A pat on the back

Started by Jamie.270, April 12, 2011, 09:46:03 AM

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It was nice to read about a congress critter that has the backbone to refuse an award, instead of wallowing in questionable "accolades" handed out by the likes of HSUS and their ilk:
QuoteAlaskan Congressman Don Young refused an award from The Humane  Society of the United States (HSUS) and the Humane Society Legislative  Fund that would have honored his work for animals in 2010.    "While they capitalize on the good work of local humane societies  that shelter, spay, and neuter animals, the HSUS does not own, operate,  or directly control a single animal shelter in our country, despite a  budget of well over $100 million.  HSUS are hypocrites, plain and  simple, and I will not join them by accepting this award," said Rep.  Young.  "Local animal shelters and humane societies do excellent work by  caring for neglected and homeless animals, and through their spaying  and neutering programs."
 Young further noted that  "this organization, however, has absolutely  nothing to do with animal welfare.  Instead they prey on the emotions  of big-hearted Americans.  They flash images of abused animals on our  television screens to raise money that will eventually go to pay their  salaries and pensions, not to helping better the lives of these animals.   They run anti-hunting and anti-trapping campaigns and are of the same  cloth as PETA and other extremist organizations.
I just thought a little recognition was due.
Thanks to the folks of Alaska for electing someone that will tell the truth about the HSUS, PETA and other extremist organizations.
QuoteRestrictive gun laws that leave good people helpless, don\'t have the power to render bad people harmless.

To believe otherwise is folly. --  Me


his future will likely be short in politics.there's no such thing as an honest politician!wish there were a few more like him with guts to stand their ground and tell the truth!that's my 2 cents worth!
Better to have a gun and not need it, than to need a gun and not have it!
member;National Fiirearms Assocciation
Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters
gun owners of Canada
North American Hunting Club


Good for him
Surprises me as much as it did noel

Daryl (deceased)

Kudos to him, and I agree with his statement.
A government that abrogates any of the Bill of Rights, with or without majoritarian approval, forever acts illegitimately, becomes tyrannical, and loses the moral right to govern-Jeffrey Snyder

RIP Linden33


Too late for his career to be "short" I forget how long Don Young has been in Congress (our only congressman) but it is well over 20 years, But your point about "honesty" and "long careers" is still right on the mark. (Turns out it's about 40 in the national Congress.)

I applaud his comments and agree of course. However... it's easy to publicly vilify the devil. Unlike the old saw that says: "The enemy of my enemy is my friend"; all those that hate the devil aren't necessarily my 'friend'. It is my belief that there are no "good" politicians at the national level, NONE, and darn few at the local level. Young knows who his constituents are and he spoke to them. Nobody in New York is going to get Don Young re-elected AGAIN. He is just as willing to publicly vilify a common enemy as he is to commit unnatural seks acts on the front steps of the the Capitol at noon on the 4th of July if it meant something for him. He was preaching to the choir and he knew it.

Again, I applaud SOMEONE having the chutzpah to come out and call those sons of bachelors what they really are. In my opinion there is ONE, and ONLY ONE, organization ON THE PLANET worse than HSUS - Al Queda. No, I'm not joking. I'd rather have Hammas in my state than the HSUS.

I'm an Alaskan - Do you think Don Young might know how "we" feel about the HSUS?

Do not be fooled. Politicians are consummate liars. One must be ESPECIALLY careful when they are saying what we WANT to hear.

Here's a read on him: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Don_Young

Be nicer than necessary.


Paul, you and I are on the same page with regard to the HSUS.
While I realize he was preaching to his choir, I give him kudos for the fact that he is one of a very few that is willing to speak the truth about the HSUS on anything approaching a "national stage."  We need more people on a national level to speak up about these "bachelors," and expose them and their agenda to the general public.

In addition to being ego-maniacs, and cowards in the face of public opinion, I find the conduct of most (if not all) congress critters (read: big frog/little pond) to be reprehensible when an organization the size of HSUS pays them any positive attention, regardless of their stance on hunting.

I just found his remarks, and the fact that he made them publicly, to be a breath of fresh air, in a room full of vegetarian-borne methane.
QuoteRestrictive gun laws that leave good people helpless, don\'t have the power to render bad people harmless.

To believe otherwise is folly. --  Me


I know Don Young, not well but if you mentioned my name to him he would know who you were talking about and put my face to the name. As such, I know a lot more about the things that get on a "resume' " - like that seen at the Wikipedia site - than the "average bear".

I'm glad he said what he said, his self-serving and ulterior motives notwithstanding. If I weren't in business and he my state's congressman, I'd have a lot more to say publicly about him specifically. As it is, I simply can't afford to have one of his minions read something I put on a public forum and have him 'take it out' on my business and business partners. It's a shame the way our country works, isn't it?

There's really nothing I have to say about him that is in any way shocking for a national politician. They are what they are, and the most important thing that can be said about them is "You will know them by their fruit". I've seen the "fruit" Don Young produces.

In the republican primaries, I ALWAYS vote against him. In the general election when his opponent is a member of the American Socialist Party, I always vote FOR him. But I'd vote for a dog before I'd vote for a American Socialist... and sadly, I usually have no other choice.

It would be nice if more politicians, that like Don Young have no reason to "fear" HSUS, would speak up about the filth that the HSUS is. I do disagree with a bit of what he said though: Local "humane societies" OFTEN solicit the aid, both financial and political, of the HSUS, and do so willingly and enthusiastically. THERE IS a relationship between local "humane societies" and HSUS. It's just not an "official" one.

I have a VERY difficult time giving ANY politician ANY credit for doing something "right". In my heart of hearts I BELIEVE that they NEVER do any such thing if there isn't something in it for them. In Don Young's case, he probably bought another 50 votes with that HSUS 'speech'. Politicians do NOTHING out of principle or moral conviction. Every time they open their mouths they 'lie' - either directly or by "spinning" the truth. They cheat and steal at every opportunity as long as they think they can get away with it. They are professionally corrupt and personally immoral. To a person, politicians are the "poster children" for the moral scum of America.

I thought I better 'sugar-coat' my comments, 'just in case'.

Be nicer than necessary.


although it is brown sugar!lol!!
Better to have a gun and not need it, than to need a gun and not have it!
member;National Fiirearms Assocciation
Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters
gun owners of Canada
North American Hunting Club


Well Paul, hows about you running for office? THAT would be interesting...
"Live free or die: death is not the worst of evils." General John Stark


too much unemployment!no speech writers,no spin doctors!would never make a second term!ha!ha!
Better to have a gun and not need it, than to need a gun and not have it!
member;National Fiirearms Assocciation
Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters
gun owners of Canada
North American Hunting Club


I'd never make the first term. Truly it would kill me - one way or the other.

Our system is one of "you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours". Truth, integrity, professionalism, moral standards, forthrightness, justice, fairness... NONE have ANYTHING to do with national and international politics. There was a time when US politicians AS A WHOLE MAY have been better than the average pol anywhere else in the world. Now... Not a chance. The bunch of them are scum. There isn't one I would invite (or allow) to my house for a meal. I mean that. Not one.

In a way, it's "the system". However, it's the politicians that MADE "the system" what it is. Now, even if a "good" politician were to get elected, they COULD NOT FUNCTION with any efficacy in "the system" as it exists.

Truly, I have but one hope...

Be nicer than necessary.
