two days

Started by j0e_bl0ggs (deceased), September 24, 2022, 05:52:42 AM

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j0e_bl0ggs (deceased)

Turvey Stalking
Learn from the Limeys or the Canucks, or the Aussies, or the Kiwis, or the...
                   "The ONLY reason to register a firearm is for future confiscation - How can it serve ANY other purpose?"


It's uncanny how much he looks like Biden.

Be nicer than necessary.


Quote from: gitano;156698It's uncanny how much he looks like Biden.

Well maybe, if they had done a better job on Joe's hair plugs.
QuoteRestrictive gun laws that leave good people helpless, don\'t have the power to render bad people harmless.

To believe otherwise is folly. --  Me
