scotch predator caller

Started by varmint hunter, May 21, 2005, 05:33:33 PM

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varmint hunter

i have bought a fox predator caller and have used it in many occasions. This thing cost me 50 bucks and have only been able to call in one fox. Maybe these foxes have learnt that this sound is not a real squeeling rabbit, and turns a blind eye everytime they hear it. Still trying though, am getting the most rotten luck! Got some advice, i think from sav, to use some polystyrene and rubbing that on glass, will give that a go next time im out! any way, just telling about the scotch predator caller. If anyone else has had some different luck, please tell me and tell me how u got them???


Is that one of those push button callers where you push the button and the same sound comes out every time? Does it have a lot of "noise" in the background? Not familiar with the brand.....
Personal field testing trumps everything no matter what Field and Stream says, what your degree of perceived manhood is, or what your buddies think.

varmint hunter

no its a black thing with a wooden end piece. the black thing is a kind of (how do i explain this) well for starters the black thing is rubber, and if you pull it back it sort of springs back as it is made that way, and as u pull it back and push it forwards air goes through the wooden piece which has a sort of reed which makes a "rabbit" noise. Thats the best i can do...


I found when looking for a predator call, many of the inexpensive ones really didn't do anything except part someone from their money.  I've heard a lot about the foxpro and loudmouth but neither are cheap.  But I've heard excellent results from them.  I'm sure there's some that are less expensive that are effective but I'm planning on getting the foxpro.

varmint hunter

the foxpro hey, i have never heard of it. how many dollars u recon? its just i spent a bit on this caller and not really any results, maybe i should be more patient? so i may be a little turned off purchasing fox callers for the time being, and may just stick to some simpler cheap methods like the polystyrene or tin fox whistle for a while. but if you find that you get good results with the fox pro, please tell me about it!


the polystyrene works quite well locally, along with the tin whistle,the best method is the old sucking the back of your hand,but it really takes practice to get it right;) my missuss thinks I am nuts coz I walk around the house doing it:p
Bought an american made caller which looks likes a tiny black plastic trumpet,sounds exactly like a kiddies squeaky toy,went back to the shop, coz I thought they were having a laugh with me:rolleyes: but apparently they work quite well.I also have one which fits up in the roof of your mouth which produces some very realistic sounds.
What you really need to do is listen to recordings of real distress calls and practice until you get them right,if you get a good call going and then miss a beat in the middle they will suss you out and most probably turn away before you even know they are there,the fox can be very curious and if your lucky any kind of unusual noise will bring them for a look.
I find the combination of calling and bait usually works a treat they have trouble resisting the sound and the smell of a wounded animal
Good hunting.............................Richie
try this link for fox sounds terratorial calls etc
and this one for rabbit and loads of other stuff this site is really good with free downloads of animal sounds of all kinds.The canine pup distress call is excellent;)
happiness is a critter in the crosshairs

varmint hunter

i had a listen at these sites and sounds. very interesting. i actually started laughing at some of the rabbit distress calls. they sound quite funny. but other than that, it was very interesting too. i cant wait to go out and hit the bush for a fox soon, as i now have so many ideas on calling. i have this calling tape and one of the callers is a 'squeaker toy', pretty much like something you give a dog to chew on and it squeaks. i will give that a go, and will also stry the back of the hand sucking, and also the polystyrene on the glass, along with the scotch predator caller (trying to get these sounds on the site you posted above sav), and also might even tape a few of those calls and play them out in the bush? i should sure hope that one of them work, otherwise i will be totally lost by then!!!


A mouse squeaker is what I think you are describing.....this is probably the second most important piece of gear I take when calling after my can actually call things in with it, you can "reassure" something that is stuck just out of is a great tool of calling IMHO......."never leave home without it"........
Personal field testing trumps everything no matter what Field and Stream says, what your degree of perceived manhood is, or what your buddies think.

varmint hunter

thats the one im takling about. i dont have one of them but im sure i can find a cheap dog toy. will that do the same thing? it sure sounds the same

Gmoney but how will the manufacturers sell a "mouse squeak" then?   :)
Personal field testing trumps everything no matter what Field and Stream says, what your degree of perceived manhood is, or what your buddies think.


Hi Varmint,
That little black trumpet thing I spoke about,thats why I went back with it sounds exactly like a dog toy,but listening to those sonds on the web site I told you about they make exactly the same sound:confused: you have to expriment with calls this might sound stupid but I bring magpies in to range by shaking a half empty box of matches:rolleyes:
Hope you get one soon if you dont you are welcome to visit with me and I will take you out and put you on a welsh fox they go down just the same as yours do when you give them the old long distance lead injection;)
good hunting your friend...................Richie
happiness is a critter in the crosshairs

varmint hunter

hey mate, check out the thread i put in varmint/predator. i got one of the little critters! Woohoo:D . however i didnt call him in:( . All this talk about calling one in, and then i just happen to stumble past one when im out after rabbits. Wont be shooting one for a little while now. Will give it a rest, let the foxes go wild with each other:o , and maybe in a year or sooner can bag one of his cousins...
