More P-H mounts added

Started by Brithunter, February 02, 2010, 12:05:45 AM

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Hi All,

     Well I was having a spot of bother fitting the replacement scope to my BSA Majestic which of course uses P-H rings on the integral dovetails atop the action. Most of the ones I have are RALS3 rings which of course are lows so have been keeping my eyes open for any others. There have been a few sets on e-bay but the prices are quite silly and I have been out bid every time except last night. There was a pair of RAHS3 rings with mounting blocks, the blocks are supposed to possibly for a Midland? however the numbers were not given and one could not see them in the photos, howver they are highs and just what I need for this scope, hopefully ;) ,  so I decided to go for these and did actually win them but they cost more than I think they should at £43.00 including postage :cry:  they do have the box for the rings with them though which I suppose is something.

Funny thing is that earleir whislt scanning the lists I noticed a 4x40 Rhino Air Gun scope listed which has a set of P-H rings on it but cannot see the height and managed to win that for £14:59 including posatge ;) . Let's hope they are not another set of RALS3'S.

I am now wondering if I should had sold and let go the P-H rings that I have done in the last couple of years :huh2:  meanwhile the search for P-H information and catalogues continues but there seems to be a lack of them being offered right now :cry: .

Now what I need to find now is a set of the Leupold Q/R lever operated mounts for a P-H 1100. The prices here are just daft the bases are £49 ($85 US) and the rings £24:50 ($42 US) I found soem online and sent an e-mail askign abotu postage but have so far failed to get an answer so I guess they cannot be bothered with posting them to the UK :cry: ..... Oh well I'll keep looking.
Go Get them Floyd!
