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Topics - greywolf

well deer season opens in less than a month as well (archery), come to think of it , all out seasons open in less than a month (aug 25th ) starts off with archery, and ends with rifle , except for bear ,,,,, anything goes right off the cuff . Any way tho , man oh man oh man , I think it's going to be a great season this year, there are more deer right now than there has been in the last 5 years, you can count UP TOO  100 deer in almost any given field at almost any time, and even more at dusk and dawn. according to conservation , deer and moose etc.... are all up by around 25%, and bear are also up about 30% ! Can't wait , i wanna hunt nnnnnooooooooowwwwww ! Am I whining yet ? ok so i am , i wanna hunt !!!!

THE CAMPFIRE / Big Bear Revisited....
July 27, 2008, 08:39:20 AM
well , less than a month till bear opens here , and guess what ? *I* found Mr. Brutes "home" , I have been looking around all summer there, and spent a small fortune on fuel i might add ($6.25 a gallon) But I found him and his home ! How do I know it's his home ? Well let's just say , i stumbled upon him and his home, and yes he was at home ! nice little cave, goes in about 30 feet, tons of "litter" in the den, and him fast asleep just outside the den , *cackle* never saw a bear wake up and run so fast in my life , come to think of it, so did we , the opposite way . So Now I also got my beaver, already skinned out, and got my 45 gal drum ,lots of bullhead catfish, and miscellaneous fish guts , and cereal, am i missing anything ? I can picture my rug already :)

THE CAMPFIRE / am I alone ???
May 27, 2008, 06:43:14 AM
Am i the only canuck on this board ???? am i alone? aaaaagghhhhhhhhh!
THE CAMPFIRE / does anyone here guide ?
May 27, 2008, 06:03:24 AM
If you do ,  or if you did, or even if you know for sure, I need your help, and I need total honesty, i would like to know what the breakdown is for an outfitter , charging 11,500$ in canada for a grizz hunt, and by break down is what justifies the $ amount, also what is the reason behind the  various gov'ts  forcing non res and non res aliens to hire an outfitter ? btw the 11,500 is the cheapest i have been able to find , it's also part of a long debate going on at a gun forum of all places ,(not hunting forum) and there are some real moronic ideas floating around out there nad i said i would ask , on a forum where i know i can get an honest answer :)
Well Here I was Watching tv last night and found a rather inviting scenario,,,,, there be red stag in quebec ! Huntable population at that ! If anyone is interested check out      //       these guys have red stag and manitoba elk hunts on a private HUGE wildlife hunting preserve (yes is High fence) but enough land to make it as Fair Chase as possible(I have no prob with that ) they limit thier hunts and so on , rates are dirt cheap ! considering how much it costs to somewhere to hunt red stag , (under 5k in quebec and i mean WAY under), price also includes everything, including 2 hunters Check it out if anyone is interested :) I think i may just do this one, one on one guides , can shoot anything i want ,so long as it is a 6x6 or better. I can deal with that :)
HUNTING AFRICA / has anyone here hunted africa ?
May 07, 2008, 08:02:04 AM
There is this old guy at walmart that goes regularly to africa for plains game, he is not a rich man , but he tells me that he has never paid more than 10k for a 7 species plains game hunt, and tells me that africa is the cheapest  place to go for " foriegn " hunts. How accurate is this ? I have seen places offering same type of hunts for untold thousands in the range of 20k plus. For under 10k i'd prob go , but not for those "mortgage your house" deals:)
THE NEED FOR SPEED / military jeep ....
May 07, 2008, 07:18:03 AM
So i'm driving by this used auto dealer the other day , and lo and behold they have a bunch of the neweer version us/canadian  miltary jeeps for sale , you know the ones with the slanted down front hoods etc.... much better fuel efficiency than the old ww2 ones , anyway they have them for sale , complete with  the little utility trailers they pulled , what do you guys think , would it be worth it to pick opne up ? i mean the things are not much more bigger than a john deer gator, and the little trailer is about the same size as the ones sold for the gators as well , is 4x4 and in decent running shape , with plenty of surplus parts available. I'm thinking of a "mini" 4x4 for hunting, think it's worth it ?
THE CHUCKWAGON / Need a recipe for ......
May 06, 2008, 05:33:54 AM
Porcupine and beaver! yes you heard right, i have been told that both are actually very good eating if prepared right , i'll try anything once , and it's not like we don't have a major over abundance of the pesky critters around here. AND! best part is , here , no license needed ! i can hunt year round !!! :)
Ok had to do this, i was on another forum and they asked this question , and the consensus was that the worst gun for anything was the SKS, now if that were true , then why does everyone want them and why are they sold as fast as they are posted? My belief is they are  not great for long range , that i am sure of , unless you do some major modifications on them , but i think they are one of the most overlooked "bush guns " out there , I personally love them , get rid of the clunky wood stock , put a nice Synth stock on it and lower the weight a bit , and you have a nice ,compact semi-auto bush gun ! Accuracy is not bad out to about 4oo yards tops i find. The 7.62x39 round is not that bad either, especially if you handload :) What do you guys think ?  please give honest opinion , I really want to know , I just picked one up after searching for a decent deal and will have it by mid month , came  complete, AND with a butler creek synth stock to boot! for 300 $ which for here is a great deal.
THE NEED FOR SPEED / need some ideas for Jimmy ....
April 25, 2008, 06:40:17 AM
ok I bought an 89 jimmy less than 28000 kilometers on the engine less than 5000 kilometers on the transmission , rocker panels are rusted out and fenders of course , but fixable , no rust into cab and has a  full frame , no unibody! I want to turn this into a super duper bush buggy for hunting, so far i have been given the idea to cut the rust out and replace it with steel pipe , and welding the ends shut, i mean it doesn't need to look original, only very functional in the bush , but roadworthy(of course) any one have any better ideas ? the idea of the piupes is that they are stronger than auto steel , and less of a chance bending the rockerpanels and jamming the door, if a rock get hit or something. need some cool input please :)
THE CAMPFIRE / point blank shooting software.....
April 22, 2008, 06:58:38 AM
can we upload free software ? and if we can does anyone want the pointblank ballistics software ? it calculates  your load etc..... for reloading , goes by make and model, bullet type and so on  gives you accurate  and optimal loads for reloading. If we can't upload it i can send it to anyone who wants it , is free software , and freely distributable

April 22, 2008, 05:44:14 AM
well I broke down and spent some serious $ on a new scope, and these are the BEST scopes made , hands down ! only problem is the "serious Cash" part , they start at 1289 $ canadian. they are called "nightforce" used to be used primarily for the military and are now available to general public. they are almost indestructible. Saw a picture of one used by a soldier, it had a bullet hole in it, and it still worked! it was stuck on 15 power other than that it still worked all the guy did was duct tape the hole so dirt and stuff couldn't get in and he completed his mission with it. Formerly i considered the "huskemaw " scopes the best , but these scopes make anything I have seen out there look like a kids toy! deadly accurate, sighted mine in and shot 1 7/8 inch groups ............ at 450 yards!  Lifetime warranty, each one is hand inspected and "torture" tested "  using a 72 point check list. light transmission is incredible . Check them out if ever you have a "serious" amount of $ to spend , it will prob be the last scope you ever bought.
THE CAMPFIRE / woo ! spring bear coming up
April 18, 2008, 06:18:56 AM
yeeee haaawwww, 5 days till spring bear ! This is the year i'm going to get that huge brute of a black bear that haunts my favorite fishing lake ! Every year i see him fishing in spring and every year i see him without a rifle with me , this year , no go anywhere without my rifle ! This bear is Huge and i mean huge, I have never seen a black bear this big anywhere around here, the conservation guys i talked to say that last time they wieghed him and tagged him he was pushing 800 pounds his last skull measurement was over 15 inches and this was 2 years ago ! I have visions of a full freezer and a rather large full bear rug on my livingroom floor! On another Fine note I finally have my plans finished for my man cave, going to be a 20 x 30 foot building to house all my hunting and fishing stuff, and of course a state of the art wall display case, with security features to prevent unauthorized removal of my "arsenal" :) I also just wrote a rather long reply to "criminal minds"
 in the other section and was logged in , and when i hit the submit button , got told i wasn't logged in and lost the entire reply, i tried again and made sure i was logged in and same thing happened.... a bug ?  please fix :)
THE CAMPFIRE / Check this out.....
April 06, 2008, 12:24:43 PM
Hi All , thought you might like this one ..... hopefully the upload works ok

RELOADING / Need some help ...
March 29, 2008, 06:13:09 AM
Hi everyone , I am undertaking a project and would like it very much if anyone and everyone that reloads, could please assist . My project is assembling optimal loads that others have found that work for them .... the loads i want though are loads in EXCESS of what the current manuals and update magazines state , and of course what others have found to work best for maximum velocity and hitting power. As most of us that reload know, the current brass DOES allow for slightly heavier and accurate loads than what all the commercially available reloading data states, as an example, the 6.5x 55 can be reloaded to a far greater load than what any of the current load books say, and of course i would also like to know what most of you have found to be your best loads. I have this request in quite a few places as well as here but each place has diff calibers, so even if your cal is not in my list please add it if you like. Email me or pm me or whatever way. thanks alot for any and all help, the following are the ones i am atm specifically looking for :   .308 win , 7.62x54r , 6.5x55 , .300wm , 7mm wm , .303 brit, .270 , 30/06 .   thanks again to anyone that cares to help with this project :) Almost forgot I also need to know , which bullets you are using :)

THE CAMPFIRE / richest man in the world....
March 26, 2008, 05:46:31 AM
well i just found it on the net , for 2008 ,    Warren Buffet is #1 , followed by Bil Gates in # 2 spot and can't remember his name , a mexican dude in #3

 Warren worth 65 B   , bill 58 B , and the last guy 56B    , poor soros is at the #80 spot, with warren surpassing bill only because he made some very shrewd investments in 2006 , that netted him 10 B in side of 2 years ! I wish ! Still , I see it as far too much $ for any one man to have , i'd be very very content to have say 2 m ..... just enough  to live for rest of my life and leave the kids with a few bucks, but not so much that they won't learn the value of work !
FIREARMS & OPTICS / remington 710 to the 770
March 26, 2008, 05:37:41 AM
ok  remington has outdone themselves , what a fine rifle ! the 710 was a bit of a lemon, most everyone will agree, then reminton went out and fixed the 710 and called it the 770 and what a fine rifle it is ! i bought one last year and have nothing but praise for it , not too heavy , nice looking, action works properly (not like it's predecessor) and the stock is just lovely and most important of all accurate accurate accurate !  anyone that knows me knows that I don't particularly like remington , I am and always will be a Savage man! but ! Dang it ! if remington keeps this up they could be my second in a heartbeat :)
THE CAMPFIRE / so much for spring ....
March 26, 2008, 05:18:17 AM
Woke up this mornig to -18 C   (0 F) so much for spring  eh ? and to top it all off, we are supposed to get another 3 or so inches of snow up to the 6th of april, but ! it supposed to be a long hot summer, at least so says farmer's almanac, and they have been right for the last 4 years here, i jus need to get out and shoot something, cabin fever ;)

VARMINT/PREDATOR / Cougar in manitoba !!!
March 25, 2008, 09:31:57 AM
I have to find the picture , but it just hit news here that a 2 year old female cougar, was shot up around easterville here, there haven't been much in the way of cougar in many, many , decades here! and I assume where there is one, there must be more , since it was only 2 , the parents must be around somewhere as well don't ya think ? or , do they cover much ground ? I always thought they were territorial

Does anyone here have the savage muzzleloader ? and if yes in the little blurb you get with it it states the loads for imr  smokeless the load is 43 grains, does anyone know if there is an equivalent powder and load in hodgdon ? the imr  powder # is
imr sr 4759         thanks again for any and all help :)