A different type of river fishin

Started by chromage, May 16, 2005, 06:19:19 PM

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Last night I went fishing with a good friend, Don(aka Northern_outdoorsman). We got out on the river about 10:30 last night. I set out a rod with a perch rig. I really wasn't expecting much except for maybe a cat fish or two. We started casting jigs walking the shore when I heard the bell going off up river. I ran to it and waited for the hit. Nothing was there so I started reeling in the line. Turns out the fish was still on the line and put up a little bit of a fight. I was thinking catfish, carp, or maybe a bass or something. When it came up all I saw was silver and I was thinking I can't get away from them steelhead. Finally a light was shined on the fish and it was a 24 inch walleye.  :P

So the fish was hooked, but "almost" landed. Next task was netting the fish. I am not so sure how long the net was but it took don to get down on his stomach and net the fish while I fought the fish and also held the light on the fish so don could see where to net the fish. Eventually the fish was in the net and on the shore.

I re-rig and then casted my bait out again with the perch rig. We started casting our jigs in the hole we were fishing. The worm rod had a hit but I didn't do anything about it. Couple minutes later I decided to check it out and reeled in this cute fella.

One of the most ungliest fish I have ever caught.

Couple cast later I decided to switch jigs. Couple cast later I finally had a tap and then nothing and then sudden dead weight so I set the hook hard and ran up river away from my worm rod. After a few minute fight with a log I reeled in this 27 incher and the net process went well again. Don was 2-2! :D

A little while later I was getting low on worms and thought I should go get more so I ran up to the store and got some. I came back and Don was fishing hard. I then casted my jig out thinking maybe it was time to switch. I tried a different way of reeling in which involved letting in sink to the bottom and then jigging it. My first jig I had a hit and connected with a 21 inch eye. While fighting the fish I twisted my back wrong and pain shot up my back. I didn't think much of it and it would go away. After a short fight victory was mine and I had 3 nice eyes on shore. Don unfor. never connected with a fish but did an awesome job on netting fish.

So I got home around 6 AM in the mournin and went right to sleep. I tried waking up at 12 but I was in to much pain. I woke up every hour and around 2:30 PM I finally was able to get up. It sucks getting old, lol.

It seems I am always the net man so it was nice to out fish don once in awhile. I am sure next time we fish, he will show me how it's done. It was great to finally fish with you Don :) Let me know if you want to fish tuesday night or wednesday night.
