The most wonderful time of the year

Started by Vermonster, October 09, 2004, 07:21:37 AM

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Man, I stepped out of the house this morning, pre-Dawn, to let me puppy out to go to the bathroom. It was one of those perfect mornings, where it was quiet, slight mist in the air, creatures just waking up. Best of all, had that slight chill in the air, had that smell and feel of FALL!!!!! My favorite time of the year. I could just picture myself in a treestand back in Vermont waiting for first light. About a month till I will be back there for opening of the rifle season to hunt with my father. Can't wait. :)
Don't know why I posted this, except to say that some day's you just get that feeling like everything is in it's place (except me in California :( )
Anyway, hope everyone is out enjoying the weekend, preferrably on stand somewhere, doing something they enjoy or being with someone they love..... Take a look at a squirrell or a deer and send me a mental image guys/gals, would ya??? ;) Thanks.....


Well as a matter of fact Vermonster, I saw a nice lil doe this morning.  I saw her, but she didn't see me, however she sure smelt something she didn't like.  I had taken all the scent precautions known to man or beast, clothes, soap, coverscents and scent neutralizers.  It was all to no avail.  This single doe, with a nice auburn color and a dark stripe down her back had gotten in behind me and downwind.  Not where I wanted her to be.  I didn't know she was there until she started blowin.  Silly thing wasn't even looking in the right direction.  I don't believe she ever saw me, I was only about 20 yards away in a ground blind but there was some thick brush, and eventually she just left.  
 I also ran up on a stinkin pig on my way in.  He was on his way out.  We parted amicably, though next time I may just have to bring him home with me.  If there would have been a full moon, I think me and him would be doing the pole dance right now, him hanging off of it and me dancing around it with my butcher knife.  I came around a corner in the road and there he was getting a nice cool drink in the mud puddle.

"Politics is supposed to be the world\'s second oldest profession.  I have come to realize that it bears a very close resemblance to the first."
Ronald Reagan

Jay Edward (deceased)

I've got about 1 to 2 dozen Whitetails hanging around my place.  None of the bucks is bigger than 3 points and there are a lot of spikes and forks with an equal number of does and yearlings.

Twice now this week I've had flocks of turkeys come through...8 to 12 birds.  I didn't get a tag this year so they're pretty safe.  The ducks are pretty thick down of the Clarks Fork river and I've had the yearly bear strip my apple and plum trees.

It is a beautiful time of the year and I surely do appreciate being in a valley studded with fruit trees.  The colors are almost beyond belief and put any canvas to shame.

Winter's Herald

The biting edge of winter's
breath came hewing at my
oaken door,

And lace like flakes
tore at my panes and
fluttered in upon my floor.

Winter raging without
my walls - racing up
my fresh swept path,

Whirling through the
sheds and garden
scattering leaves
as though in wrath.

Pulling at my breath
and trousers - tugging
at my coat and hat,

Sweeping madly 'round my
rooftop - leaving quickly
hurries back.


This is what I'm missing by being out here....:(



man that photo makes me homesick!  we gotta get outta this Left Coast monster.


:D  I'm heading to the mountains tomorrow. Smokey Mountain range. Should be beautiful about now!!!  I know it's going to be a beautiful drive!!!


Time can fly all it wants,
@ Sunrise it stands still long enough for me



stuck in the desert w/golden handcuffs , next to Kalifornia, monster

i'm envious Dragonfly, take it all in and enjoy...(1st time in many years i won't see the colors  there, sigh)
