Partridge hunt earlier this fall

Started by nrthrn_maine_hunter, December 15, 2006, 09:21:49 AM

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Can finally post pics, so Im posting a few new threads.
This was a hunt earlier this year I went on with David(LT89) He was nice enough to take me along on a partridge hunt early in the season. We saw 7 birds, all of the ones I saw/went after waited there for me to shoot them, while all of David's required a safari. He only ended up getting 1, the only 1 he fired at, and it was an earned bird.
2 of my 4 just sat in the road, I got out of my truck, loaded, and fired. I used my 17 HMR (that has since been traded in) for one that we saw out of shotgun range. That was more fun than anything for me that day. My other 2 birds were in Dave's "honey hole". One flew into a tree and landed, as I went to pick it up, I saw another one running off so it went down.
Dave's bird we saw take off as were driving down a logging road. He went in the woods (thick stuff) after it and about 5 or 6 minutes later I finally hear a shot.
Really appreciate Dave allowing me to limit out in his spots, what a gentleman.:p :D
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