first day of bow season in maine

Started by davidlt89, September 27, 2006, 05:00:21 PM

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Our bow season starts tomorrow. Got everything packed and ready to go after work. Actually, I will get out of work early and get started about 4:00. Deer have been coming out pretty regularly. I will admit though that I have not practiced a whole lot. only took out the bow twice. I hope to have a good story posted tommorow. Wish me luck. God Bless.
Romans 12:2
2 Don't copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God's will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.

Mauserfan in TX

Good luck my friend. I hope you bag a big one.Be careful and remember to have a good time. Take Care, Danny
8\'s is Great
Col Charles Askins


Good luck and I too hope you bag a big one :D !!! Anxiously awaiting the story, score or no score, let us know how it goes ;).


thanks guys. I guess I should not of put "wish me luck", what I need are a few prayers. it is 7:04 in the morning and I am at work waiting for patients to come in. I am gonna come unglued waiting for 3:00. I love the feeling of an anticipated hunt. I will post a story one way or another. later and God Bless you.
Romans 12:2
2 Don't copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God's will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.


Hit the blind at 4:00 yesterday. I have my blind in the field, I have seen turkey hunters do this, so I thought I would try it out for deer. Anyway, my uncle told me how the deer are moving through the area so I set the blind up accordingly. I sat there and read my bible and kept looking up occasionally. about the last hour of light I put the bible down and just waited. It got to the point where I thought I could see the images of two deer off to my left. I figured that if I could not tell if they were deer, then it was to dark. I unzipped the door of the blind slowly and looked out over my shoulder through the door only to see a deer standing at about 30 yards. it wasn't 15 seconds later and another deer started to blow and they both ran off. If I would off actually leaned over and looked out the left hand window, I probably would have seen the 2nd deer easily. I also think the two deer were headed to the middle of the field to eat clover, probably if I would of stayed put for another minute, I would of seen them. I guess I am better off this way since I believe it was past legal shooting time when I finally noticed them. I will be back tonight and I am gonna move the blind by the edge of the woods and see what happens. Sure would like to get a deer with this bow since I never have shot one with a bow before. Sorry this is not a better story, hopefully tonight that will change. God be with you.
Romans 12:2
2 Don't copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God's will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.


Was a good story for me.  I'm glad I'm not the only one that this kind of stuff happens to.  You DID see deer on your first sit, and I know you count yourself lucky for that.

"Politics is supposed to be the world\'s second oldest profession.  I have come to realize that it bears a very close resemblance to the first."
Ronald Reagan


Oh yes it was a  good story, I appreciate your post and enjoyed the read. Sounds like your on to them, good idea in moving the blind a bit. Maybe brush it in some, now that they know there may be danger assciated with the blind. Good luck to you and keep after them, you'll get one !!


Hit the stand again tonight. read until about 6:00 and then put the good book down and proceded to keep a tight eye. At 6:30 I seen a doe coming into the field. I did move my blind to the woods but she could still pick it out. she stared at me awhile and came into the field. My guess is that she was at about 45 yards. she then started to the middle of the field. When she was right in front of the blind, she put her head down and started in on the clover. My guess was that she was around anywhere from 40-45 yards away. I do not have a 40 yard pin because I broke it last year and told myself my limit would be 30 yards. As I sat there looking at her standing broadside it got the best of me. I figured, "why not davey". So I pulled back and noticed I had a hard time picking her up in the peep. When I seen brown in the peep, I picked up a little and guestemated where my 40 yard pin would be and let her fly. I bet you can guess what happened! I shot underneath her. She ran about 15 yards to the right after the shot and stood there looking at the blind. while she was looking, another doe came and stood in the same spot and began eating. I figured that I had already lost one arrow, I was not going to lose two, so I did not even draw back. They stayed around for about 30-40 more seconds and went into the woods. I probably should of not shot but she was as broadside as a deer can get and I had enough light. A guess a lesson was learned tonight. oh well, I have the rest of october to try again. have a good day.
Romans 12:2
2 Don't copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God's will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.

buckshot roberts

;) Hang in there, crossbow season opens here today I'n going to try it, with my brother-in-laws crossbow, you can only take doe's with bows here, that was a very good post davedit89, hope you get ya get ya a big fat doe next time,Ron
We got too complicated......It\'s all way over rated....I like the old and out dated way of life........I miss back when..
