska in December for a late season moose hunt in the Wood Tikchik Mountains north of Bristol Bay Alaska. We got our moose and did a lot of ice fishing for huge Lakers and some northern pike as well.

Speaking of Northern Pike, I believe Josh was 16 when he brought home this four foot Northern he nailed in Northwest Montana. I tried to talk him into getting a mount done but he insisted on eating it so he could savor the memories of what it tasted like.

Once again Josh and I traveled back to Alaska just a couple seasons ago. This time we concentrated our efforts up above Fairbanks in search of moose and caribou. On this trip we took a pair of kayaks along so we could take advantage of the many rivers that meander through the tundra of the Artic Circle. We spent 65 days hiking up little traveled drainages that fed the rivers we floated. Along the way we saw most every species of big game Alaska has to offer. Josh took this bull caribou along the banks of Birch creek just south of the Arctic Circle.

We has to let a few nice bull moose go due to our capabilities weight and time wise to handle the meat properly. We did get our chance at the right time and the right place and Josh took this bull moose home with him along with his caribou.

Jeff R Johnson

12 gauge

Welcome to the board Jeff!

Mighty fine pictures ya got there!

Sounds like you and your neighbor had a blast!

Nice first buck!
My first buck was when i was 13, and it was a 6 point i got with my bow..
anyway congrats to you and your neighbor!

Keep up the good work!

God bless :D
"I only hunt and fish on days that end in \'Y\'"- 12 gauge
