The Hunter's Life Forums

THE OUTHOUSE => MODERATING THL => Topic started by: TRMichels on August 04, 2010, 10:42:10 AM

Title: A Death in the Family
Post by: TRMichels on August 04, 2010, 10:42:10 AM
As I write this, I am in great physical pain, pain not even the extremely high doses of morphine can alleviate. Pain I fight to control everyday, but inevitably give in to, as I lie down and try to sleep, praying to God, for some respite, from the continual, excruciating, unendurable pain, in my legs, my arms, my neck and my face. But, today I have a bigger burden to bear. One much deeper, but one that will abate with time. And yet, that does not comfort me.
We got the very sad news that my niece's (Beth's) baby died yesterday. I've spent the morning wracked with sorrow, literally crying in shudders. It has been a long time since one our own has died, and it really hit me. And yet, I can't imagine the sorrow that Beth feels, the grief of a Mother.
I know she told Debi, her mother, not to come to Guam, because she knows Debi does not have the money. But, and I feel very strongly about this, this is a time when she needs her mother, and possibly her Christian Grandmother there, to counsel, guide and comfort her. This was family that died. One of our own, and I know that Dad would have wanted us to band together to help Beth through this time of crisis and grief, But, most of us cannot afford to do that,
You will all have to think about this, especially Mom, because I worry about he at her age. But, we have to, at the very least, get Debi there. I'm asking you to consider chipping in to get her a ticket. The cheapest air fare is $2700.
Also, I know the family is poor, and they probably cannot pay for a decent Christian burial. I am asking for donations so that they can do that. I've set up a fund for them, in my Trinity Mountain Outdoors Pay Pal account at, for donations. (I did not know this then, but even with all of the family chipping in, we will still be short, and they still need to pay for the funeral.
Whether you are a Michels, a Stangler, Kallevig, or whatever, please consider donating to help out one of our families.
Even $5 will help this family. Thanks
Your servant in Christ,
One of Our Own

[/I][/FONT]Pay heed Family,
pay heed.
I've been inspired this morning,
inspired to write
by Yahweh, our Father
and One of Our Own.
One of Our Own
I did not even know.
0ne too young
to have been presented to us.
One too young to have known,
the vagaries of life.
The pain, the suffering,
the gladness, the joy.
Inspired by one,
So far away, yet so near.
I realized this.
when I woke this morning
and wept, wept uncontrollably,
as I have never wept before.
As I write this,
with tears in my eyes,
a trembling in my heart,
a burden on my soul.
As I tremble and shudder,
literally wracked by sorrow,
shaken with loss.
For One of Our Own
has died, yesterday.
She lived only
a month and eleven days.
Time to have known
the love of her own.
her father, her mother
her brothers and more.
But not,
the other family she has,
the family of Michels
The family of God.
For we all are one
in the body of Christ.
So pay heed
all you children,
of the body of Christ,
One of our own,
has died.
For we are all family,
Whether Michels, or Stangler or Kallevig,
Holzel, Eichernberry or Pascua.
or others unknown.
We Michels are family,
passed on from father to son,
mother to daughter,
whether by blood or by law.
From Great, Great Grandfather John,
Great Grandpa Leo
to Grandpa and father
our leader "Doctor Mike".
Family not only in blood,
but in our spirit too.
We are all family,
in heart and in soul.
Joined together
in the body of Christ,
we Christians need mourn
One of Our Own.
Remember this day,
all you Children of Christ.
for time is short,
as long as for ever,
as short as a breath.
Forgive your fellow man
for wrongs unsaid.
you may not have time
to do it again.
So heal all wounds,
to family and friends.
Hold them all close
and be family again.

This burden I feel,
deep in my heart
is for the youngest among us
by name, Keira Lynn.
Never forget
that you did not grow
in my heart or mind,
but in my very soul.
So pay heed all you children
of the body of Christ
One of Our Own

Has been called home.
She is never forgotten
never alone.
One of the Family
of the Body of Christ.
Only a baby
in the arms of Christ.

By T.R. Michels,
In Memory of Keira Lynn
Who was Born June 22, 2010, and died August 2, 2010
She was the Angel of The Michels Family, and we willmiss her dearly.
I love you baby.
Title: Re: A Death in the Family
Post by: drinksgin (deceased) on August 06, 2010, 07:14:58 AM
Has anyone verified this?
Title: Re: A Death in the Family
Post by: davidlt89 on August 06, 2010, 11:22:47 AM
I know who TR is from another sight, but have never met him. I cannot verify if the above information is true or not. If it is, you certainly have my sympathies, any death in a family is hard to handle. TR, I am not so sure this is the place to try and get donations, especially when no one knows who you are. I mean no offense from that, with all the scams on the internet, one has to be cautious!! God Bless.
Title: Re: A Death in the Family
Post by: gitano on August 06, 2010, 02:11:08 PM
TR - Post a link to an obituary or something we can use to verify the veracity of this.

Title: Re: A Death in the Family
Post by: TRMichels on August 06, 2010, 04:49:18 PM
Quote from: gitano;107228TR - Post a link to an obituary or something we can use to verify the veracity of this.
Why woudl you ned to verify this. if you can believe it is for real (Google my name to find out who and what I am, check with The Christian Outdoorsman talk forum, where they are ruinning this notice, or the Christian Outdoor Fellowhshipip of America (COFA), of which I am co founder. Check to se if it is on Hunting net, Bowsite, Ontartaio Trophy Bucks, and many other sites, to see if they are running it, without a link to an obtiuarty in Guam. Then ask yourself why they are runing it. It is because they know me, and they know if I say it is tru, it is true....
I should be offended at the idea that someone questions my truth fullness in  matters such as this. But,  won't, because I realize there are sketpics out there.
If you don't believe, don't send money to help this family, who does not have enough to pay for a funeral or even an obituay.  But, you can certainly look in the obits for Guam. The Island is not that big. But I doubt they have one.  

We've already had over $200 dollars donated, primarily because two individuals donated $100 each, wiithout knowin me personally, but knowing  about me. I 'bout fell off my chair, it was very generous.
I do not lie...  BUt,, dod not cll me a liar. I sir, am a born again Catholic.  
Go bless,
Title: Re: A Death in the Family
Post by: davidlt89 on August 06, 2010, 05:13:05 PM
  I don't think anyone has called you a liar, unless I missed something from the above posts. I have also read many of your other posts on other forums and this one is headed where most of them do. I thought the above request was easy enough to follow and would be great verification of what you speak about. But you essentially told the requester to "do it himself".
QuoteWhy woudl you ned to verify this.
Remember, no body here knows you, all they ask for is verification, thats all. God bless.
Title: Re: A Death in the Family
Post by: gitano on August 06, 2010, 05:45:53 PM
Actually, I'm inclined to call him a liar after that tirade.

There is no one here that "knows" you.

Exactly how are we supposed to know you are the "Co-founder of the Christian Outdoor Fellowship of America", if in fact you are, IF YOU DON'T GIVE US THE INFORMATION SO WE CAN CHECK IT!

Christians don't respond to reasonable inquests for corroboration about REQUESTS FOR MONEY OVER THE INTERNET WITH NO CORROBORATION, LIKE YOU DID ABOVE!!

You and yours will get no money from me because I don't believe you are who you say you are.

Most sincerely,
Title: Re: A Death in the Family
Post by: sakorick on August 06, 2010, 07:32:29 PM
This will be a topic in my Sunday School lesson this week. "Can't afford a Christian burial".......give me a physical break! You know you can go to prison for what you are doing but your after life will be much worse.
Title: Re: A Death in the Family
Post by: TRMichels on August 06, 2010, 07:39:21 PM
If anyone red the letter bdfore the memorial I wrote fo Keira, th should ifgure out tha I am not up to lookikgn anour the intenet for a nocie of drt, N I state id in ny repsonse, I am not up to searching for one in guam, and i doubt that the famiil had ne p[ostd, But, ifone want sto liik fit, theyare weclonme, It dotoo me about 20 niutes to write tha posm, becaue I kept falling sslep or gettig spacyem due to the high doese of nartcitic.
YOu evidnelty hv not been on myn of my regualr poste, becaosu ther is notheih worn with them, as logng as they wre bot about Scern lok, Most of then are h eavily hit thredsm becaue the gusy are patic9patin in an on-line seninar, wich is ot  goig or any where else,
Anyhowm if you car to look for a notem feel frem =pr go to soneothe site an si if I po9ste it nd wt the thik of it, ''
As I( said yif you doubt nyhoneslym dbnt semoney,
Title: Re: A Death in the Family
Post by: TRMichels on August 06, 2010, 07:42:23 PM
So, becaus ei am in pain, with aout 160 ng of morphine in me, very ti9red, wonr out etc, I'm nt a Christian> I just do not hve it imnme, can you undstadn I am in pain,,,,,dn firly well duuggrsd up
Title: Re: A Death in the Family
Post by: Fieldmor77 on August 06, 2010, 08:49:15 PM
No offense Mate, but fair dinkum, we just reckon the whole things a bit rich, and just a little suss, that's all.
Title: Re: A Death in the Family
Post by: drinksgin (deceased) on August 07, 2010, 07:06:52 AM
PHD, and I do not mean a doctorate degree!
Title: Re: A Death in the Family
Post by: sakorick on August 07, 2010, 10:09:27 AM
Quote from: Fieldmor77;107242No offense Mate, but fair dinkum, we just reckon the whole things a bit rich, and just a little suss, that's all.

If that means what I think it does, then I agree 100%. ;) Regards, Rick.
Title: Re: A Death in the Family
Post by: buffalo bob on August 07, 2010, 12:16:40 PM
Quote from: TRMichels;107240So, becaus ei am in pain, with aout 160 ng of morphine in me, very ti9red, wonr out etc, I'm nt a Christian> I just do not hve it imnme, can you undstadn I am in pain,,,,,dn firly well duuggrsd up

if that is 160 mg morphine, i wonder where he got the tolerance.  worked ICU nursing for 30yr. most people are comatose with 20mg.  more than 20 and some are on a respirator.  just an observation.
Title: Re: A Death in the Family
Post by: Paul Hoskins on August 10, 2010, 07:09:06 PM
Been watching this for a couple days. I never heard of ANYONE surviving that much morphine or any doctors stupid enough to administer that amount. ......Paul H
Title: Re: A Death in the Family
Post by: Daryl (deceased) on August 12, 2010, 02:41:27 AM
I moved this here to get it out of public view.  I'm not calling the poster a liar, but if he's not being truthful then I don't want to expose others to a scam.
If he IS being truthful, then I don't want to expose him to further stress by leaving it up, either.
Either way, I think it needed to go, since it's not serving any real purpose except stirring trouble.
Title: Re: A Death in the Family
Post by: gitano on August 12, 2010, 11:55:25 AM
Agreed, all the way around.

Title: Re: A Death in the Family
Post by: buckshot roberts on August 20, 2010, 08:02:36 AM
sometimes you don't have to call someone a just turns out that way.......Ron
Title: Re: A Death in the Family
Post by: Daryl (deceased) on August 22, 2010, 05:02:22 PM
Honestly, I don't care one way or the other. If he's lying, then shame on himi. If he's not, then shame on us for not helping a fellow human in real need.
But if he won't offer evidence to prove his story, and only becomes offended if someone asks, then he doesn't need the money all that bad.
Title: Re: A Death in the Family
Post by: gitano on August 22, 2010, 11:01:43 PM
QuoteIf he's not, then shame on us for not helping a fellow human in real need.
I thought from the beginning that the story was likely true, but after his tirade after being asked for a simple verification, I've gt NO regrets even if it was true. The internet is a risky place, and if you're gonna ask for money, you better be prepared to provide some verification that it isn't just another internet scam.

No. I feel NO shame, regardless of the veracity of the story.

Title: Re: A Death in the Family
Post by: buckshot roberts on August 24, 2010, 07:39:53 AM
all he had to do was varifly why not.......Ron