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Topics - llanero

September 13, 2007, 09:07:44 PM
I'm putting together a Mauser 95 chambered for the 7.62x39.
My question is, has anyone here had any experience with the **** on opening conversion kits sold by Dayton & Traister?
I can't find any intel on this product (the "speed lock kit") and am wondering if it would be worth it. The rifle isn't going to be used to pop prairie dogs or hit long range targets, just whitetails under 100 meters.
Just to give y'all some more info on the project, I'm envisioning a nice aftermarket trigger, a side safety, receiver sight, side mounted scope mount (see-though).
It's for my dad, who is absolutely fanatical about the little russian round and is equally fanatical about not trusting scopes, hence the see through sights. That particular set up will look like the one on O'connor's mod 70 win that he is shown holding on the cover of one of Midway's catalogs.
but I digress, nay, I flat out ramble!!
Speed lock kits, folks--are they good or are they junk?
ETA:  LOL, I guess the other word for a rooster gets filtered out around heah!
FIREARMS & OPTICS / Faced with a conundrum...
March 19, 2005, 04:27:42 PM
I bought a k98 mauser (1943) at a pawnshop friday.  It's worn and beat like only a hundred dollar mauser can be, but I like it--I love the way the worn wood complements the near-blueless barrel.  But anyway, it failed the No-Go test and the barrel is terribly pitted.  So, of course I am rebarreling this old warhorse so that it will be reborn as a short-midrange deer rifle.
I don't have a rifle chambered for the 6.5x55 and I'm starting to fall in love with this cartridge merely on the basis of the posts i've been reading here.  Since I've not found a decent m96 for less than $350 (and these looked pretty rough for the price), I may go this route.
Brithunter's .30/30 bolt-gun has picqued my curiosity.  It certainly seems that this kind of set up would certainly add a heckuvalot of versatility to this round!
And then comes the third option, the redheaded stepchild of the .30 caliber family: 7.62x39mm.  I've got a sneakin' suspicion that once this little cartridge is separated from the SKS, saigas and Ak variants, and placed in a proper action, it would come into its own in terms of accuracy and killing power.
I know the decision is mine to make, but it would be appreciated to hear from the extensive collective knowledge this forum holds.
THE WELCOME WAGON! / Howdy from Missouri
December 27, 2004, 04:22:30 PM
This is sure a great forum y'all got here!  I look forward to exploring it thoroughly the next few days.