Next Batch: Nut House Brown Ale

Started by gitano, October 14, 2021, 01:32:56 PM

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Cooking along smartly this morning. One of the things this recipe doesn't specify is the Original Gravity (OG). I set this batch to 1.060, and I expect it to finish (FG) at about 1.015-ish, making the ABV (alcohol by volume) about 6%-ish. However, this is supposed to make "5 gal". I have made several of these, both 'kit' and 'a la carte', and NONE of them have made 5 gallons! NONE. This one is barely 4. That's a TWENTY percent 'error'. How about going to the gas station and paying for 5 gallons of gas, and getting 4... I could make the volume 5 gallons, but I would have to add water. (In this case, almost a gallon.) Doing so, lowers the OG significantly, and therefore, also the ABV. It's unlikely I could get 4% ABV if I had added the necessary water to make 5 gallons. :frown

I haven't made this recipe before, so I'm hoping it turns out tasty. I'm sure it will be "ok", but I'd like it to be GREAT! We'll see.

News at ll.

Be nicer than necessary.


Looks like it could be tasty.

 Actually tho, I'm still wondering how this came out in the end,...

Quote"My birthday is coming up next month, so I'll crack a bottle on my birthday and let you know the verdict.

QuoteRestrictive gun laws that leave good people helpless, don\'t have the power to render bad people harmless.

To believe otherwise is folly. --  Me


Glad you asked!

First: It tasted "good", but not as good as the first batch.

Second: I put it 'out of sight', which means I forgot about it, until I was going through my brewing refer a few weeks ago. Which makes it approximately 16 months old. Hmm... Most of the Grolsch bottles' washers had failed, and so were flat. However, I had been intending to set up a "Corny Keg" system for dispensing beer, AND, carbonating. Keeping the story short, I got a couple of Cornelius kegs, a bottle of CO2, and associated hardware. I dumped the birch beer in one of the kegs and charged it with CO2. After a few days, the beer was carbonated.

I wasn't better than it was a year ago, but it wasn't worse either.

I THINK the reason for this batch not being quite as good as the last, is because I may have "overheated" the sap when I was boiling it down. It has 'that' taste just a little.

The bottom line is that it is unlikely that I will make any more birch beer. It's good, but it's just too labor-intensive. I don't think you should have to work that hard for your beer.

Be nicer than necessary.


Talk to yourself. There are times you need expert advice.
