11 year old Grandson kills 8 point this morning!!!

Started by Dragonfly, December 20, 2005, 10:55:35 AM

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He is sooo thrilled!!! Trophy buck for his age group they think!!!
We are a little busy getting everything under control.
Be back later with a trip report and pics!!!


That is awesome Draggy....congrats and I await the detailed report....!!!!
Personal field testing trumps everything no matter what Field and Stream says, what your degree of perceived manhood is, or what your buddies think.

buckshot roberts

We got too complicated......It\'s all way over rated....I like the old and out dated way of life........I miss back when..


Pics, pics, pics....of the deer if thats all you can do, try to get that rifle too.  And a story to go along with it, with details about how grandma helped.

"Politics is supposed to be the world\'s second oldest profession.  I have come to realize that it bears a very close resemblance to the first."
Ronald Reagan


Yes congrats to him keep us up dated on the how its going

12 gauge

Congrats for your Grandson!
Yes keep us updated!
We want details and pictures!!!
Big congrats!! :D
"I only hunt and fish on days that end in \'Y\'"- 12 gauge


Too Cool for School! :D :D

I'll bet you are his hero now, Draggy!
Remind yourself often to SEE not just "look".


Well here's the story folks:


We got up this morning around 4am.  I know a great spot over in the next county on private land the owners let me hunt.  As we were going over we ran into another friend of ours on his way to hunt too at a service station...I had to have coffee!!!  He was all dressed to hunt and I asked where he was going.  He told me and I said....."Come along with us and you'll be surprised...I can get you onto private land of friends to hunt".

Didn't take our friend but a second to decide to come with us...in fact he took us, following my directions to my hunting place.  In his truck loaded with a 4 wheeler.  If he hadn't have come with us I have no clue what I would have done.  It was 10o and I knew Buckster was NOT going to move in this weather. But the boy wanted to hunt and so we went.

Now we were in a truck, my grandson had his brand new muzzle loader and all the equipment he needed.  We were packed in heavy clothes and blaze orange.  Ready to hunt.

When we got to my sweet spot the owner was glad to have the friend join us in the hunt.  So off we went.  On the property is a hugh salt lick and Loblolly pines.

We all parked ourselves at the salt lick and waited.  I told my grandson to wait on a nice buck.  Go for a trophy rack he had already provided enough good meat, now let's go trophy.

I had several good blankets for us to sit on and cover ourselves with while we waited.  Time passed and around day light the deer began to appear.  We saw doe, spikes and seemed as time went by every size deer was coming to the salt lick.  Our friend was patient too.

My grandson suddenly jabbed me in the arm and said "Mamaw, seee that big deer over there coming this way?" And pointed in the direction of the pines.

I could just barely see him.  And then my granson whispered "look at those horns?".  I couldn't see horns just barely able to see the deer.  I said "Go for it darlin' if you are sure he's a big one!" So he eased himself up, took aim and shot!!!  I figured there would be a lot of smoke from the muzzle loader but there was hardly anything.  And I was expecting a big blast!!! That didn't happen either. :D
Next thing I knew my grandson was on the move.  My friend and I were on the move right behind him.  And there laid the grandest thing I had ever seen.  A Great 8 point.  My grandson and our friend field dressed the deer, put the guts in a cooler and we went back to our site.  Our friend wanted to see what he could see.  Amazingly my grandson allowed all this to happen when he was excited to death!!!! And he was quiet, giving our friend the chance to get him a good one!!!
About 30 minutes passed and suddenly there appeared before us another 8 point and our friend took him out.  We had already unloaded the 4 wheeler so I went to get it while my grandson and his new found friend field dressed his kill.  We carried the deer back to the truck on the 4 wheeler. Loaded everything up with the deer tied to the back tail gate of the truck and headed for the nearest check out station.  All the men at the check out station were really bragging on my grandson.  They said he had  season's trophy deer in his age group.  They took a bunch of pics!!! Measured and all that stuff.  I didn't notice the measurements my grandson was so thrilled I thought it was all about him and wanted him to know it was about him, not measurements or weight.  But my grandson said the spread was near 15-17 inches.
So far I have managed to upload the pics of him and our friend with their deer.
Now let's see what I can do....hope these load.


I've got more pics but I have to load them and resize, be back later.
Hope you enjoy!!!
OOPS!!! For got my friends deer.
Mrs Magoo!!! LOL!!!! I don't think I've loaded his yet.  I thought I had.


Great Great GREAT!!!!!!
Be sure to print out that story and put it in the diary with the pictures. His version will change a little over the years but your memories are fresh now and beautifully put down. He learned another lesson you had probably not intended to teach and may not realize for a while. "IT IS MORE FUN WHEN YOU SHARE".


Yep he was thrilled the other guy got his deer too!!!


I can't tell you how proud I am of my grandson and his kill and the way he handled himself at the check out station and with our friend.


I haven't mentioned my younger grandson in a while but he is staying busy with John.  He loves the studio!!!! You should hear what he's doing with John's clients.  He and John really got into the deer kill yesterday!!!!:D  Big time, next thing I know John is going to be going deer hunting and it will become a family thing. LOL!!!


That's a very nice deer. Keeping stright in his story, if you don't it will be a 12 pointer byt the time he's 16. ;)
- Mark
"Some people spend an entire lifetime wonderng if they made a difference. The MARINES don\'t have that problem."
- President Ronald Reagan 1985


Amen!!!! It doesn't get any better then that. Praise The Lord!

M. R. Byrd


Please pass the congratulations on to your grandson. He had a very good hunt and harvested a great deer.
I wish you and John and the grandsons a Very Merry Christmas as we celebrate the birth of the Christ Child, Jesus.
God Bless,
Maynard Reece Byrd
Dodge City


Congrats to you and your grandson Draggy !!! Making memories to last a lifetime !

motor (deceased)

Congats to your grandson, a fine looking trophy..and thank you my dear for caring enough to give him the oppotunity to enjoy the outdoors..
Just an ole sinner saved by grace


Nice Job Draggy!!!!  Congrats to your Grandson, his friend, and you!!!!!  :)


He's still "swaggering" my friends.  He had me load the pics of his 8 point onto my PDA so he could show everyone while we were gone and he got plenty of bragging on his skill and his great deer.

Vermonster if you're ever this way....during  deer season I'll take you where to get the big guys!!! :D  In TN I know a couple of great places and a couple in KY just above us for great deer hunting.
Hummmm he mentioned something about bow hunting!!!:eek:  I think it's going on as we speak. I"ll have to check to be sure.  Maybe we can squeeze a day to go bowhunting for him.
Any of you guys who want to go hunting in my area you are welcome to come stay with us and hunt til you drop!!! :rolleyes:

Jay Edward (deceased)

Quote from: DragonflyAny of you guys who want to go hunting in my area you are welcome to come stay with us and hunt til you drop!!!
Hokey Smoke!  Thanks for nothing... that gives me about 15 minutes to find and shoot a deer.

BTW... welcome back lil 'fly.


Jay here in the South we pick a spot and sit down.  Relax and enjoy the outdoors while we are watching for deer or whatever is in season.  Find a nice spot under a big tree and settle in for a few hours.

No tree stand, no walking just relaxing and waiting.  So you could last all day and half the night in these parts.

We are easy on ourselves in the South!!!!:D
Just laid back and easy!!! :D

BuckBox Displays

That's awesome!  Big Congrats to your grandson!


Thats great to see the younger folks getting into hunting! I tell all my boys ( I got Three ) if they ever need to get high they better be talking about in a TreeStand! Keep em in the woods and out of trouble!
