The Hunter's Life Forums

HUNTING FORUMS => TRAPPING => Topic started by: davidlt89 on September 30, 2015, 02:12:13 PM

Title: Teaching my first class
Post by: davidlt89 on September 30, 2015, 02:12:13 PM
I am now a "certified" trapping instructor, my first class will be in October. I have had nothing but a "hard" time trying to get this class together! It did not take long for the "politics" to kick in! First, guys I had lined up to help out did not sit well with the safety coordinator and he pulled the dates for my first class.

I had some of the best trappers in the area but he is going to make sure I use "his" guys. Sooo, one of his guys is going to be there to "watch" me!! There is a big stink since this is the first class here with all the new rules to fisher and marten trapping. I plain out told them I knew it was important...but for goodness is not rocket science!!!

State has the specs out on the new lynx exclusion device, I have my brother on it and he is working  with a local guy building prototypes. I am excited as this will allow us to trap on the ground!! this will make setting a lot easier and faster.

And low and behold, beaver season starts two weeks early in one of the zones I trap!!! How about that!!!

So back to the class, I will write up my outline next week and i saved a beaver from yesterday to show some skinning!! hopefully everything goes well. God Bless.
Title: Re: Teaching my first class
Post by: gitano on September 30, 2015, 05:15:05 PM
Cool! Good luck with the class! I hope you saved that 70-pounder for class!

Title: Re: Teaching my first class
Post by: davidlt89 on October 08, 2015, 04:29:53 PM
QuoteI hope you saved that 70-pounder for class!
I was not lugging that back to the truck! I did however save a 50 pounder. I don't think I am going to get to flesh, but I will skin.

I taught the first part of the class last original plans were shot down and I was given an outline to go by. I told the guy helping me who has been the only teaching the class for years what my plan was and he was on board, when the safety coordinator got there he folded like an ironing board and acting I was just acting on my own and "corrected" me!!! BUT thats ok, next class in on the 24th and my oldest son will be there, should be fun.

Right now I am in 7 different towns with multiple sets. Been putting in 12 hours days to try and keep up with this. Beaver are really busy right now and they are smart. God Bless.
Title: Re: Teaching my first class
Post by: davidlt89 on October 26, 2015, 02:42:45 PM
Saturday I finished up my first class, it did not go to bad! all done till next year!! God Bless.