What might have happened?

Started by Ed B., October 17, 2005, 06:49:07 PM

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Ed...I was just kidding about the tracking device arrows.....;).........if there were one of those things it sure would solve problems.....:)
Personal field testing trumps everything no matter what Field and Stream says, what your degree of perceived manhood is, or what your buddies think.


They do have a string tracker for a bow.
You need to slow down and read what you are typing. In one thread you make a post and in another you go right against it! Now I never said that you haven't grown since that post. That is all a part of growing and learining. You are not expected to know everything at 14....19 or even 25. I have been there, you have not. This is a public forum and as I stated before we agree or disagree and others learn from it. You took the I am gonna get him stance and start to post angrily (did I spell that right webster). I am here and offer my 20+ years of hunting and fishing experiece to those that want it. If you choose not to agree with me so be it. BUT if you are going to post yourself around in circles and think that others here are not going to catch on you have the wrong bunch! Maybe you think all that live in the woods or not in your area are not smart but you are wrong. The people that post here are some of the best in the world. Even though I have not met anyone on this board I call them friends! Some of them even family!
Now as to your e-mail. I do not like to be threatened! You can try and ban me! I am sure you will not. I have done nothing wrong. All I did was show people that you contradicted yourself. That is it. It is just that I am not afraid to stand by what I say. I will not send threats in an e-mail so no one else sees it!
"DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME!" - as you said in your e-mail
I also will never answer any thread you post.
Good luck and hope you grow up!

buckshot roberts

:( Hey, Hightstand .:(  Dang that boy sent you threats in your e-mail:mad: , tha's no good, that's "WRONG", this is a hunt'n site ;)  I'm not read'n anything he post's
:D String tracke's for bow's someone is roll'n in the money.
We got too complicated......It\'s all way over rated....I like the old and out dated way of life........I miss back when..


Highstand....he's sent quite a few people threatening PM"s.........
Personal field testing trumps everything no matter what Field and Stream says, what your degree of perceived manhood is, or what your buddies think.


Well one bad apple....... But I am sure it will not spoil this bunch!
Quite a shame that someone would get like that.


Consider it a blessing you missed bad choice of shot in my book. I have had arrows thread under the sod before cant find them unless you really slow down and look at your shot angle.


Quote from: Ed B.It was not a mechanical broadhead. It was a 3 blade Muzzy 125 grain.
Ed-  When I was stationed in Saginaw, I hunted the Management Area to the West of Hemlock.  My first buck out of there had a broadhead buried in the shoulder blade, all calcified over.  I keep it on my desk at home as a reminder to the hardiness of these animals we hunt.  The shot you took probably had a smaller chance of hitting vitals and a higher probabilty of embedding in muscle or bone with little or know trackable blood flow.  The deer I shot looked healthy and ran fine, the only issue was the Weird Harold rack on his head.  I think the calcium in his body went to fixing the damaged shoulder and not antler growth.  If the search for the arrow is fruitless, I would look for a deer in the post season that isn't moving quite right or next spring that has strange antler growth.  that might be your deer.  
Sorry for the loss of the deer.  Its a lousy feeling,  KD
Not everyone gets a trophy.


Know how you feel. I shot my first deer with a bow last year. Found the arrow and had blood all over it. Looked for hours for the deer. No sign. Went the next day finally found blood about 300 or so yards across a county road and down into a holler. Tracked it for about 50 yards and found a plate size circle of blood and that's where the sign ended. Searched for about 6 or 7 hours in a circle trying to pick it up again and never did. Lousy feeling for sure. I'm sorry you lost your deer, without finding sign you can hold out for a clean miss though. Good luck to you.
