RJ Jr. is in the Army

Started by recoil junky, January 15, 2008, 02:06:20 PM

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recoil junky

Ok folks. I know that some of you, probably not many, have been waiting for update on PFC RJ Jr. He's just completed the "book learnin" part of his medic training and now they are doing  "simutlated battlefield situation training" Sounds like it would be a hoot to me.

I was scrounging through the "picture box" and found this one of him just before he joined up.

Now, here he is in his Boot Camp graduation portrait

Quite a change. We'll be going to his graduation in Ft. Sam Houston the end of July. Hopefully I won't get anything in my eye when I see him.

When you go afield, take the kids and please......................................wear your seatbelts.
Northwest Colorado.............Where the wapiti roam and deer and antelope run amuck. :undecided:  
Proud father of a soldier medic in The 82nd Airborne 325th AIR White Falcons :army:


"Like the time the Marines started the rifle range on fire and his platoon had to wait for the fire to get put out so they could practice. His response? "Stupid jarheads""  

The Marines were just making it easy for the "Doggies" to see the targets.  :biggthumpup:

You gotta be proud, and I think RBH said it the best; it takes a special man today to join.  Semper Fi, KD
Not everyone gets a trophy.


Well at least he's got enough money to afford razors and a haircut now:biggthumpup:   Congrats to him on graduating Basic Training and I'm sure he'll do well with the medic training.  Make sure you hit the Riverwalk with him when you go for the graduation.

"Politics is supposed to be the world\'s second oldest profession.  I have come to realize that it bears a very close resemblance to the first."
Ronald Reagan


Fine looking young man. I prefer the clean look but hear how some like the curly locks, especially the moms. How is Mom holding up any way?
For those curious here is a link to some info on the Fort and its role.
If you do get someting in your eye you will have a doc right there handy to lend aid.


Good for him RJ. The field training was fun but it took me a week to clean all of the mud out of my gear! Is he active duty or reserve? Give him all of our best!
Ask not what your government can do for you. Ask how your government can go away and get out of your life.
The unarmed man is is not only defenseless, he is also contemptible.
Niccolo Machiavelli

recoil junky

HB, he's active duty. He'll be heading to Iraq in October :eek:. He's pretty excited but I'm pretty nervous. There worst part will be not being able to talk to him every weekend.  :cry: It was bad enough when he was in basic. Having to write letters took on a whole new meaning. Yeah, we're pretty close. More like best friends now than father and son.

When you go afield, take the kids and please......................................wear your seatbelts.
Northwest Colorado.............Where the wapiti roam and deer and antelope run amuck. :undecided:  
Proud father of a soldier medic in The 82nd Airborne 325th AIR White Falcons :army:


RJ, when he's over there your letters will have even more meaning. And you have no idea how much he'll appreciate a package of home made deer jerky. ;)
Ask not what your government can do for you. Ask how your government can go away and get out of your life.
The unarmed man is is not only defenseless, he is also contemptible.
Niccolo Machiavelli


I'm proud of your son RJ...and I've never met him. I have all the respect for any who join up and serve. Did he ever go to RIP? Do you know what his MOS is?


QuoteThere worst part will be not being able to talk to him every weekend.
I got to talk to my brother almost everyday. Make sure he brings a laptop over. just about every place is hooked up to the internet. I did a lot of instant messaging with my brother, but he used his webcam with his wife and kids. it is a lot cheaper than making calls. Also, make sure he takes his laptop with him and does not have it sent over with all the other gear. it takes forever for it to get their and I am sure he will want coms with you as soon as possible.
I like the second photo better, hard to believe those two photos are the same guy:) . He has accomplished much already and I am sure he will accomplish much more. You have a fine young man there. Keep your head up, he will be allright over there, and he will be home before you know it. God bless.
Romans 12:2
2 Don't copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God's will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.


M1, I believe that he's a 91A.
Ask not what your government can do for you. Ask how your government can go away and get out of your life.
The unarmed man is is not only defenseless, he is also contemptible.
Niccolo Machiavelli


My hats off to him...I wish more of our youth would look at serving.


One thing about being a Medic, he'll never be at a loss for friends, everyone likes Doc.

"Politics is supposed to be the world\'s second oldest profession.  I have come to realize that it bears a very close resemblance to the first."
Ronald Reagan


Quote from: RatherBHuntin;80575One thing about being a Medic, he'll never be at a loss for friends, everyone likes Doc.

You got that right. RJ, you should have had him talk to me before he enlisted. That is the same job that I did. I would have been happy to help him and give him my thoughts on it.
Ask not what your government can do for you. Ask how your government can go away and get out of your life.
The unarmed man is is not only defenseless, he is also contemptible.
Niccolo Machiavelli

recoil junky

Well we're back and here's how it went down.

  Thursday afternoon @ 1600 PFC RJ Jr. called and asked me if I wanted the good news or the bad news first. The good news was that he graduated 10th out of 398 and the bad news was that he was going to get shipped of to Airbourne the following Monday and he wasn't sure if we would even be able to see him.

Well needless to say we left Craig about an hour later. We spent the night in Raton NM, getting there about 0200. We were on the road again by 0800 and arrived at our motel in San Antonio at 2200 where RJ Jr was waiting for us. The light or something was bad because I got something in my eye right away. Jr helped us get situated in our room and we had a good chat before we had to take him back to Ft Sam at 2300. He had found out that he had Friday off after formation as well as Saturday and Sunday and the rest of the day Monday after Graduation!!!

PFC RJ Jr spent alot of time doing this

and this. Mrs RJ made him his favorite no-bake chocolate oatmeal cookies.

The next morning we went to the River Walk and the Alamo.

We even took a short tour of Ft Sam

Home of the Delta Company Dragons HOORA!!

On Monday morning after graduation he found out that he wouldn't be leaving until 1300 the following afternnon and that he could get an overnight pass, so we went back down to River Walk to partake of some fine beer and food before hitting the hay.

Up and at'em in the morning Jr and I went out for an early breakfast and had a good chat by ourselves before we had t get him back too Ft Sam. I managed to keep whatever it was that kept getting in my out for most of the rest of the day.

We didn't leave San Antonio until we were sure that RJ Jr was actually on his bus to Ft Benning and he promiosed us he's call as soon as he got to Columbus GA.

From our last visit, it sounds like jump school will start bright and early Moday a.m. and last for 3 weeks then he's off to RIP or the Ranger Indoctrination  Program. It sounds like his Ranger training will start in Ft Benning as well.

He's really missing the friends he made in AIT but it sounds like he's going to get along fine in Ft. Benning. O f course we miss him too, but he'll be able to come home for a couple of weeks in September, then it's off for more Rangerin'. This time for more medical training at some yet to be determined place.

All in all he's having the time of his life. He says that RIP sounds pretty fun and he can't wait to jump out of an airplane. I think he's a bit daft but then I think he gets that from his mother.

When you go afield, take the kids and please......................................wear your seatbelts.
Northwest Colorado.............Where the wapiti roam and deer and antelope run amuck. :undecided:  
Proud father of a soldier medic in The 82nd Airborne 325th AIR White Falcons :army:


WOW! Thoes pictures bring back some memories! I was in Charlie 232, 6th platoon, Six Pack! There are probably still some empty bottles that I left in the drop ceiling above my bunk. ;) I wasn't always the angel that you know now. :biggthumpup:
Don't worry about the boy. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree and I have no doubt that he'll do good and serve his country proud.
Ask not what your government can do for you. Ask how your government can go away and get out of your life.
The unarmed man is is not only defenseless, he is also contemptible.
Niccolo Machiavelli
