
Started by buckshot roberts, February 26, 2006, 02:46:36 PM

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buckshot roberts

[size=+4]The CareShot Cartridge[/size]
[size=+2]The easy way to care for your gun in the field[/size]
CareShot - Guncare in a Cartridge

The simple solution for caring for a shotgun was born when a technician of the Finnish company Raikka Oy realized that he needed a simpler and easier way to care for his shotgun on hunting trips.  All too often, it was impractical and difficult to oil and clean the gun immediately after shooting, leaving the combustion in the barrel to accelerate the natural corrosion process. In response to this dilemma, this technician invented the "Protection Cartridge", in which a cartridge could be "shot" into the barrel just like a

regular cartridge, but this time to oil and protect the gun. This idea was refined and developed with Raikka Oy into the CareShot Cartridge, a simple and effective tool for gunowners.

Careful development ensures a quality product

Large-scale testing of every component and subassembly in various circumstances has been conducted over several years to ensure a reliable product with consistent performance. One of the primary challenges in this project was choosing the components and raw materials to match Raikka Oy's strict ISO 9001:2000 (AQAO 2110) quality requirements for munitions manufacture.

"Fantastic" and "effective" tool for gun care

Feedback from hundreds of users of the CareShot Cartridge has been very positive from the very first versions. "Fantastic", "effective", "helpful in different environments" have been typical of the responses.  Features singled out by the users as exceptional have included the even distribution of the protective agent, ease in cleaning the gun, portability, and of course, effectiveness.

[size=-2][CareShot USA] [[/size][size=-2]How CareShot Works[/size][size=-2]] [[/size][size=-2]How to use CareShot[/size][size=-2]] [[/size][size=-2]Purchase CareShot[/size][size=-2]] [[/size][size=-2]What Others Say[/size][size=-2]] [[/size][size=-2]Contact Us[/size][size=-2]] [[/size][size=-2]FAQ's[/size][size=-2]] [[/size][size=-2]Links[/size][size=-2]][/size]
We got too complicated......It\'s all way over rated....I like the old and out dated way of life........I miss back when..
