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Topics - branxhunter

No, not me, but this guy is:

I like watching projects like this evolve.

FIREARMS & OPTICS / Moist nugget for Jorge
January 19, 2016, 10:28:25 PM
I stumbled across this blog today while sitting on the couch ready to meet my good wife's every whim (she had the third cycle of chemo earlier today and is currently dozing on the couch):

There are some interesting articles on there. I thought you might be interested in this one Jorge.....

Some incredible work done on this project - should be interesting for the machinists here at THL:

I really like the work on the integral bases on the barrels, and that buttock is superb.

FIREARMS & OPTICS / Restocking a Martini
December 02, 2015, 01:00:43 PM
A great pictorial thread on restocking a martini action:

THE CAMPFIRE / The big "C"
December 01, 2015, 07:05:09 PM
I'm currently sitting in a friend's house in SE Melbourne having just caught the train out from the city following a work related meeting.

The reason I am down here (here being 3.5hours drive from home/work) is that 2 weeks ago my wife was diagnosed with breast cancer. Yesterday we met with the oncologist and surgeon, and today she is having more tests/scans done (our friend has gone with her today).

At this stage the scan rsults are as positive as they can be in the circumstances - the specialists are 95% sure it hasn't spread. An MRI on Monday will look at a small spot on her lung which they think is unrelated but want to check.

It looks like the chemo will commence in the next few weeks  and will be a 6 month program. Then surgery, then radiotherapy. All up could be almost 12 months of treatment. This will be at the Monash Medical Centre so I may see a bit more of you in the next year or so Jorge.......

We are very blessed with a circle of family (both biological and church), friends and work colleagues who have been extremely supportive so far, and we know there are a lot of people out there upholding us in prayer. For those of you in the THL family likewise inclined it would be greatly appreciated.

Parker Hale/BSA Rifles / Parker Hale drop mags for sale
November 20, 2015, 01:32:04 AM
Drop mags for sale here in Australia. If anyone in the US or the UK is interested let me know (they are not mine or anyone I know).

From one of the local used gun sites here in Australia:

Have you ever seen one of these Brithunter?

THE CAMPFIRE / Coffee with Jorge
October 26, 2015, 12:18:06 PM
I was down in Melbourne for a week of training a couple of weeks ago and took the opportunity to catch up with Jorge in Oz for coffee - something I have been wanting to do for a while. Melbourne is about 3.5hrs drive away so not something I can do every week!

It was great to finally meet an Aussie THL'er; I am not sure whether any of you have ever spoken to Jorge on the phone or met him in person, but he just bubbles with enthusiasm. Absolutely loves his hunting. We had a good catch up and the time passed really quickly.

BTW Jorge you PM inbox seems to be full.

THE NEED FOR SPEED / New (to me) ute
August 23, 2015, 12:09:48 AM
We recently bought a 2010 model Toyota Hilux  4x4 dual cab tray back ute to replace our 2000 model Holden Rodeo that was in the same configuration. Here is the Hilux:


Being geared so low the Rodeo was perfect for chugging around in the paddocks, but was a bit painful towing anything with a bit of weight - in 4th gear it was either  humming along quite comfortably at around 2,800 rpm and 80km/h and driving everyone else on the road bonkers (the speed limit is 100km/h), or screaming at around 3,200rpm to keep to the speed limit.

The Hilux is geared higher and has more power to boot - pulls a heavy trailer quite comfortably at 2,800rpm at 100km/h with plenty of power to overtake if required.

The funny thing is that the bloke I bought the Hilux from ended up buying the Rodeo - and we are both very happy with the end result.

THE CAMPFIRE / Started lambing a few days ago
August 01, 2015, 01:16:13 PM
First time we have started with triplets


THE CHRISTIAN LIFE / Preaching tomorrow ....
July 03, 2015, 01:29:04 PM
....and your prayers would be appreciated. While I quite often lead the service I only preach very infrequently. I am mindful of the gravity of handling the Word correctly.

Getting there....


THE CAMPFIRE / Anyone underwater in Texas?
May 26, 2015, 01:22:28 AM
Just saw the nightly news - looks like Texas has been hammered with heavy rain and flooding. Everyone OK?

It's been wet and snotty, but the weather broke today and it was a beautiful still sunny day. The dogs were also out of food, so a walk down in the stones with the .222 was a perfect way to spend the late afternoon. An hour and a half later I had three rabbits from four shots and the hounds are happy.


This martini came up for sale yesterday:

I rang while at work and got the engaged signal. Rang around half an hour later in between jobs only to hear that someone had walked into the shop 10 minutes earlier and bought it.
The description ticked nearly all the boxes for me - I would have eventually replaced the stock set with something like this:
....and perhaps installed a rimless extractor.
Oh well.
FIREARMS & OPTICS / New (to me) scope
March 08, 2015, 01:20:25 PM
Picked this up online yesterday


Kahles Wien 3-9 L2 (it sounds like the L2 refers to an alloy tube, as opposed to the S2 steel tubes models).

Now on the hunt for some 26mm rings. It will probably go on my PH .243, so scouting around for some Leupold or Hilver rings. It could also go on the Ruger 17hmr. Decisions, decisions.....

RELOADING / Simplex Presses
February 27, 2015, 01:55:50 AM
Check out the link on this page!

THE CAMPFIRE / You don't see these everyday.....
January 29, 2015, 02:43:41 AM
Found in the lawn near one of the garden taps.

