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Started by drinksgin (deceased), March 02, 2014, 03:56:08 PM

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Quote from: Jamie.270;131287Da-yum my optimism, and shortsightedness.
Hope you didn't take my post the wrong way, Jamie.270.

Be nicer than necessary.


Quote from: gitano;131353Hope you didn't take my post the wrong way, Jamie.270.

From what I can see/read/understand of that post, there is no "wrong way" to take it Paul.

How should I take it?
QuoteRestrictive gun laws that leave good people helpless, don\'t have the power to render bad people harmless.

To believe otherwise is folly. --  Me

drinksgin (deceased)

B.H.Chamberlain, may I introduce you to Adolf Putin?
NRA life, TSRA life, SAF life, GOA, CCRKBA, DEF -CON


I just had an extended conversation with an ex Russian now American citizen about what I call `Putin the Weasel`. After explaining what a `weasel` was ( she hadn`t heard the term ) I told her that I thought Putin was heading Russia back to the communist days of Stalinism. With his strong ties to the KGB he was definately an insider I wouldn`t trust. Interestingly enough she told me that most in Russia think he is doing a great job by balancing the national budget, standing tall against gays and bringing the conflicted region back to economic sense among other things.......... unlike the USA that tries to please everyone with being too politically correct.   I`ve heard the Crimean is in a huge financial deficet with no way out much like our own city of Detroit. She also said that the overwhelming majority of the citizens are fine with the takeover since they were used to the way it was before ........with things being `better`. Apparently it`s the younger population ( the small minority ) that comprises the resitistant factor in the region.
Please don`t kill the messenger here. I`m just repeating what a good friend with close friends in Russia are saying about  current  events.

drinksgin (deceased)

I recall German immigrants in the '50's saying the country really liked Adolf until about '43.
NRA life, TSRA life, SAF life, GOA, CCRKBA, DEF -CON


I don't think Putin is trying to head Russia back to Stalinistic communism. He is a smart fellow, and I think he and others understand the fundamental flaws with that. After the fall of the Soviet Union, the Russians were the "dunces" of Europe. The Europeans are arrogant sons of bachelors at any time, but they are unbearable when they get a leg up. Between the bashing of the Europeans and the arrogance of the US for "winning" the Cold War - it is NEVER a good idea for a victor to rub the nose of the loser in the loss - the Russians have quite a 'defensive' attitude. Putin is playing to national pride. To a certain degree, I think that is appropriate.

Let me bring two examples of "rubbing noses in it" to the fore here. The first is the US Federal Army beating the Confederate Army in the Civil War. In an extraordinary act of compassion and genius, Abraham Lincoln made it clear that there would be no "reparations" AND that there would be no prosecutions for "war crimes", AND that ALL were to be "welcomed back into the fold". Not only was this incredibly compassionate, it COMPLETELY deflated any institutional retribution and allowed healing to occur that was SO necessary to the health of our Nation.

The second example is exactly the opposite. World War I. Of course the Germans "misbehaved". BUT... and it is a REALLY BIG BUT, they were HAMMERED in the Treaty of Versailles. They were humiliated and restrictions and constraints were implemented that HARMED their ability to make ANY form of viable national economy, AND they were socially HUMILIATED. And exactly what did that lead to? Adolf Hitler. He played to the TERRIBLE economy of Germany, and was able to get away with blaming that on the rest of Europe because for the most part it WAS their fault. His extreme nationalism was easy to 'sell' because of the REALLY poor treatment Germany received after WW I.

There is an old saying the origin of which I don't know, but it goes like this: "When does a mouse become the most dangerous animal in the woods? When you get it in a corner."

I have said it before, and I will probably say it again: No one that EVER worked for the FBI, CIA, Homeland Security, NSA, BATFE, the Treasury Department, or the KGB should EVER be allowed to hold political office. To a person, they are fascists. Because so many people don't actually KNOW what a fascist is, let me define it: A fascist is a member of The Fascist Party, and 2) AND THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT DEFINITION - it is any GOVERNMENT AGENT that BELIEVES that ANYTHING they do is "right" BECAUSE the "government" is doing it, and by definition, the government cannot do legally wrong. MOST law enforcement personnel in the WORLD and certainly in the US are fascists. There is no doubt that Putin is a fascist.

"Cornering" Russia will not lead to "good". Looking the other way while a tyrant "takes what's rightfully theirs" - ala Chamberlain and Hitler - will not lead to "good" either.

I want to know what the "righteous" will have to say when THE PEOPLE of the Ukraine VOTE to "go with Russia" instead of the EU. I think there will be rampant and disgusting hypocrisy on the part of "the West". Actually, I don't have to speculate in that regard: It is already rampant. Considering Iraq and Afghanistan, I think it is the pinnacle of hypocrisy that the US has ANYTHING to say about Putin's "invasion" of the Crimea.

Is Putin "dangerous"? I think so by virtue of his being KGB. Do I think he has Hitler-esque designs on Europe or even Eastern Europe? Not even remotely.

Here's a series of images I got from Paul Hoskins. As an American, I find them embarrassing.

Be nicer than necessary.
